HomeMy WebLinkAboutFormer Commissioner Bill Jacobs-1983/1990 Winter Springs commissioners pick Jacobs to replace Trencher By John Wark appointment. Trencher, who resigned OF THE SENTINEL STAFF June 1 in order to devote more time to � his career, also supported Jacobs. For- WINTER SPRINGS mer Mayor Troy Piland also supported — The city Jacobs. commission has unanimously picked Bill Jacobs to replace Martin Trencher Jacobs began his term, however, by who recently resigned his commission first instructed u involves from his post. first vote. The issue involves the lack The vote for Jacobs had been ex- of sidewalks and the safety of school petted. Commissioners in recent children in the Tuscawilla subdivision. at- weeks pected. C said is was rs in favorite Jacobs was instructed by the city at- because he rarely missed attending a he had earlier refrain from voting because s commission meeting or workshop. he had earlier voted on the issue as a p. member of the code enforcement 1 A former one-term commissioner, board. from 1978 to 1980, Jacobs is manager The city claims that a section of and vice president of the Chelsea Title Tuscawilla should have been built to and Guaranty Co. of Sanford. He had include sidewalks on both sides of the been a member of the city's code en- streets. But the developer, the Winter forcement board, but his term expired Springs Development Corp., contends Tuesday night. that the city should have insisted on The only candidate considered for sidewalks several years ago when the nomination Tuesday night, Jacobs was homes were built and has no jurisdic- sworn into office amid little fanfare tion now. but to polite applause from about 40 The developer wants to put side- people. walks along only one side and along Five candidates applied for the corn- certain sections of Winter Springs mission position. Boulevard and Northern Way. The commission's action — which City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher included Jacobs' nomination, the corn- and the city's staff had worked out an mission vote and then a swearing-in "agreement" that would allow the de- ceremony— took less than 5 minutes. veloper to put sidewalks on only one Although Commissioner Jim Hart- side of the streets. man was absent, Mayor John V. Tor- The issue will be brought up again caso said Hartman had given him a for the commission action at the city's note stating he also favored Jacobs' meeting on July 11. Jacobs tow end careei in politics Winter Springs official still plans to probe deal By Elaine Bennett nF, ,,r OF THE SEMMELSTIFf WINTER SPRINGS — Bill 3a in 1978. Twice defeated since cobs, a city commissioner fat then, he has served one two-ye* slightly more than nine years,. term, two three-year teas art¢ not seek another term in office. filled the unexpired term of a Jacobs, 47, said he will retire commissioner who resigned, when his term Among his achievements as expires in De- commissioner, Jacobs has pushed cember to pm- for more citywide recreational pro- sue "career op- ^, grains,urged commercial dey;elop- p annexation to help re- that may may ties meat and anne may make " Su, tik. duce property taxes, initiated the it difficult to : city's paramedic program and es- attend all re tablished the Beautification of meetings." a Winter Springs board. He said his deci sion also stemmed from Jacobs his continuing inquiry into the city's purchase'%.. Seminole Utilities in April.Jac,- has criticized the transaction. "My investigation should YU,. main objective and should usage have the appearance of being igg Mical,"Jacobs said. The city bought the utilil which serves about 4,000 custoega ers in the Tuscawilla community,FtF for $10.5 million from proceeds of a$12.3 million bond issue. Jacobs asked his peers in July to seek an i independent investigation of the! purchase. Commissioners rejected; his request. Jacobs first was elected to office LL My investigation should 9 0 / remain objective . . . —BM Jacolp