HomeMy WebLinkAboutFormer Commissioner Robert Miller-1997/1998 A new
commish Miller said part of his concen-
tration as a member of the city
for W.S. commission will be code enforce-
ment and increasing the involve-
ment of local citizens in city gov-
Winter Springs residents will emment,particularly encouraging
see a new face on the city conunis- to attend commission meetings.
sion next term when Robert S. "I'd like to see more people get
Miller replaces Larry Conniff in involved in civic affairs such as
District 1. Trade Winds Park,"he said.
Deputy Mayor David McLeod Miller said he wants to see de-
ran unopposed for his District 5 velopment pay its own way, with
seat and will serve his secondterm. "slow, but quality growth. I think
They will be sworn in Dec. 1. if it develops that way,(tax)issues
Miller, a seven-year city rest- will take care of themselves and it
dent,was the only candidate to reg- won't be a burden on the older,
ister for the District I seat,which long-time residents of Winter
Conniff not to seek again. Springs."
Miller, 55, said he sought the Miller said he spent most of his
position because he wants to be a life overseas and was educated in
part of things to come for Winter the Middle East. He served 10
Springs as it enters the next cen- years in the U.S. Air Force.
mry. He worked for General Dynam-
I'd like Winter Springs to look ics and an offshore bank in Cy-
like one of the most highly-desir- press before returning to the U.S.
able places in the county,"he said as a desk officer for the Defense
Monday."I'd like people from ev- Intelligence Agency in Washing-
erywhere to drive through and ton,D.C.
think of this as a place where Miller is a member of St.
they'd like to live. Stephens Catholic Church in Win-
"I want to be involved in look- ter Springs. He and his wife,
ing for the best quality we can get Margo,have three grown sons.
in terms of development along the
434 corridor,"he said."If I get into
government, I play a part in that.
If I don't I sit back and look in from
the outside."
g17 / G
Winter Springs controversy
Dear Editor: Indeed, Commissioner have the attomeyship matter re-
Martinez has already publicly stated viewed by a court to obtain a"le-
Should you intend to publish that he wanted to terminate gitimate court decision".How did
a certain letter dated May 8, Kruppenbacher as have a score you expect to obtain a"legitimate
1998 which was copied to you by other pact mayors and commission- - court decision"if a declaratory ac-
Mr.Michael Jones of Lerner and ers. May I refresh your memory tion was as not filed?
Associates,I believe it only fair with the undisputed facts which you • The Mayor asked me if I
that you publish mine beside his, apparently choose to ignore. would, at no expense to the City,
If you do not intend to publish •As Martinez half-way ex- file such a declaratory action.Be-
thheeJones letter,thenrgnoremine plained,the Mayor had the oppor- cause of an up-coming Federal
Robert S. Miller tunity to name a new City Attor- Court Trial I offered to draft the
(Submitted to the editor) - ney a year ago, but stated that he complaint for another attorney to
wanted to work with the current pursue.Robert Pleus agreed to corn-
Dear Mr.Miller: attorney before making a decision. plete the matter at no charge.
I am,indeed,disappointed in In due time,Kmppenbacher A copy of the draft complaint
yourrecent leaerm the Oviedo Voice advised that he would be resigning was sent to Tom Lang without ex-
and your showing ofeither ignorance the position around the first of the planation and,in[act,Lang had no
or complete stupidity.I was wrong year,but then reneged,as is a corn- prior knowledge of or input in the
in giving you credit for your often- mon practice of Kruppenbacher. complaint.CommissionerMcLeod
tiveness at Commission meetings. •The Mayor advised the Com- threatened and the Commission sub-
Had you and the other Com- mission in December that he would sequently fired Tom Lang as repre-
missigners paid attention,the rea- be terminating Kruppenbacher.The sentative of the Pension Board,
sons for terminating the current without so much as discussing the
City Attorney would not be a Commission then,idiotically,and matter with Lang or myself.
"mystery" to you and the other notwithstanding Martinez'desire • "You state the suit has al-
Commissioners. to fire Kruppenbacher gave a ready cost the City $10,000 with
unanimous vote of confidence to the register still open.How stupid!
