HomeMy WebLinkAboutUnknown Source Aids Opposition-1996 Secret source
aidsbid to halt
Oviedo mail
❑A mystery party paid month, claiming a conspiracy
against their project.
for the study on traffic, In his statement, Ross vehe-
court records show. mently denied the developers'
claims.He said repeatedly that he
did not expect any money from a
By Will Wellons third party for his current legal
OF as SENTINEL STAFF challenges.He said later,however,
that he was or will be paid by an-
other party for some services ren-
OVUDO—A secret third party deed fo oppose the meth
has helped finance part of the le- Hal Kantor, the developers' at-
gal fight to stop a regional mall torney, said Ross' testimony
from being built in Oviedo, court shows that someone other than
documents show. the homeowners paid for the
Tom Ross,attorney for hemeown- suit's groundwork. They want
ere who have sued to stop the mall, Rosa to talk.tree*,about who is
said in a sworn statement that an- really.�ng the Bint
other party reimbursed his firm fa - "We don't think that is an Sp-
a study of traffic the mall ammo propriate use of attorney-client
bring. A consultant presented the privilege'Kantor said.
traffic report to the Seminole Cam- Kantor would not speculate on
ty Commission last year. Ross the identity of the silent partner.
would not soy who paid the bill, Mouse is yyyng get ifs mall
daimpig attorneyclient pn»lege• bdik:`Hie Sheen Properties Group
Ross represents the Truseawilla is planning a.competing man in
Homeowners Association, which east orenge,county in the Water-
has sued Seminole County and ford Lakes Community.Simon said
Oviedo to overturn their approval it hopes to start construction nod
of the 1.2 million-square-foot Mar- year on a map.
ketplace at Oviedo Crossing. The Ron, law firm also has repro
homeowners have agreed to paw rented the landowners of the Wa-
$5,000 in legal fees,Ross said. terford Lakes mall site.
Attorneys for the firms that court records show Ron said he
want to build the mall have spec- has met with other clients shout
Mated for months that someone the mall controversy. The cli
other than the homeowners was didn't want their tames known.
paying for an extensive legal chal-
lenge to the project. At last week's Ins client was Ross
The Vier Co., mall developer, said several times his client was the
and The Rouse Co., proposed homeowmas group He couldn't be
builder, filed a countersuit last reached for comment Friday.
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