HomeMy WebLinkAboutGeneral Election-1993 Partyka hits campaign .trail early in bid for Winter Springs rb�t�r By Elaine Bennett dates a 1 s o information to commissioners., arras SENTINEL must live with- During,his term as a emirate- in a district sioner,Partyka served one year as six years be- 111. deputy mayor. He helped.push a WINTER SPRINGS — Former fore qualifying. proposed shopping center from city commissioner Paul P.Partyka Candidates for II , the center of Tuscawilla to its out- plans to run for mayor in the mayor do not } er boundaries, voted to restrict city's November elections. have to live k`.'. some development of the Dada Forced out of city politics in within a par- commercial project at Tracey/ilk's 1991 when new Commission dis- ticular district. southeastern edge, voted to-re- trict boundaries went into effect at All candidates zone remaining undeveloped corn- the end of his first three-year term must pay,a paryka mercial land within Tuscawilla to in office, Partyka is the first per- $150 qualifying fee, along with a residential and opposed guest cot- son to announce his intention to mandated state assessment tages on Tuscawilla Country Club be a candidate in this year's elec- If elected mayor, Partyka said property. lions. he would work aggressively to Since his term as commission- Partyka, 44, could face Mayor "make Winter Springs a name er,Partyka has remained active in Phil Kulbes, who has not yet de- that is synonomous with first- the community, serving at presi- cided if he will seek a second class government.' dent of the Rotary Club of item. The position pays $500 a He said he also wants to see the Tuscawilla and on the board of di- month for expenses. city become more involved in rectors of the Tuscawilla Hotne- Qualifying for the offices of leadership positions with state owners Association. He also has mayor and commissioner in dis- groups and to focus more on de- devoted time to build his market- tricts 2 and 4 runs from Sept. 1 to veloping into a quality residential ing firm, International Sports and Sept. 15.Commissioner Don Jonas and commercial community. Entertainment Limited Inc.A for- currently holds the District 2 seat, As mayor, Partyka said he mer sales manager of 17 rs and Commissioner Terri Donnelly would work hard to provide better with Procter and Gamble, holds the District 4 post communications between the formed the marketing cote in To qualify for the Nov. 2 elec- Commission, staff and citizens, 1991 to assist businesses, W&gani- tions, candidates must have lived and to streamline Commission zations and individuals in plan- in the city a year before the quail- meetings. He also would encour- ring, promoting and marketing Eying period Commission candi- age staff to provide more timely their companies. ' 9 3 0 a 2 0 *( 1-2 The Orlando Se 'el,Thursday,February 4, 1997 5E2 - ' A B C 0 e Partyka hits campaign trail early in bid for Winter Springs mayor By Elaine Bennett dates also ¢'°"^^ must live with- rl information to commissioners. or_H_SENTINEL STAFF During his term as a crommis- in a district sinner, Partyka served one yeai as six years he- 'a'rs. deputy mayor. He helped push a WINTER SPRINGS — Former fore qualifying- . a ro osed sho city commissioner Paul P. Partyka Candidates for �✓� p p PPmg center Crom plans to run for mayor in the mayor do not 7L",."" j the ound rtes, voted to es rict city's November elections, have to live :t t er boundaries, voted to restrict Forced out of city some development of the Duda a 4991 when new Commission dis- titular distrriict commercial project at Tuscavrilla's trict boundaries went into effect at All candidates . .. 'F southeastern edge, voted to re- the end of his first three-year term must Partyka zone remaining undeveloped com- mercial land within Tuscawilla to per- $150 qualifying fee, along with a residential and opposed guest cot- son to announce his intention-to mandated state assessment be a candidate in this year's elec- If elected mayor, Partyka said props on Tuscawilla Country Club tions. he would work a property. Partyka, 44, could face Mayor "make Winter Sprgressi name erSi Since his term as a commission- Phil Kulbes, who has not yet de- that is synonomous with first- the Partyka mmunity,serving as tpresi1 tided if he will seek a second class government." term. The position dent of the Rotary Club of term. fore pays $500 a lie said he also wants to see the Tuscawilla and on the board of di- xpenses, city become more involved in rectors of the Tuscawilla Home- Qualifying for the offices of leadership positions with state owners Association. He also has mayor and commissioner in dis- groups and to focus more on de- devoted time to build his