HomeMy WebLinkAboutLand Plan-1992 Winter Springs faces
deadline or penalties
By Elaine Bennett voted 4 to 1 to pay Goodrow
orraaesanas�srnrr $20,800, in addition to the $7,400
already approved, to complete the
WINTER SPRINGS — The city Commissioner Terri Donnelly
has received an extension until voted against the additional fee
March 18 to resubmit its compre- for Goodrow. She also voted Mon-
hensive plan to the state. day night against spending money
The state Department of Corn- for two new fire trucks or to build
munity Affairs granted the exten- a 2,800-square-foot extension for
sion and agreed not to impose any administrative offices for the fire
penalties if the city continued to department.'
work closely with the agency in Donnelly said later that she
revising the plan and met the couldn't "justify a dollar that we
deadline. spent tonight. We are in a reces-
Engineering consultant Fred sion right now and I cannot justify
Goodrow, who was hired by the one of those expenses this year."
city to help complete the plan, Donnelly said she is aware the
said he has maintained "an open city could lose revenue sharing
dialogue with the DCA." money, giants and other money
Goodrow said he and his assis- needed to maintain the same level
tants also recently completed a re- of services in the city if the com-
view of the entire plan, organized prehensive plan isn't submitted
a work program and met with city by the deadline.
staff to determine what informa- She said, though, that the city
tion still is needed to get the plan already spent about$30,000 for an
completed and submitted by the attorney last year to help work on
deadline. the comprehensive plan. With the
He said a revised edition of the additional fees for the engineering
plan should be completed in mid- consultant,"it seems there are on-
March and submitted to the City going expenses putting this plan
Commission for approval by together. I have a problem justify-
March 13, three days before the ing another$20,000.
state's deadline. Goodrow said ev- "We're spending from a dark
ery effort will be made to ensure hole," she said,adding,"If we are
that the plan complies with state fined,then we will just have to be
requirements, but he can't guar- forced to adjust our budget ac-
antee it will be approved by the •cordingly."
state without further revision. Earlier in the evening, City
If the city doesn't complete a Manager Dick Rozansky said put-
plan by the new deadline, the ting together a comprehensive
state could impose penalties that plan is an "overwhelming job. It
might include the loss of money can't all be done in-house because
to improve roads,bridges and util- we don't have all the expertise to
Ries, along with revenue-sharing do it. So,if we have to pay$20,000
money and grants for recreation. more to.get the plan completed,
Meanwhile, city commissioners then that's what we must do."
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Winter Springs has a,).titi
confidence in new plan
By Elaine Bennett too stringent.
acne eereascsuw Engineering consultant Fred
Goodrow cautioned that the state
wants more than 10 percent of the
WINTER SPRINGS — Finally land protected.
it's over.Or,is it? Another objection to the plan
Winter Springs is ready to re- was raised by Ginny Thomas, a
submit its comprehensive land Seminole County resident repre-
plan to the state Department of renting her neighbors in the Clif-
Community Affairs, but an engi- ton Springs community. Thomas
neering consultant hired to help said the residents oppose the plan
complete the plan and the city's because it calls for urban develop-
attorney said it might be returned ment adjacent to their neighbor-
for additional information. hood. The community, zoned low-
They assured city commission- density residential and wedged
err Monday night, though, that between the southern shore of
they don't expect the state to im- Lake Jesup and north of State
pose any penalties. Road 434, is located just west of a
After a 21A-hour public hearing, proposed beltway ramp.
commissioners unanimously ap- Nearly 100 residents in the 70-
proved revisions to the plan.The home community bad signed a pe-
city submitted its first draft last tition requesting the city rezone
spring, but the state asked for the properties north of S.R. 434
more details. and south of Lake Jesup as subur-
lhe endorsement came after min- ban, recreation and conservation
missions changed pert of the plan areas,Thomas said
that had called for developers and City commissioners took no ac-
properly owners to protect 25 per- Lion on that request.
cent of the natural vegetation on City Attorney Frank Kruppen-
land not considered wetlands. basher said the state likely will
Commissioners reduced the re- want more information about the
quirement to 10 percent after a city's revised plan.But,he said he
developer and several attorneys believed additional questions
representing other property own- could be resolved easily and the
en said the higher percentage was plan approved.
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