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Westgate to grow by 86 acres; September 29, 1994
Oviedo Crossing annexation to follow?
by Ralph Bormet
Oviedo city government un- Thenorthem section isdesi
veiled a plan Sept 6 to annex 86 for industrial land use. Alllnndd p�mllwhch would lie estof.
acres of what is known as the uses are compatible with the city ping maln which would lie west of
Westgate Area. Without this area comprehensive plan land use des- �Oviedo, ho
coming into the city, a voluntary ignatio Oviedo, however, through the
annexation of the Oviedo °s• according Sery to a Plan r itsweroeemineht d WestG tec with entitled,Westgate Area." Plan for its ptaspatofthectycomptecon-
irtg development at a later date the Westgate Area,*
might not be possible.A final pub- sve plan, couldcitycemyreorce
lic heart on the n Oervic would stgate. all ors con plat, cofla road acr s the
hearing annexation is- ban services septic Westgate.would Houses construction o of l road across the
sue is scheduled for Monday,Oct. served by septic tanks would re- easement Itwouldbe willing mdo
3. main so indefinitely. The city
The area of the involuntary an- would provide maintenance of. exed�othe ciiufrom unre or-
ne ation is bordered generally on what are now private roadways city from unincor-
the northby Winter Springs Bon- within the Ys poBut if proposed 86-.
levard,on the east annexation area and But o the proposed t6-ofre the an-
426,on the south by State Road build new roads after were and Greeneoa area east of the
Road and on the west the CCeen engineering A 192 traffic stuccirculation r were made. limits Way were left outside city
tral Florida GraneWay. A19thfuturgrowtsmdy limits mighthemaliwas creation
Y atlas djactnttoSR 426 and side courts unincorporated enclave. on
The proposed annexation area ernes adjacent to SR 426 aM side of an unincorporated enclave
contains 21 parcels of land,rang- streets were stymied by the narrow Hence,the annexation of these
ing in size from.303 acre owned state road. The city council voted 86 acres would do two things;first,
by Seminole County to 12.1 acres then to build a connector road be- it would solidify the western-gate-
belonging to The Viera Co., the tween Winter Springs Boulevard to-the-city concept dreamed of
real estate development arm of A. and Red Bug Lake Road.
Duda&Sons,Inc. About 31 per- Winter Springs years ago;and secondly,r the it recent con-cent of it is undeveloped,while 69 servation easement Pocepro erty smooth the way for the recent
percent is developed for single- already within Oviedo along the thecitty through te�tetinntthe
family residences with large ar- south side of Winter Springs Bou- near future.
eas reserved for stormwater reten- levard.It is this easement that has If approved at the final public
tion related to the expressway and prevented The Viera Co. from hearing Oct. 3, the annexation
other roads.Thearea has 11 homes building an access road between referendum election will be held
Seminole County's future land- Red Bug Lake Road and Winter Nov.8 solely for registered voters
use designation for the southern Springs Boulevard. Without such within the area to be annexed,as it
portion of the area consists of high a connector, The Rouse Co., de- consists of less than 5-percent of
intensity planned development,as velopers of the proposed mall for the city land area or population.
well as commercial and office use. Oviedo Crossing, would scrap
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City council okays mall annex:
fight looms over connector road
on Oviedo's west side took another step Road and runs adjacent oh the RCe Bug prevent d Winter Springs has vowed to
Monday when the City Council, as ex- Florida Greenway, The connector would The controversy involves a l0-foot strip
peeled,accepted a preliminary plan to an- extend from the mall and cut through the of land,an easement that runs along the
nex 161 acres for the project.The next stop Tuscawilla community to Winter Springs southern edge of the Tuscawilla commu-
is the Coun yCommission,which will have Boulevard.
the final say on approving the mall. Although annexation moved smoothly nity to State Road 426.
The council took public comment prior through the council,a storm appears likely which the connector would have to cross,
to its unamimous vote, and most of the as the cities of Winter Springs and Oviedo and the fcity says git will not grant Oviedo
testimony concerned the developer's de- square off over the proposed connector.
permission to cross it.
sire to builds connecting road from the mall The developer,the Viera Co.,a subsidia ry Ovideoofficials say they will goto court
to Winter Springs Boulevard. There was of A.Duda&Sons,Inc.,says the connec- to have the easement condemned, setting
little opposition to the mall itself. tor is necessary.Oviedo wants to build the the stage for an open and possibly fight with their Winter Springs neighbotr.r.
But Moti Khemlani, an unsuccessful
candidate for the Winter Springs commis-
sion two weeks ago,noted that state law is
specific in stating that no jurisdiction may
exert authority over another jurisdiction's
property.Along-time Winter Springs resi-
dent,he has been a vocal opponent of the
proposed road.