market- tricts 2 and 4 runs from Sept. 1 to veloping into a quality residential ing firm, International Sports and Sept. 15.Commissioner Don Jonas and commercial community. Entertainment limited Inc. A for- - currently holds the District 2 seat, As mayor, Partyka said he mer sales manager of 17 years and Commissioner Terri Donnelly would work hard to provide better with Procter and Gamble, Part yka holds the District 4 post. communications between the formed the marketing company in To qualify for the Nov. 2 elec- Commission, staff and citizens, 1991 to assist businesses, organi- tions, candidates must have lived and to streamline Commission zations and individuals in plan- in the city a year arr before the candi- meetings. He also would encour- ping, promoting and marketing fying age staff to provide more timel y their companies. , ,„ pep thinking: The Fern f a -\,4 Park Debating Society. Ty ® a k a Fern Park Barber {y . • t Shop, had covered Bosnia, Soma- , ha, the federal debt and why the ` Cubs can't win a World Series. „ y . Next up was,how come graves are \ dug 6 feet deep?Why not 5 or •-• 1 No one knew. I was assigned / ..�. the task of digging up — so to tt B speak—the answer. Don Boyett Matter of fact,he often had won- D ll On, dered about that himself, funeral SEMINOLE COUNTY EDITOR director Rick Baldwin said. Been i iNV� asked many times, but had never 5� ' heard a reason. Both he and Kis- v v v 1 i simmee mortician Roger Thome- . i-1v 1�� son guessed it had to do with the Real choices:All too oRen,elec- "old West"—deep enough to pro- tions boil down to the lesser oC tect the body from wild animals. two evils. However, looks as Maybe it's been folklore all though Winter Springs voters f along, Baldwin said. It is now, won't have that problem this fall, anyway. Most graves today aren't at least in the race for mayor. dug that deep, he said — more Already, Paul Partyka has an- like five feet,just so the concrete nounced his intention t-o run for vault is deep enough for grass to the office,and John Bush says he grow above it. also will seek it. But the question bugged As a city commissioner, Partyka I Thompson, enough so that he was considered among the say- , called back later after checking west — a visionary and foreword 1 sources. One of them said it came thinker. Bush, the UCF registrar from the North,where 6 feet is be- and one-time candidate for the low the frost line- School Board, is among the Of course, Thompson added, brighter political lights developing Winter Springs qualifying begins ❑Those interested in running for District 2 incumbent Don Jonas has indicated he nlajt9r and 2 commission seats have 2 would seek a second three-year term.Hg is opposed by John Ferring,,who.lias yubmr Weeks to conlpietti!'paperwork. .. . .his resignation from the Planning �Zo�j mission td run against Jonas.Terrhtesrgba4ion effective Dec.3. By Elaine Bennett Terri Donnelly said she would not seek a second OF THE SENTINEL STAFF term for the District 4 seat. So far,no one has indi- cated they would run for the post in that district,' WINTER SPRINGS — Qualifying starts Wednes- which includes the Highlands community day and ends Sept. 15 for the mayor's job and two To qualify,candidates must have lived in the city a seats on the Winter Springs City Commission. year before the qualifying period. Commission candi- Voters in the Nov. 2 election also are expected to dates also must have lived within a commission dis, decide whether mayor and commission terms should trict six months before qualifying. Candidates fot be limited to three consecutive three-year terms.The mayor do not have to live in a particular district.Ai{ city charter does not restrict how long an elected offs- candidates must pay a $150 qualifying fee, along cial can hold office. with a required state assessment. So far,two candidates have said they would run for Qualifying papers may be picked up and returned the mayor's seat, held by Phil Kulbes. Kulbes, who between 8 a.m, and 5 p.m. weekdays through Sept; recently had heart surgery, hasn't said if he would 15 from the office of City Clerk Mary Norton at the seek a second three-year term in office. municipal building on State Road 434. S3orgd Mayoral candidates report contributions. By Elaine Bennett expects to come from Winter 70 people, including $250 from Springs residents. He plans to himself.He has spent$1,715.saigr Of THE SENTINEL STAFF limit contributions to $100 from catered food and rental space fona any one group or person. fund-raising event and for cam- WINTER SPRINGS —Two ear- At the end of the latest quarter- paign materials. ly candidates in the non-partisan ly reporting period, ending July Elected officials