HomeMy WebLinkAboutBattle Over Attorney-1997/1998 8 `755 .w—_. nw ;o5tS8 0pp § '. “' ' w83 0 S
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Mayor's effort
fails to dump
city attorney
❑Winter Springs commissioners back
Frank Kruppenbacher, but the mayor
continues to push for his dismissal.
By Will Welton
Winter Springs Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher re-
ceived a unanimous vote of confidence last week af-
ter Mayor Paul Partyka announced he wanted to ap-
point a new attorney
Partyka has been trying to encourage Kruppen-
bacher to resign for several
months. Kruppenbacher has been
Winter Springs attorney for 15
Partyka has the power to ap-
point the city attorney and city
clerk. At Mondays commission ,
meeting, Partyka asked for sug- -. -c--
pce on Kruppenbacher's re-
plame evt
Ho .
However, the commissioners
said they did not want to make a
change. Kruppenbacher
Commissioners David McLeod
and Michael Blake chastised Partyka for acting inde-
pendently of the board.
Partyka has been considering former Winter
Springs attorney Mike Jones as a replacement Jones
is one of several candidates.
Kruppenbacher is an attorney for the Orange
Please:-ee ATTORNEY, K-4i
Attorney general will be consulted
ATTORNEY from K-1 Even Ed Martinez, the past president of the Tim-
cawilla Homeowners Association, voted in favor of
County School Board, the city of Apopka and han- Kruppenbacher. The association's newsletter has
dies labor issues for several cities in Central Florida. called for Kruppenbacher's removal for years.
He also represents Time Warner Communications. In Martinez said he does not think Partyka has the
the past, he has been the attorney for several other independent power to remove the attorney.After the
Central Florida governments. meeting, Martinez said he is not eager to make
After the meeting, Partyka said he decided to changes and wants to hear more facts.
make an attorney change because Kruppenbacher Martinez and Robert Miller were attending their
was too busy to be city attorney and had turned the first meetings as commissioners.
duties over to an associate, Bob Guthrie. Partyka said he will continue to pursue replacing
We did not hire Guthrie," Partyka said. "Frank is Kruppenbacher. He is seeking an opinion from the
supposed to be our attorney." state attorney general as to the mayor's power under
Commissioner Cindy Gennell made a motion of the city charter.
support for Kruppenbacher,which was approved 5-0. "We have got to sort this thing out,"Partyka said.
j7 /: i &_
Winter Springs Commission
honors two, head off -lawsuit
_ A lawsuit was probably avoided,a peti- compelling reasons to go ahead and pass the the Year and is in the running for the state
non on the telecommunications towers was ordinance with the Schrimscherpropertyex- honor, and for Winter Springs resident
heard, and two ceremonial proclamations eluded,to head off other interests. Michelle Robinson,who was named Student
marked the Winter Springs Commission meet- "It looks like we could have an even bet- of the Year at Oviedo High. "She has volun-
ing Monday night ter plan than we hoped for originally if we tared 250 hours at Keeth elementary,and has
Ater lengthy arguments by attorn rJim wait"McLemore said.The vote was arrant- received sehowships from
Willard who represented the Schrimschers, mous. ���low
Target, said in presenting Alpha award.
owners of parcels of property formerly in- Community Development Coordinator Partyka said inpreswtingthe award.
eluded in an ordinance to create a"Town Cen- Thomas Grimms was in the hotseat for Resi- Other business found Tuscawilla resi-
ter"Overlay Zoning District,the commission- dent Elizabeth Gregg's objections to the tele- dents objecting to the widening of Winter
en withdrew all of the Schrimscherproperty communications tewerin the Ra bt"nds.Pre- Springs Boulevard.Tom O'Connell,first vice
from the ordinance for 30 days"because we're seating a petition from the Homeowner's president of the Tuscawilla Homeowners As-
very close to an agreement with the city" Association there, Gregg pointed out there sociation,said that the widening of the road
Willard said. City Manager Ron McLemore were better sites for the towers on adjoining signals to the"city of(mode that we will help
.agreed, and as Commissioners David Florida Power m city drainfield land. their traffic problem"Jim Matthew,President
McLeod,Cindy Gennell,and Michael Blake Grimms said that the towers would prd* of the Chelsea Homeowners Association,ech-
,resisted the withdrawal of al the Schrimscher ably be 180 feet tall,of solid construction,and oed O'Connell and said he represented 21
property(back to an agreement toTuskawilla that there would be five of them in the city Homeowner Associations within the
Road,prior to January of last year),City At- They would overlap if they were placed in or Tuscawifia PUD."The widening will destroy
torney Frank Kruppenbacher made clear that near the center of the five areas,thus provid- the center median with its grass,trees, and
the whole Town Center property would be in ing telecommmdcations for the city. flowers.The roads in Tuscawilla are collector
jeopardy if there were a lawsuit over the "We have to wait for borings and other roads,not arterials,"he said.
