HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommission-1968 N• Orlando „'"' Ii� ° I„ ,,,
Insur a
Pact OKd �1�,� ,;, , ,�1
Bid on incur Ili, I �, i'1
anee coveraga for
1Presentedge of North Orlando ����I, � u,gNll '��[
regent for b nde end Knoblock, ill �ldll �li , I,t lu
anc¢CenEer of Fen P nt Insur- . ItIIR,N%I
amount of $1,309, ark,in the
was secs �l 1111 I�
village ast night's meeting of the I�I,II�tli'”
Knoblock'e bid, which coven I
all nee¢eearY seas of mu
coverage was the sub
muted. a°nly one Sub.
Green,° vt7larmu Mte. Helen!
that oy $e clerk, revealed!
Y 131 residents op the'
Mikity possible 360 eligible Lo vote in Y HYATT i
the Marsh 19 elections had reg-
hetered. Mrs. Green expressed Reporter
keen disappointment in
"lack affairs f interest in municipal
y the citizenry
Jordan TO
are Cliff
rdan and Jay Wetz for may, N
or, Harold (Diek) Longcore for • . Orlando
group 2 counenman; Granville Mrs,
Brown for P 4 coon Carl
and gran Gilman, somea (Mary) Hyatt as�
Allen Cronk and David dotes lode
Jenkins for Y as reporer.
IOne petition ea 3 for oilman. for ezSanf for North Orlantlo
fices of each for the of- Sanford Herald Walter
group mayor and group 2 and A. Gielow, Publisher, bas
P 9 councilmen ➢Op➢CQd. 8p
up but not turn edWBn,ricked Mrs. HYatt re laces
Green stated. Mn Amyia gimbal! P Mrs.
to e other business, because "interests win here
Pointed council a signed'
four men to sera P- chmeb home,
Reserve Poliee F e as a he higher ork, and etude courses'
I orce. In the! eduoatiop tlo not leave;
P are James Drawd 'her tufficient time° she feels is
I Cronk, y, Allen
I Aebuck, due
A to the
Leo Nunnley and Tames A read retailing job.
1 Road fa ept of 220 Bshama
of North pry Ranchlands section
ao member ands, Mrs. Hyatt is
Garden of the North Orlando
Jj_f1 Club and is iaterestes
Q in t the civic and social activities
et the byage. She may es
reached wi telephone at gage
''was and will be available to
eluate Photo be
upon ade-
Her hobbies are Working in
her flowers, needlework and
Sewing. Her husband, Car, is
Plumber and they are the.
Parente of three.Children, two
'grand sera and a eon, and the
Parente of seven.
68. 0 - -r e,
Ca E. Rowell Picked i
For Council Post
By Mary Ann
NORTH ORL&jq the the time working for
Rowell �°an Charles E. ways." age in "'other
mayor elected vice New
meeting.n at is fellow ccouu°- zoning board ointments to the
or Jay Former ice may-9 gar' Mrs. Glen a John Ap-
Y Wetz' resigned and Charles Kelley.° Atchison
W Wefilles seat on the council members ere Floy Green r
with the at the meeting George Duquette,
Julian Keller.appointment o
serve as c Keller will
health h a i r m a n of
election, beautification and
an Jr., Ned with
Stenstro a° attorney M New
Intosh, Sanford slaw d Mo-
tornen firma Refuse Coll
tome will replace at-
villa a judge, Freeman Y Ma Collector Eyed
village Judge, soil as B Mary Ann
paitl will be NORTH p
a yearly ell village
Y salar as
$920. Free perform i
as village man win remain not Council l approved a tion trash its °w° the residents that
ge actor
The zoning board refuse refugee contract village orized Councilmen c 1 a°th' e xp r e ssed disatisfa ion
came in d also C&M Refuse, °tract wit Rowell
h and Charles were not enough to "throw
appointments its share of due to •yin- to contact Julia Keller the man out,"
nts and proper service,• w
_ there
Lions, rest but did' service to another refuse would aunh that
Mayor Clifford $°a °0t mention having next perform be at
dan re d Jor- g the ROear, m the joy customers no matter unhappy
signed as a member service the what
and chairman of the zoning
another W ELL INDICATED O1llage had
People had a u s e enough willing to take service was
fill all been found to would service the lob. and
Torda the seats, and the same $2 me town for
° said he wants to but would i raon[hl
on the 1°pose no limit
6 g amount of cans to be this
Rowell also
not name, whom edw would
a separate would also have
of yard trash, etc for Pickup
A special council
ing 'for June 17 to
cont act for
bage service, another gar-
Only councilman Voting
„no' against
contract renewing
vill ed Brown. Brows main
I 15 per cent of
F- e' 6 - Cc.
(hlrlanLn .ermine)
Thursday, Sept. 12, 1968
--_—_—_ RESIDENTS pay a utili-
ty tax of 10 per cent pert
utility, with a limit of 75
, cents
per utility. Council j
can remove the limit, and
cents the tax a full 10 per
cent, across s the board
During the last fiscal year
7.' °'9 $7,406.47 to the village
Pi No action was taken on
any Increase in taxes, or
any new taxes. Rowell
requested council meet for
a workshop session to fur-
, a ther discuss how much
additional revenue was
needed to hire a mainte-
nance man, and to discuss
how to best get this re-
The town wants a mainte-
nance man to do much of
MAYOR JORDAN the work in the town. It was
. . . Suggests new tax said such an employe could
work a 40 hour week for a
Full-Time year and not catch up on
what needs to be done.
Caretaker the recreation area needs
work, streets need repair,
/. grading needs to be done
Discussed ways
constantly, mowing is al-
wa needed, dead trees
need to be removed from
the entrance to the town,
By Mary Ann Campbell
NORTH ORLANDO — and the town could use a
Discussion of hiring a full- g Rowe csa he
maintenance man took Rowell sai d d he ran for of-
time r
up much of the time at - progress,saying he was for
council meet- rogrese, sad progress
ing. what he is still for, and
It was evident most of the that North Orlando needs
council was in favor of I main,enance man to
having such an employe, I "Clean up its own door"
but money Councilman Croak point-
but y to pay his ed out the elected council-
his wasn't available. men could not do all the I
VILLAGE INCOME is maintenance work re-
expected to reach $15,500 quired, by themselves."
this fiscal period, with Croak said he feels that it
expenses projected at $15,. the village doesn't hire
000. This does not allow for someone for maintenance,
another paid employe, the situation would "get
Mayor Clifford Jordan worse."
suggested council consider 'Finance wn as commissioner
going to a real estate tax so Granville Brown asked for
a plan from other council-
the town can "get money men, as to how to pay such
from land investors who
make their money here." an employe. Brown cau-
Honed council not to put the
Councilman Charles E.
Rowell "wagon before the horse."
suggested council ) -
raise the utility tax to the 1
full 10 per cent per utility. i ___._____ —
He said this is the quickest ]
and easiest way to increase `�- G -�-'l
village revenue
how to best get this rev-