HomeMy WebLinkAboutFormer Commissioner Martin Trencher-1983 Choice of Trencher; in Winter. Springs comes as a surprise By Sid Kirchbeimer fled," said OF THE SENTINEL STAFF Linville who neat. The selection hated the WINTER SPRINGS— of former city commissioner Marty term one- .y•. Trencher as Maureen _Y terra onm- mein on the ommission�prised a.lot mission et Trencher than of P j pile—n believe more ^and Trencher. round of first voting. "He was a good corn- "I a 39-year-old Highlands entrench choice aioner and I knew he'd be a good Mon res4ent who lost a bid for f mayor's .fpb to John Torcaso in the I felt Mike the job was cause o his Nov 2 Muificl the nation:Inr res job bo a said.. his pal gigolo-"I didn't id i'y genuine encher w was Grove said. "Rut fact the votemgo the way it did and .my from what I had heard,It wasn't going and Trencher was mi first him in to go my way." H Ins! ft I would have." him in The Vote, which took about 40 min- the rent�'I swam into office utes, involved nine of the 16 people Trencher was sworn in an will 'm- utes, who applied for the Job. "It was a his four g the tote,and will loin night full of aurprisea," said Torcaso, his coduled Meeting On an. regular- night who did not vote. �'scheduled thte 9yaasr poet on an. 11. Each.commissioner was allowed enmity. gioydiVgy .wih two00ars three nominations. Commissioner- wut two years Leanne Grove nominated Mike remaining Win office,only but ro g hthe to replace his.wife on the ommiesioon,n, November appointment will br only tt on. the but neat w10d for him Noermhir shoo city gone to Then Commissioner Jim Hartman newt_ wyear. aomaMe to Besse oaten _wn people and made second Three of the 16 applicants were els- orations re, but cast hid voting began became vote tot n$j one nominee, Harm they qualified Wit Reid. trvagrp6rItjlKe reg'�iteead::3o vote In otad�ei!Win Attiring aolett Nine can 'tys were nom inatad Dated -,the that ebrea`tdrmps,of which fans AdAdk Trendier ins the finally chosa'when newcomer John MM./ kins act t Is", kaa were etuatabed from the list be- Grow and Commissioner cause for. hair nominations vile had voted rep tot LO- °°o'�°d• rand at Trencher m ivory Of the eas¢p leh, toe[ received oUog' votes from the commissioners. They After o!be candidates, I-. Ir to eiL.Tr r, $�d. Rq end considered to be the best quell- P/eroe see 8lO, 12 fa_ /a. Phone doesn't ring so Trencher delays word, on resignation By John Wark OF THE SEMMEL STAFF WINTER SPRINGS — Commissioner Martin Trencher,who planned to announce Tuesday wheth- er be was going to resign from his city seat today, has left the decision hanging. The commissioner said his decision was only a telephone call away Tuesday. But the call did not come. Consequently, Trencher was forced to push back the announcement, which he now expects to make today. In a phone interview late Tuesday afternoon from his Orlando office,Trencher said he was still waiting to hear from his company's California office on de- tails that will determine whether he accepts a new job with his company that will involve relocation. Trencher, formerly the general manager of the Stars Hall of Fame attraction near Orlando,has been offered a Job In Flint, Mich., as vice president of an automobile museum now under construction. Tentatively called Auto World, Trencher said the museum is a joint venture between the Bally Manu- facturing Corp.,which owns Stars Hall of Fame,and the Mott Foundation. Trencher is now managing a group of restaurants in the Midwest for Bally and Is dividing his time between the firm's Orlando and Chicago offices. The city commission agreed to begin looking next week for candidates to replace Trencher if he does resign. A two-time commissioner and unsuccessful may- oral candidate, Trencher unexpectedly announced his intention to resign May 24 after five months in office. Unlike all other current city commissioners,. Trencher was appointed rather than elected to his position after former city Commissioner Maureen Boyd resigned the same commission seat in December. Boyd resigned because of a state law that prohib- its elected officials from holding two offices at the same time. Boyd's job as a Winter Park police offs- 0 S seat.r 4+ PpiPJgd a public office and, rather than ' 8e�egeaad.