HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommission-1969 Feeling �� CO UiNCILMAN 6RA1gyILLE
Brown said he had been against open
�I I ditches and unpaved roads m
residential areas and is still against
this. He said the problems the city is
gohtg'through now are an indication
Return Plans what the Y. would have go
later on a larger scale..
After council said it wanted to
By MARY ANN CAMPBELL change its open ditch policy, Mayor
Staff Jordan told council its action was
Gulf- ' °poor and untimely.^.
withdrew°all°zanen6nrequesta,aplet He yearned council, with this not one plans and engineering studies from several wwo Id be mis�getl open but
consideration by North Orlando
Village. Council ;Monday night: - HE ALSO said councilmen
Council however indicated it felt , handled the maalings orly, had been
Gulf-American will probably be - slow to their dealings, kept changing
bask with other plans conforming to their minds, and were wishy-washy.
city requirements. Jordan told council they will have
Gulf-American's action followed to."buckle down and change their
, council's reversal of a policy deck wives:' and claimed council had
Sion last month allowing the land given Go h mentally a "terrible s c
company to drain all its holdings beating both mentally end physical-
with open ditches. Y.
Jordan claimed he was not In
COUNCILMAN DAVID 'Filson who dis ogre Seat.with the motion, but
made teat month's motion to have an said when council makes a policy,
open ditch policy, said he had made they should abide by it.
Row mistwke voted ncil as p Chaitch arles COUNCIL ks, exception to and
dan's remngks, with Keller and
policy also claimed he had,made a
mistake,had thought it over nd was Brown ditches all llal had been against
against open ditches. f open dItcea. along.
Mayor Clifford Jordan asked at- Councilman Charles Rowell said
toruey Thomas F -he felt council has proceeded as
saeman if council rapidly as possible with legal
could create a policy one month and
change it the matters, and cited the many hours
replied it could. and Freeman
worked in behalf of Gulf-American's
Dan Coo r, plans, saying council and zoning
Pe North Ariamlo pro- officials have worked to the best of
feet director for Gulf-American then their ncilma
said all petitions for zoning and all Councilman David 'Filson claimed
plats submitted would be withdrawn
most of the dealings
if council g policy.
nB with ncif-
made a �han a in American had been handled by the
COOPER SAID Gulf-American "executive council " of the council,
American and that council was not appraised
had.gone along with the city for or wht
wreaths,.and had tried to cooperate G what was s plans up a or until
with the city, but If the city did not Gulf-American's inican's pleas were until
want to cooperate, they would the meetings.
withdraw. TILL ALSO said all plans were
submitted with the statement d
Cougcilman Julian Keller said ,'
"Let them withdraw." He added he accordance with plena accepted,"
was not in favor of any developer and the council had not agreed to
using the village for Its own profits. advance acceptance of i any plans.
;Keller said he had to think of the
people living here, and aometime,i
s meope, pope Orlando would ho, f_ /� �
developed properly someone and /9�/
will think shoat the children and
people" living here.