Kruppenbacher.Why?! Commissioner McLeod, a busi-
The Mayor attempted to ex- nessman, has a number of attor-
plain his logical and legal position neys who I suspect would be happy
but you chose to ignore common to handle this matter pro bono
sense and two United States Su- (free)or as I advised,I could name
preme Court Opinions which un- half a dozen attorneys who live in
equivocally state that the power to Winter Springs who would be
terminate is attendant to the power happy to handle this simple declara-
to appoint and where a legislative tory action at no cost.
body has authority to approve an You did not consider that op-
appointment, there,is no cone- tion but instead decided to cost the
sponding power to remove. taxpayers a tremendous amount of
After babbling for a month money by ignoring and avoiding
over authority,on February 2nd,the service of process,voting to spend
Commission voted unanimously to $10,000 needlessly and intention-
ally and maliciously delaying a de- court's ruling,and when you and
cision by the court. the current elected of officials are
In the past, I have provided gone the City will be better off for
many public officials with legal ad- the action the Mayor has taken.
vice,pro bono,including Commis- Since you have made such a
sinners Gennell and Mcleod and I fussof the matter,and my Federal
know Martinez and Blake have Trial is over, I will enter a notice
consulted with private attorneys of appearance in this case to as-
regarding City matters. So what sure there is no further waste of
makes this different? tax dollars because I will challenge
Just what is the Commission's any unnecessary tax dollar spent
agenda and why?Is it politics or in this action that is unnecessary
plain stuptdity? and only for frivolous delay in
bringing this matter to a conclusion.
A court will decide the issue
and the City will abide with the Very truly yours,
Michael D.Jones
Miller replies
Dear Editor:
I was disappointed common dencmenatar as does
ppointed but not attorney Jones. But if certain
Jones'rude Metter to me of May 8, and pleasures of individuals or
1998.I have heard him needlessly special interest groups at the city's
use coarse language to others on expense this will be brought before
public occasions and it is difficult the public whom I represent.
to believe that he was Mayor Paul My oath ofoffice and loyalty is
Partyka's candidate for the next to the constitution of our
City Attorney of Winter Springs, and the character of our city If�t its
mayor got ride of Mr. offends attorney, Jones or others
Kruppenbacker. Mr. Jones is around hint,that is truly regrekbk
probably a competent attorney he Regarding the vacuous
appears to be such,but his recent allegations made in Mr. Jones'
approaches to written and verbal letter:I will not refute than
discourse seems more appropriate here as Commissioner Martinez
to third world countries - where already did in his article, "Let's
public civility is reduced to basics Clear the Air!"which appeared in
and serious questions receive only this column on May 7, 1998.
insults and threats. Robert S.Miller
As a public official I have not
taken sides,and will not. I also Commissioner
Winter Springs
refuseto lower myselfto the lowest
Winter Springs political
Dear Editor: the Mayor's chosen instrument to the incumbent City Attorney, the
Some letters have recently replace the current City Attorney man they were to replace!
graced the pages of the Winter of Winter Springs, while Thomas Almost two years ago,Mayor
Springs Voice, from Mayor Lang was the Mayor's second Partyka entered office on a plat-
Partyka's legal associates,Michael choice.Both men obviously stood form of getting rid of the then City
Jones and Mr. Thomas Lang, ac- to gain something if appointed. Attorney.He promised to immedi-
cusing the Commission of Winter Both, in their attacks in the ately hold a public evaluation.But
Springs of being ignorant,idiotic,
Winter Springs Voice,conveniently then he refused to initiate the pro-
arrogant,even... stupid! If the ac-
forgot to mention their candidacy. cess. Had he done so, Winter
cusations sounded fantastic, they Both also forgot to mention that Springs would have had anew City
were.If they sound unreasonable, they had been involved in authoring Attorney long ago.Why the Mayor
they are that too. the Mayor's legal suit against the couldn't do this is still a mystery.
Until recently Mr.Jones was City of Winter Springs to get rid of Then, out of a clear blue sky last
controversy continues
December, the Mayor informed when he did,the Commission re-
the Commission there would be no fused to accept his edicts.
evaluation because he didn't need Then on March 13, 1998,
to hold one. the Mayor sued each Commis-
He put the Commission on sioner over their December refusal
notice that he alsodidn't need its to go along with his plan. Later,
concurrence,and he was unilater- MayorPartyka realized his suit was
ally terminating the City Attorney. spurious,and aboutto be thrown out
The Commission pleaded with him of court,so next he sued the City of
to at least comply with the rules of Winter Springs on May 12, 1998,
the City Charter,or alternately,ini- accepting service papers himself in
tiate the evaluation process he had his capacity as Mayor-naturally!
so often promised.He refused,and Two weeks later he again re-
alized that this too was a mistake
and his case would be thrown out.
So on May 29, 1998 the Mayor
serviced the Deputy Mayor of our
City,Cindy Gennell.
So,now its official!He is su-
ing the whole city of Winter Springs.
But what is this all really about?At
the start of this fray the previous
City Attorney quit anyway!So why
continue this debacle?
?1 / n Once again I call upon Mayor
Partyka to withdraw his suit and
end this waste of time and taxpay-
ers money. There is so much that
the City needs to deal with, and
his frivolous suit is not one of
them. Robert S.Miller
Commissioner,Winter Springs