Schrimscher's property. tests before we can pinpoint exactly where in Charlie Caciabeve,the city's lawyer re-
"We're going to reach an agreement that the areas they will be,"Grimm said. ported on the status of the suit with Mikes.
will benefit everyone,"McLemore said,and It was agreed that the site,objected to by "The plans provided don't comply with the
Attorney Willard concurred, saying there Gregg,would be modified. settlement agreement,"he said,indicating at
would be no development plans in the interim The alternate site,to the North of Florida the city would bring the matter to the Court
Mayor Paul Partyka asked`why not defer the Power on city land,would be utilized. Docket in September, the first month that
entire ordinance--instead of passing this The two proclamations were for Win ter Mikes lawyer would be available,
piecemeal?' and again Attorney Springs High School Principal Wayne Epps, "I thought we were going to get this thing
Kruppenbacher and McLcmore said these were who was named Seminole County Principal of settled soon,"McLcmore said,"but this is the
soonest we can meet with Judge Jensen,who
is going to hear the case,and the lawyers for
the other side."
Also,commissioners were getting impe-
1 tirot with the contractor on the John Govoruhk
Public Safety Complex."It was supposed to
be finished in April,and I was out there last
7 N weekend and there was no activity on Satur-
�/ e) 0 day late fee McLemore darUane were
! extenuating circumstances, as did
! Kruppenbacher,but both agreed to levy the
fine if there wasn't some activity next week-
A new Wanter Springs sign was unveiled
which will mark the city's entrances."There
were five different designs,but we decided to
keep it simple,"staff said.
Mayor's suit City's lawyer is.
could cost him distancing himself
his position from the battle
❑ Winter Springs Mayor Paul Partyka has e MAYOR from K-1 '
engaged the City Commission in a complex y whether the removal law applies
fray over who can fire the city attorney. °; to the mayor. This silly ordinance
Kruppenbacher, who wrote the does not apply to me.
By Will Wellons :1 1995 law, said he is trying to stay
-, . I don't understand
or rae SFMMEL sTAFF out of the fight between the may- •
'1 or and commissioners. why it has got to be so
Kruppenbacher is weighing
WINTER SPRINGS—Winter Springs Mayor Paul Part whether his fire would issue a complicated.
ka could lose his job because he sued city commissioner. ruling because he has a conflict in
-Paul Partyka,or not Partyka is removed from the mayor's offra4 the case.
depends on the interpretation of a 1995 . :.1 "We are trying to stay 9 million Winter Springs mayor
city law. �.. an miles away from this," Kruppen-
Monday, city commissioners are -• said. •
expected to debate that question during City commissioners passed the have agreed to hire the Holland&
a special meeting at 6:30 p.m. at City automatic removal law when the Knight law firm to defend their
Hall. {{ lliscawilla homeowners associ- •position in court. Holland &
Winter Springs has a city ordinance f f ar ation sued the city over the Ovie- Knight attorneys will be paid$180
that says anyone on a city board who do Marketplace mall. At the same an hour up to $10,000. The com-
sues the city is eligible for automatic re- time,a homeowner representative mission also said commissioners
moval from their post. , was serving on the city planning can hire their own attorneys to de-
"This silly ordinance does not apply board. fend themselves since each was
to me," Partyka said after being told The law is geared to directors named in Partyka's lawsuit.
about the law Partyka filed a lawsuit Partyka , of organizations that sue the city, Partyka has arranged for his at-
against all the city commissioners in 1 Partyka said. tomeys to work for free so his side
mid-March to get a ruling from a Seminole County Circuit; However, Commissioner Mi- would not cost taxpayers any
judge on whether he has the right to fire city attorney Frank chael Blake said the law may money.
