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Battle Over
By MARION BLI7RA pedition of the increase in the applicant was not present for
NORTH ORLANDO hearing at and the
come you do the you them the last on the aged upon a opinion o before
do" might well be
Councilman ai at moved by Councilman Troy people had a voted to express
song at motion the pople ha(again relative toe to
Rowell who Was Granville Brown wl�ights matter who had prvdr•d the
_ night's matter last week. mayor's salary). Rowell a
meeting Village Council.
Subsequently,n the L his tinned,"I want to go on in the ,,
Although"co l'„ i maintained s obvi • tense account" from i40 to and have the clerk insert
minutes that I vote no mayor's r„
ova he fact t t a u 1100 monthly. enda advancement in the S
twat Rowse was disgpi plmoatre al o ispose , and salary.it L not justlged,ha�
that a rneetLg •
public a hearing on Adlp••rant i on was taken In 14 minutes r0 n it ased from from
was ht in one
Mnuest cl a vthe - (trim or's expense inrease) gratisto 100) it houldd the
puhllc -- the ea- and mayor's waited until we.request, also included and "I think it's rather hasty ed have bad a say-so.ao . ...I
'steeling own rked for 7 think we lumped the
p.m.and tiut he was under also
impression of the "avelovk0d by mayor L
items would hired involving
In usual eaLoBro said another y tat council issue will be r eported in a later of the's present
as well as he and story.)
the village clerk.
However, Rowell queried a
petitioner for a special it it
for an additional animal in
household as to what time he
w told to appear and received and
the reply "I called today }na.
was told 7:90 p.m. (this) ,the
customary meeting
i ,,l
Officials Need
To Follow Rules
More Closely
Do all city officials kno*. and IT FINALLY took repeated at-
s tr i c t 1 y adhere to rules of tempts at explanation from the
parliamentary procedure at all mad rand Fema councilmen eforeare n to ore council metyingf? understand the legal procedure
Do all city officials know but only
s t r i c t l y adhere to rules mof involved. e mayor, councilman Troy
parliamentary procedure by 'kr piland and Freeman appear to know
DO SOME city officials know and or utilize rules of order. And even sometimes
Is t r 1 c t I y adhere to rules.,. of they .become bdgg
,council procedure .at. gall sions out of order and make motions
•--acouncil sessional r on top of motions,
You can't even check one of Abe Another gripe: It is not only In _-
v_ keeping with rules of order, but
STONg plain common courtesy to identify
r 1 yourself.
""'"'-' YET, NORTH Orlando officials
often fail to call on befo es the
businessmen appearing- council to identify themselves.
ripbove in the case of North.Orlando Of course the officials know who
epuncil sessions which sometime they newcomer to the about
a who may ed
become circus-like. . citizen interest In
Take their official xam session last belt attending
might perk upicn? R city
Monday as an example. the fast-growing village
le to as making.motions to retain a rules of order more closely.
PERHAPS THE -council should
ce din to even re reconsider the beforea ,rules should
had e c even eefoorider the matter pass a motion (followine tales the had nabbed the time.
Two motion three times he reworded letter) q P
his motion — to the point neither letter) requiring all officials to pass
cello% councilmen, Mayor Gran- a test on rules of order.
It could result in cutting wasted
vitae tFreem or even city hat was time all business while in le ell
Van Freeman could tell what was time spent at meetings,
h You phi thorough manner. city clerk
You tisak wale plight was bon ficient, perhaps, a weary Y
enough? sed- olbe 'Mary Norton and weary reporters
was in heed in to be taking te. all that could attorney home at-a decent hour.
down m the minutes.of the meetmgi.
i �
, Y ilk ^ '
NORTH ORLANDO has been -' $
having its problems with woods ^
and wildfires. Now it is having ■
trouble With the fire trucks. It
seems the large tanker is out of
service with a broken pump. City
officials are expected to approve
purchase of another pump-Monday.
•..Moving at fast pace
North Orlando--Mayor Granville
Brown could well be called the conditions of their dirt roads. It
"man who wants a:plan." The city seems Florida Land Company
executive, who by the way is went into the area to repair he
keeping the city and Council streets at a cost to the developer of
moving at a fast pace, keeps about $5,000.
aslung those councilmen who sug- But roads were damaged furtlien
gest things to "have a plan for as large trucks drove through I e
implementation.". area to begin the re
The mayor contends if a plan is g pair work.
suggested the councilman who RESIDENTS SAID they were
suggested it should have the facts stranded, school buses refused to
and Egpres to back up his idea. come into the section until the
IT APPEARS Brown fully roads were fixed and garbage ser+
intends to see each city official vice was interrupted.
performs his job and has not It was explained the action was
indicated he intends to do the work taken with the full approval of,
if a councilman does not find the council and the citizens were asked
time. Brown just keeps putting the to put up with inconvenience while
item back on the agenda until the the work was underway.
plan is preesnted. The city it was explained, has ny.
money to repair the roads.
meet- One resident suggested the
North Orlando's workshop Ranchland section be placed in,
ing this week was a lively scene. A county jurisdiction believing then
delegation of Ranchland residents the roads would be fixed and
were there to express concern;over maintained on a regular basis.