contributing•tto race for Winter Springs mayor are 10, Partyka had spent nothing Bush's campaign are Winter running entirely different cam- toward his campaign. He had re- Springs Commissioner John Tar- paigns. ceived $515 in contributions from caso; Seminole Tax Collector Rq Paul Partyka said he is relying 10 people, including a $100 loan Valdes; Seminole Property, on residential support, his politi- from himself. praiser Bill Suber; Seminole Cllr cal experience and continued Others contributing$100 to Par- of the Circuit Court Maryanne community involvement to help tyka's campaign are Winter Morse; state Rep. Marvin,Cond4 him win in the city's Nov. 2 elec- Springs dentist Pete Comm and R-Oviedo; Seminole County tion. his wife,Kay;Greg Hess,a Winter missioner Dick Van Per W Meanwhile, opponent John Springs stock broker, and his and Altamonte Springs Co Bush has gained most of his con- wife, Lael; and Winter Springs sioner Russ Hauck. E.. tributions from non-residents, computer analyst Ron Kandzer Contributing $100 or poor 1P politicians he has supported in the and his wife,Judy. Bush are Douglas B Eiem past and members of the Semi- Bush also plans to raise about land, chairman of the nole County Republican Party. $4,000, but said donations could Executive Committee Bush,who lost a bid for the Semi- go higher. He said some contribu- Thomas A. Mullin%,Ca68$1heSC nole County School Board, is tions, so far, are from former or University of Central q�l�RIP- seeking his first political office;in. current elected officials from fessor, $150; Bush t,khe.T, the city. throughout Central Florida whom Charles A. Bush, Winter.,StAngs Partyka, forced to leave city he•has supported financially or $125; and former state S4nator Art ,politics in 1991 when commission with in-kind donations in the past. Grindle,Altamonte Springsr$300.. districts went into effect at the Many others,he said,are those he The next fma9ci&j„gualag ion end of his first three-year term, has become acquainted with at reports are dqe„ 5 m all wouldn't comment directly about Republican Executive Committee candidates dab e of- his oppon '$jeampaign. Partyka meetings. flee of mayovr gnel o mission topes in $p far, iv i:$2,090. districts#att4.424 runs tribution9, . ,.bulk or which he in contribuilblis Mat more than from Sept. ,. No takers yet for commission Seat ❑As the qualifying deadline Two Tuscawilla residents will fauf li h approaches, Winter Springs' mayor the mayor's post, which will be vacated r term by Phil Kulbes. Seeking the position are J post and another commission seat have Bush,director of admissions and registrar at the U two candidates apiece. versity of Central Florida, and former city-co sioner Paul Partyka. Bush and Partyka started their campaigns earl By Elaine Bennett this year, and Bush now leads the race in capl OF THE eawxasr�r contributions.An attempt by Partyka to move in contributions ended after he learned that mon he raised last month during a 51-mile hike WINTER SPRINGS—Wednesday is the deadline the city violated state election laws. Partyka pto to qualify for the post of mayor and two City Corn- ised to return the money after learning that electi mission seats,but as of late last week no one had in- laws prohibited him from soliciting contributio dicated they willseek the District 4 commission seat. and pledges by telling people he would give part If no candidates quality, commissioners must ap- the donations to charitable organizations. yy point someone who lives in the district, which in- The deadline to qualify for the commission se a4 eludes the Highlands community and older neigh- and the post of mayor is 5 p.m.Wednesday. gi borhoods north of State Road 434. Candidates must have lived in the city at least It would be the first such appointment since voters year prior to the qualifying period. Commission approved commission districts in a 1990 referendum. mdates also must live within the commission distri Commissioner Terri Donnelly,who has served one at least six months prior to qualifying.Candidates three-year term in the District 4 seat,said she has no mayor do not have to live within a particular distri desire to nor.again. She has not suggested a candi- All candidates must pay a$150 qualifying fee, al date who might run for the seat. with a mandated state assessment. Meanwhile, planning and zoning board member John Ferring has qualified to run against incumbent Of City Qualifying C papers Norton at the picked up at the o Don Jonas,who is seeking a second term for the Dis- Mary trict 2 commission seat. on State Road 434. g, 3D9 /3 ■ IS THERE A JOHN HERE? THE NAME'S THE SAME.You bet. ter be a little more specific when ask- qig that question at