HomeMy WebLinkAboutFormer Commissioner Burley Adkins-1981 Winter Springs commissioners
won 't seat Adkins until Dec. 7
WINTER SPRINGS — Burley Adkins may be the
new kid on the block, but other city commissioners
aren't sending the welcome wagon for hint
In fact, they are making things tough for the city's
newest commissioner.
Last week,the 37-year-old Tuscawilta resident mar-
rowly defeated former councilman Bill Jacobs to re-
place the retiring Wilfred Arnold on I e commission.
He was to take Arnold's commission Mat Dec.7.
But In a letter to the commission. Arnold said he
didn't think he could be effective as a lame-duck
commissioner and resigned, asking Commissioners
to immediately swear In Adkins.
No wry,his colleagues said.
"I don't Think that would be appropriate:Commis-
sioner John Torcaso said in making a Motion to stop
Adkins from immediately replacing Arnold. Torteso
would not elaborate but the motion was quickly
It Is no surprise that commissioners its unhappy
about Adkins'Nov. 3 victory over Jacobs by 3e votes.
Jacobs was favored by most commissioners,and one
Contributed to his campaign. -
Arnold, who served three years on the renamed
council.did not seek re-election because he said he
was tired"of being a minority of one."
Remarks anger adjustment board
WINTER SPRINGS — Beat a Aquateent Chair-
man Charles Chute said Wednesday he might resign
because of remarks made by Commissioner Martin
Trencher at Tuesday's commission meeting.
W think Commissioner Trencher's remark about
the board not doing its homework was out of line and
I I don't know whether it will come to any action, but I
am considering leaving the board becase of that,"
Chute said.
While discussing the board decision not to grant
North Orlando Water and Sewer Corp.the necessary
permits to spray treated sewage emuent In a residen-
tial neighborhood, Trencher accused the board of
not doing its homework" before making the decision.
The Winter Springs-based utility company ap-
pealed the board's Oct. 15 decision at Tuesday's
commission meeting, where commissioners over- 6 /
ruled the board's decision and gave the utility corn- / //
pany approval to spray effluent In the Ranchlands.
Ellen Weiss and Al Davis, members of the volun-
teer civic board, also expressed their displeasure
over Trencher's remark. In a letter written to Trench-
er,Weiss demanded the commissioner make a public
"1 don't want to add smoke to the fire," said
Trencher, "but no apology is necessary. In making
Ns presentation, Mr. Chute made several statements
he could not substantiate. He talked of potential
health problems(and)potential decreases in proper-
ty value,all of which were unfounded.
"His remarks were based on emotion,not fact and
they should have been based on facts,not emotion,"
Trencher said,