Other Tuscailla residents are leading
the opposition as well.
One ofthose who addressed the council
Monday was Paul Partyka,aresidentofthe
Chelsea Woods subdivision of Tuscawilla
and a former Winter Springs commissioner.
"The mall is not the issue—I think it is
good," he said. "Annexation is not the
issue. It's the connector."
Thomas P.C.McCarthy,directorofland
development for the Viera Co.,told coun-
cilmen the connector is necessary to handle
the high traffic loads that will come from
the mall, from Winter Park Hospital's
planned medical facility and from busi-
nesses already in the area, including a
Target store.
continued on page 5
City council
continued from page 1
Viera and its probable builder, would offer some control over the Peterson,a resident who lives near
the Rouse Company of Columbia, traffic,"he said.
Maryland, have said the mall is The supporters the prof the vand dm Fox, pub-d an-contingent on the road. But nexation spoke in its favor without president?electtof t Voice
he Greater
Michael J.Bryant,senior develop- saying whether or not they favor Oviedo Chamber of Commerce.
ment director for Rouse, backed the road.Supporters included Dan
off from that position even before
the council met Monday night.
Last week,after the Land Planning
Agency voted to recommend an-
nexation,he was asked if rejection
of the connector would kill the
"It does notkifl it,"he said in an
interview. '`We would have to
evaluate it, however. Access to
State Road 426 is essential."
There were some other signs
that a compromise might emerge.
"There are still some options,"
said Councilman Michael S.Craig,
including restricting the traffic
flow into Tuscawilla and limiting
hours the road is open.
And Councilmen Philip Hamp-
ton left the door open for further
"I woulddefmitelybe willing in
the furore to consider plans that
/ Iira `f
Council approves pre-annexation
BY TAMMY ALLEN CoNgew have the easement condemned.The City also accepts the
The Oviedo City Council voted unanimously Mon- developer's transportation study as part of the agreement.
day night to approve an amended pre-annexation agree- The council also voted,5-0,to adopt Ordinances 959
mentbetween the city and the developers of Oviedo Cross- and 960,which the city hopes will lead to the creation of
mg, setting in motion the process that both sides hope a special neighborhood improvement district(SNjD)in
will ultimately bring the development inside city limits. the area commonly known as Twin Rivers II.
The amended agreement supplants an earlier agree- Ordinance 959 gives the city the authorization to ere-
meat reached last November calling for the annexation ate such districts.Ordinance 960 calls for a mail referen-
of the 190-acre lot. The new agreement reflects changes dum of Twin Rivers and Alafaya Woods residents within
made to the development plan in the past year after sev- the next 120 days to approve the creation of such a dis-
eral lawsuits threatened to scuttle the project. trict at the Twin Rivers 11 site.
Under the agreement, the City of Oviedo agrees to If approved, those citizens will help to finance the
amendments in the original development plan,including purchase of the property,which will be owned and main-
the construction of a bridge access road for the project. Mined by a board appointed by the council. The cost to
The bridge construction eliminates the need to cross a those residents will not exceed$100 a year.The plan was
conservation easement controlled by the City of Winter developed by the city to thwart the development of the
Springs, and thus the city will withdraw its attempt to 30-acre plot along the Little Econlockhatchee River by
of Oviedo Crossing
the present landholder. any assessment from BR,"Mr. Hampton quipped,"so I
The council also adopted Ordinances 953, 954 and want you guys to know that I do have a higher power and
955 unanimously.The three ordinances establish a frame- I will do exactly what she says because I do have to sleep
work by which the city can declare a state of emergency, in the same bed."
set curfews during such times,and protect residents from The discussion that followed was a bit more serious,
price gouging in emergencies. and featured a spirited exchange between councilmen
The most animated discussion of the evening came Michael Ragsdale and John Benson over whether the sur-
when the council deliberated over a request by Brown- charge was fair.
ing-Ferris Industries(BFI)to impose a one-time$3 sur- Mr. Ragsdale argued that the total cost of$22,000
charge to each residential customer to cover cleanup ex- was too steep, while Mr. Benson contended that$3 per
penses incurred due to Hurricane Erin. home was a small concession to make and would ensure
Councilman Phillip Hampton started the discussion BFI's cooperation in future crises.
by saying that he would vote to deny the request because Ultimately,the council voted to deny the request,3-
BFI did not pick up the post-storm debris in front of his 2, with Mr. Benson and Michael Craig dissenting. A
yard and his wife had to transport the debris to the Lawton motion was then unanimously passed to discuss with BFI
House herself. the possibility of sharing costs for additional expenses explicitly told me this afternoon not to vote for attached to this and future acts of nature. penses
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