Winter Springs City Hall, especially if John Bush de- feats Paul Partyka in the mayor's race bid John Ferring topples incumbent Commissioner Don Jonas on Nov.2. If those two Johns should win,they Would.join Commissioners John Ian- EeBotti and John Tomaso and newly appointed City Manager John Govor- 9—, f-4r3 To make matters more confusing, the five Johns would be working with o Cindys: Commissioner Cindy and Cindy Gennell, who won the District 4 seat without opposition. Battery ■ Sheoah Boulevard,300 block.221 a.m. Sept. 14. A woman was charged with battery after her husband said she attacked him, tiled to rip oil his shorts and grabbed his genitals because he came home late. 936915 Candidate taking to the streets ❑Mayoral candidate Paul Partyka plans to visit every Winter Springs neighborhood with his walking campaign By Elaine BGMGit OF kaiwww STAFF WINTER SPRINGS—Paul Partyka plans to give a new definition next weekend to door-to-door canvassing in his race for Winter Springs mayor. Starting Saturday, Partyka will o wal iu k up t to 75 miles,visiting every neighborhood city and talking with rear" dents about their con- cerns. far Partyka is lagging behind opponent John Bush in contributions in the two-way race for may- . or.He hopes the gain recognition,ham draw votes and help him etwdigaee enough money ahead of Bush in the Gam.; WW1 Poitsts Partyka,who underwent triple by-pass sur- gery a few years age while a city of commission- er, said the event also is health way h end able to assuring residents he is in good hold office. As part of the fund-raiser,Partyka said he would donate half of the contributions he re- ceives during the walk to the Arthritis Foun- dation and The Grove roam eq n center in drug rehabilitation and peeven Winter Springs. will begin walk.dt 8 em. day in i ood Park off Way in the Tusexwa community and end at the / //° park at 9 a.m.Aug.8. Please see PARTYKA,K•2 Mayoral candidate plans walking campaign PARTYKA from K-1 fer to make directly to the chari- ing himself and mostly non-Si- nes. dents who are members of the $,- During the walk, he will visit According to the latest quarterly cal Republican Party and politi- each neighborhood and talk to clans he has supported in the residents about their concerns. • reporting period, which ended But,he said,those wishing to chat July 10,Partyka had received$515 past. c had spent $1,715.83 dtjr- must do so while walking beside in contributions from 10 people, 'ng the e campaign' , him because he plans to take only including a $100 loan to himself. The next financial contributiAn a five-minute rest every hour. He had spent nothing toward the reports are due Oct. 15 from All Partyka said he is limiting con- campaign. candidates who qualify for the of- tributions to his campaign to$100. Bush, meanwhile, had received flee of mayor and commission dis- However,he said,there is no limit nearly $2,700 in contributions tricts 2 and 4. Qualifying runs on donations residents might pre- from more than 70 people, includ- from Sept. 1 through 15. �j3/0 n 14, aa I h a- 'x ' 45 . g ■ F � l � :f o s�9 3 g - Imp - g -Evigg 5g a (4fHmti p 9 5F mg N - a F `X t C 54 SS N s P bo .mS '. Z-. 7 3 . < a4 ,, Ao33 � g8 mR asp ,wiu=t r gi i; agl V, Ea5q OD Li 1°a4N: 5c; s NgE"E 5,.gS& .itgl4li co oo E `dt CL S O.417510 0 m , CD er, ID g"4 � 3 w� co Ax gsog 00 = Smfmgfg,� m89 �aagmg558.•�g$ �v5 �.nPe= E.p v+ &rd 8 m'V.r° 5� f10 "a CD a 4 .T.I sg s" a.°4004 tog g C ! 'b" m "o' n'WVmmt ID 5� ,c.E mmw f° c • C m. mm G O m .„ .„" , . Om ggo.ga3° 0,.. „' 3 „ 5_' ▪ cmm q ■ onC mo GO Mgr g5 rn y 7� , -o st mgr • al"psi ryS43'4 'CI R ymy � N rs g N ,C - m B, E 5 N m• a°• d2E' o c ' p - mm. Y5. , ev's7 m4 • - nit 8.EA grim o e r. 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Bush "° on Jonas Aga:52 Age:54 Occupation: Director of admis- Occupation: Sales representa- sions and registrar at University live for Harmon Glass of Central Florida Education:Bachelor's degree iri Education: Master's degree. in —r:,, • physical ed cation from Penn- math and doctorate in counsel- sylvania State University eg hr. and psychological services Political experience: Served -n Indiana State University three years as a Winter Springs Le Ski .olitical experience: Appointed commissioner member of the Seminole County Program Review Organizations: Member of the Tuscawilla Rotary; Committee. Ran an unsuccessful race for the Semi- board member of the Knight Boosters at the Univer- nole County School Board in 1990 sity of Central Florida Organizations: Member of the Longwood/VVinter Springs Chamber of Commerce, Winter Springs Civic Association and Seminole County Republican Executive Committee; volunteer for the American Heart