HomeMy WebLinkAboutFormer Vice Mayor Jay Wetz-1968 11111 1
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N. Orlando
Vice Mayor
North Orlando Village Coun-
cil, meeting in special session
last night, accepted, with re-
gret, the resignation of Vice
Mayor Jay Wets and slated
appointment of a replacement
for the June 3 regular council
I meetg.
IWetz,in who has served with i
I the council for the serest four
years, stated in his letter of
resignation hea "no longer could
work to the best interests of the
Remaining members of the
council and Mayor Clifford For-
den each will submit recom-
mendatien for a replacement
after which the mayor will
i view qualifications for each be-
fore final councl vote.
In other business, it was vot-
ed to p urchase a damp truck, at
f $600, for use in the'
roads and bridges department.
Survey made in reference to
garage service in the village
indicates that at least are per
cent of the residents are not
satisfied with s ices they are
receiving. Jordan reports. 1Jis-I
cussion of this manor also will
be on agenda for the June meet-I
Negotiations a e being con-1
tinued with the city of Long
wood for police dispatch serv-
ices and Jordan and Council At-
torney Thomas Freeman will J�/
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Ipresent proposals to the Long-
wood city council at first oppor-