Kruppenbacher. mean that Partyka will have to "It is not responsible to spend
Under city rules, the mayor has the power to appoint a give up his job as mayor. the taxpayers' money on some-
city attorney. Commissioners must ratify the pick. "I think it's pretty clear to me," thing so simple,"Partyka said.
Commissioners have ruled that terminating a city attar+ Blake said about the law. Commissioner David McLeod
ney is a commission decision.Commissioners have also vot-; Partyka said his legal challenge said the whole issue can go away
ed unanimously to support Kruppenbacher. over his job responsibility is not a if Partyka would drop his lawsuit.
Now, the city attorney Partyka wants to fire could help typical lawsuit. "The whole thing does not
advise commissioners whether Partyka himself can be be He said he is not seeking any need to be there," McLeod said.
removed from office over the lawsuit. money or damages against the "Is he IPartykal a big enough
Commissioners have asked attorney Bob Gutherie —an city,but just wants a ruling to de- leader to back off and to realize
associate in Kruppenbacher's private law firm—to research fine his role as mayor. what position he has put the city
"•I'm truly disappointed,"Party- in?"
1 Please see MAYOR, K-4 ka said. George Sealy,a Winter Springs
[ "I don't understand why it has resident and government watcher,
got to be so complicated." said the matter is an embarrass-
Kruppenbacher with the ment.
blessing of commissioners — has "It needs to be resolved like
turned over day-to-day city attor- right now," Sealy told commis-
ney duties to Gutherie. Kruppen- sioners.
Gi g 0 3 a / bacher,the Winter Springs city at- "You have tamed this whole
torney for 16 years, has not at- thing into a joke. Everybody
tended a Winter Springs meeting needs to remove their shoes from
this year. their mouths and wait for a judge
Meanwhile, the commissioners to rule."
'Mayor stays,
attorneys go
in tug of war
❑ Winter Springs Mayor Paul
Partyka's lawsuit over the right to
fire the city attorney won't cost
him his job, an attorney said.
By Will Wellons
WINTER SPRINGS—The mayor will stay
and the city attorneys will go.
Two announcements on Monday by city at-
torneys Frank Kruppenbacher and Bob Guth-
rie may defuse a growing power struggle
among elected leaders over the city attorney's
First,Guthrie told commissioners that May-
or Paul Partyka was not in danger of forfeiting
his job because he sued city commissioners in
Partyka is asking a Circuit Court judge to
decide whether the mayor or the City Commis-
sion has the authority to fire the city attorney. it
Commissioners called Monday's meeting to
find out whether the lawsuit would cost Party-
ka his post. A city ordinance requires mem.
bers of advisory boards and the City Commis-
sion to give up their jobs if they sue the city.
Guthrie told commissioners that the 3-year-
old law does not apply to the mayor because
he is not mentioned in the law.
Guthrie then shocked commissioners by
passing out a memo from him and Kruppen-
bacher stating they would resign as city attor-
neys after a judge ruled on Partyka's suit.
Kruppenbacher's firm has the support of a
majority of the commissioners. But Partyka
announced in December he wanted Kruppen-
bacher fired. After that, Kruppenbacher turn-
ed the daily attorney duties over to Guthrie.
Kruppenbacher has served as city attorney
since 1982.He did not attend the meeting,but �)
said that quitting was the only way to resolve "/ d U
the matter.
He said the mayor is entitled to an answer
to his suit. Kruppenbacher also said the new
city attorney must know the rules:
"It is critical to the city to figure out who
controls the lawyers. It is always my belief
that I responded to the full commission."
Partyka, who was pleased with Monday's
developments, said he would move along
quickly with getting the suit resolved.
'We are going to get an answer and move
forward with something that everybody can
agree to,"Partyka said.