Association; Florida's representative to the Cindy Gennell National Educational Testing Corp. °^ Age:52 Occupation: Real estate broker -?x and community association a• s• ka manager Paul P. Partyka Education: High school gretlu .,. ate; completed a few years of °j 44 college OOccupation: Sales consultant x t Political experience: Former -and president of International ;� member of the Beautification of tins & Entertainment Limited t .. Winter Springs board int. ice-! ,„x Organizations: Former secretary of the Winter Education:Bachelor's degree in '% k' ? E° Springs Civic Association; former member of the chemistry from University of ''''' ` :“`,`' :�; Seminole County League of Homeowners; former Notre Dame, Indiana ".;;" volunteer master gardener; former member of the Political experience: Served local and national chapters of the Community Asso- three years as a Winter Springs commissioner 1 ciation Institute Organizations: Board member of the Florida Hos- pital Foundation, Central Florida Zoo, Notre Dame John L Ferring Club of Orlando, Tuscawilla Rotary and Winter Springs Art Festival; associate director for the Knight Boosters at the University of Central Florida; Age:64 former board member of the Tuscawilla Homeown- Occupation: Retired New York ers'Association firefighter of 31 years; retired di- 'n rector of the Southern District of the Retired Firefighters Security Ili � 1 Benefit Fund of the Uniformed Firefighters Association u''` Education: High school gradu- ate; attended Queens Commu- "- nity College, New York el 3 / e) / D Political experience: President of the Winter Springs Civic Association;served three years on the Winter Springs Planning and Zoning Commission, two years on the city's Code Enforcement Board and is now chairman of the board of trustees for the Winter Springs Employee Pension Fund Organizations: Editor of The Winter Sprigs Bulle- tin; former president of the Oak Forest Homeown- ers'Association; lifetime member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars; member of St. Stephen's Catholic Church Winter Springs ; to elect mayor, commissioner Bush, 52, and of By Elaine Bennett 0.31•'1 admissions and d re regis- trar at the University of OF 1eaSENWa STAFF Central Florida,opposes borrow pit operations. WINTER SPRINGS—About 25 percent He hopes to use his skills as an arbitrator at of the city's 11,702 registered voters are the university to see � k$' expected to cast ballots in Tuesday's elec- that people work to- lions for mayor and the District 2 City gather to make the beat Commission seat. decisions for the a Winter Springs voters 4y Jonas also will decide if a city Partyka,44,president commissioner or m of International Sports should be limited to and Entertainment Ltd. three consecutive three- .a Inc. and a former city year terms. The city's ":p'1 x commissioner, said he charter doesn't limit has no problem with terms. borrow pits if regula- F' The District 4 corn- lions are followed. He mission seat being va- ,, ; believes the city should cated after one term by Terri Donnelly will be BIRO set specific guidelines filled by political new- de all areas of He future coma Cindy Penn&I his managerial meni. He said ng Ihtienbet. She was the his. wil l �ti- FaMnB only aaydldate to quit'.` help will enable him to for the p� help the city e more account ble decisions and In the race for mayor, hold people more accountable to'deed- voters will choose be- Although Partyka had received alightiry tween John Bush and `a more contributions than Bush as of Oct Paul Partyka, both !a* Tuscawilla residents who favor a special fee ' ' ' Pease see SPRINGS, K4 to maintain common PgAyk! areas in their neigh- bors. g3io 3 / TOP OFFICIAL BALLOT GENERAL ELECTION CITY,.OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 2, 1993 (THIS STUB TO BE REMOVED BY ELECTION BOARD) • WINTER SPRINGS WOK SUCTION 111n3 f •44,4:' MAYOR t�:.; (3 YEAR TERM) (VOTE FOR ONE) •vo:. JOHN F.BUSH > + • I. yy.I PAUL P.PARTYRA > + •';:•: COMMISSIONER,SEAT I DISTRICT 2 •�:' (3 YEAR TERM)'i.�. ( (VOTl FOR ONE) 2•' JONN L.FERRIES > • ' 1 6' DON JONAS _ > + �•' CITY CHARTER AMENDMENT: iii' p•: PROPOSING A REVISION TO THE •• CITY CHARTER (VOTE FOR ONE) ;. i'; Shoub the Winter Springs Oty Charter be amended, as proposed,In Ordnance No.S/B,amending :y:; Section 4.03 Election providing three(3)year terms I? for the Mayor and Commissioners and limiting the is Wi numear of temisa Convnluloner or the Mayor may • '' serve to a total of three(3)consecutive temW:and .$.•l:; providing for effective date and aaveraMWyT :':C, ' YES FOR APPROVAL > + : : NO FOR REJECTION > + X .4 •.i :i•• YOP. •Pa 4, YY� •o•a i'i'i! 11 *L. •::; 0.::. 41 i 4•. Ch'. 4 • 93 /03/