+kacemmiaena. seat. Trencher quits Winter Springs mmissier, who-served on the s I ran commission once before and alas UDaU°°esa hecor mayor, wes commission aPPomted Dy the commission to replaco Maureen Boyd last pecans ber, Boyd reaigttel tWo it became BY John Wark known Ba vi a head two pubBc po- OF THE SENnNEL STAFF artless, a Vk>)ation.of ate Boyd is a Winter Park state lice —�� officer, Police WINTER SPRINGS — City Trenbher's company underwent Commissioner Martin Trencher a °Wor reorgtinlaetion earlter thin has announced he will resign his year. The commisaioner, aho commission seat June 1 and move changed jobs twice in the wake of to Flint,Mich. the reorganization, Trencher said he is being made working recently began vice president,chief operating and has Pats time out of CNcago. cer and °ffi-- missed several commis- geaeral manager of a $70 sion meetings. cr -,. attmillionm .ctlon tourist I Please see TRENCER, 10 called Auto World now 4` under construe- „.... J tion in Flint. Trencher's resignation .m ,z:' came out of the .3 blue in the mid- dle of Tuesday's , regular eommis- TRENCHER which shows wax Trencher aion meeting, meat celebrities. H gm'ea of entertain- catching his fel- From 1 low commissioners off guard, Trencher said Tpesdgp he feels"bad Only five months ago, Trencher that we just went through this (tip. was appointed to his seat by the Ppintment procedure) back in same commissioners who must His company, Bally Manufacturing December.” now find his replacement. The Corp.,owns the Six Flags Stars Hell of After commission took immediate steps Fame in Orlando. Until earlier this the pleasure thanking serving m to do that Tuesday. year, Trencher was general than The city charter calls for the re- manager Trencher said, "I'd like to come back of the Stars Hall of Fame attraction, in a few years-" maiming city commission to ap- point point a replacement rather than -call for a citywide election. The board plans to discuss nomi- nations and the nomination proce- dure at its meeting June 14 and hopes to appoint Trencher's re- placement by June 28. Individual commissioners said Tuesday it was too early for them to name candidates they might nominate for Trencher's seat. The city charter permits any resident (' of the city to be nominated for the 63 Q�o $1_200-a-year-post- fo Job takes city commissioner away from Winter Springs duties By µrd _ missed two meetings and a work session. Cc WE ISOM BWF "I've always traveled In my lob and it rarely interferes with my commie- WINTER SPRNGS — People here aion work;'Trencher said. "I consider have begun to ask, 'What's happened this t obe a one-time thing" to Commissioner Martin Tre ncher?" - His absence, however, hee worried The answer: He's been up to Tom the commission because without Foolery in Chicago. . Trencher a stalemate now is possible But that is no cause for worry on the five-member commission. "I do not anticipate at this point any At a workshop meeting earlier this interference with week, Mayor John Torraso assigned my civic schedule," commissioners Inez Linville and Trencher said Leanne Grove to talk with Trencher Wednesday in a about his ebaence. telephone interview However,that visit could add to the from Chicago. , problems. Bsily'e Tom Fool- Whenever more Nm two commis- ery is an out•ot- .. ,,�, sionere get together about city buai- state nhem of eight : nees,the public is supposed m be no- restaurants of which w t tined In advance when and where. Trencher is a vice Trencher agreed Wednesday that president. The Truneher sucha visit Probably would WOlate the chain is owned by state's Sunshine law. Bally Manufacturing Corp., which also But, he said, what bothered:Lim owns Stare Hall of Fame m Orlando. , more was that he'told City 6lenager Trencher vowed to attend the next Richard Rozanaky where he would be commission meeting Tuesday and ex- over the past few ;owners plained how.his recent move from "1 nose m let the the, know Stara Hall of Fame to vice president of what I'rn doing and not the {nbividual the restaurant chain has meant work- commissioners,"meld TrencSor. the oustaure MRCc m hica as well City attorney Frank r in hell said Wednesday he intend _ to fell as Du ig these flex few weeks at his commissioners they would have to ao- new,job he has spent more time in - tlty the press o such a meeting but Chicago. As a result, Trencher has had not yet donera S'3 oflair Winter Springs commissioner says resignation isn't definite By John Wark Flint, Mich., he intended the resigna- ar THE SENTINEL STAFF tion to be"tentative." The commissioner bade his col- leagues goodbye in a short speech, WINTER SPRINGS — Commission- saying he was "90 percent sure" that er Martin Trencher says now that it Is he would take a job as vice president not definite whether he will resign his of a car museum now under construe- city position as he announced last Non near Detroit. Tuesday. He also told the commission he Trencher said he'll decide today hopes to return to Winter Springs whether he will vacate his commission some day. seat effective Wednesday. Whether the resignation was tents- . In a telephone interview from De- Live or not, the commission decided -trait on.Friday,Trencher said when he last week after Trencher's farewell announced his resignation Tuesday speech to start planning to look for and said he planned to take a job in replacement at its next meeting. X305 3 /