HomeMy WebLinkAboutFormer Mayor Clifford Jordan-1969/1970 C
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Appointment Of Mayor..1
Delayed By N. Orlando (kit
am ag the
NORTH ORLANDO — No the city elections In March. She
action.w taken last night by Council num an ez wait pproved upon third' pressed that anyone may apply
Village Council filling the of- and final reading, the pub* for the y pF y
Fite of mayor. The vacancy utilif,'es franchise with Florida interview and that de!
,Public Utilities fer natural will Interview ent to e,
was created by the resignation Bas An,aPPOlntmant to the Plan-
-Mayor Clifford Jordan to in the village: Councilman W. ring and Boning Hosed treated
run for the County Commis. R. Hurt questioned the maters by the resignation of Hurt,
y being changed and the cost when fie was ,appo{need to .
srion. comparison between this corn- Council,
gn pany and the pp was deferred until
Jordan's resignation is present supplier, next meeting,
rive on. Jan. 4, which is the Suburban Propane Company.
Representative of the natural Council had asked Freeman
regular Council meeting night. gas the legality of .serving Anon.
company, Arthur Maheu, two official boards simuitane-
V{Ilage Attorney Thomas said that the meters would be ously,.to which Ptioeman,skated
Freeman advised that Jordan changed by the company and that this was
is legally mayor through Jan. that the cost was Considerably Iroesibte iP pa
4, and the appointment would
less' ever, bry sal W.involved, How-
ever, he Cud In thn conf of
not take effect presumably,Tan 6, Freeman id pointed out that the Hurt this would be it Council
Therefore, Council presumably franchise did not preclude Su- He pointed out that Council
will make an appointment on burban Propane from doing sits as an appellate body on
the regular meeting night. The business In the village, since Planning and Zoning
appointment will serve until many Persons have expressed DW decisions.n meat
tuns for the a
that they wished to retain this was G appointment
company. Freeman said that councilman, hough, Brown
unn t Indicated tedoany Serest.
Surburbap Propane simply Will has not
not have a franchise. in fitter. any Interest
the mother.
Councilman eis Charles "Rowell In another matter, Council
receind his "CdrisLmo" gift voted to appropriate flinch for
early with the approval by 22 polbs signs In the Meedow-
Council of a maintenance man lark subdivision These were
in the village. Rowell had been requested by Chief Lynn Lyon,
an advocate of this measure for Jr.,
and .morons.. apex.
the past- four years and said
ylekl and slap aigns..ToW. R•
that he was 'real proud of this penditan is BJ19.$4, dmdan
vote of confidence after all noted that this was the ;bet
this time."Council was advised expenditure for algae in the
that this employment would last three years.
increase the village insurance Council also indicated an.Ia.
relative to workmen's comp*. tercet to purchase equipment
Nation, which is paid on a per- for sat firemen
cents in the tillage La.
Se basis of the annual Follette. Included.Chief Robert Lo-
the ma It was decided uon to pay bout and Ina coats n, helrwas
the nub $2 per hour on a tam• boon and costa whleh. was
Pantry beam of two or three 'anted o cost approximately
days a week.' This w o u 1 d $SW. 8owevo,*Cr RE rq.
(Continued ea Page firm cost, but e matter �er11I'
�' Col. 'B (be open for bids.
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