HomeMy WebLinkAboutFormer Commissioner Julian Keller-1968 Julian
G. Keller Appointed
Tu North Orlando Council
By Mary Ann Campbell mother , Mrs. Nihla
NORTH ORLANDO — Clark. For relaxation,
The latest appointment to �� w K e l l e r raises tropical
council is Julian G. Kel- '' fish, does woodwork and
ler. plays golf.
He is filling the unex- He is president of the
pired term of Jay Wetz, �` _ North Orlando Civic As
and is serving as corn- sociation; a member of
missioner of health,beau- the Lutheran Church; a
tification and election. 32d Degree Mason, Scot-
AS saA ys he will strive Kel- tish Rite; and a member
ler says he will strive for
"P ride in P P ert ro " to of the American Society
develop North Orlando for Quality Control.
into a model town. He
believes this town could -46A S).
become the "Garden Spot
of S e m i n ole County,"
with co-operation from JULIAN G. KELLER
the residents. He will . . .Now on council
work to encourage the
residents to improve their specialist with General
own property. Electric in Daytona
Keller also wants to Beach.
work with the garden
club to improve the en- HE HAS lived in North
trance to the town, and to Orlando for seven years,
make roadways a l i v e and resides on South
with flowers and bloom- Fairfax Avenue with his
ing shrubs.
Keller retired as a
chief warrant officer in
the Navy following 23
years as an avionics spe-
cialist. He attended Stet-
son University, and is
now employed as a docu-
ment ation engineering
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