HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommission-1996 v r r Winter Springs commissioners could have dispatched with two minor items on their agenda in five minutes last week. Instead,they took two hours pub- licly showing their contempt for each other. Please see PULSE, K-5 Winter Springs peace offer ends up in wrangle PULSE from K-1 straight meetings when she was a wrong. member of the city's beautifica- so v y titan board in 1991 and 1992. Lan- The meeting started with a gelotti chastised Gennell for ac- Bob Dole wasn't the only politi- peace offering as Mayor John cepting the city's reimbursement clan to walk away happy from the Bush suggested a compromise checks for the months she was ab- Super Tuesday Republican presi- over which boards Commissioner sent and asked the city attorney to dential primary. Cindy Gennell can sit on. turn the issue over to the state's County Commission candidate Gennell accepted the accord, attorney's office. Grant Maloy took advantage of which would allow her to remain Pleas for calm from Bush, Conn- the election to solicit petition sig- chairman of CALNO, the council missioner David McLeod and natures from voters. Campaign of local governments, but require even city attorney, Frank Krup- volunteers worked 30 precincts to her to resign her post on the penbacher fell on deaf ears. gather more than 1,000 Seminole County trails task force. uppenbacher said he would that day. signatures IG Last month, some conunission- have a report on the issue at the That put Maloy over the 1,700 ers complained that Gennell was next board meeting. named to the task force by the Later, Gennell needed in leaoy n County.Rf enough If County Commission after she was standard practice for thedcitytoto signatures lare validated, Malay turned down for a similar spot by send out $50 monthly checks to won't have to pay the qualifying the City Commission, advisory board members whether fee. At the time,Commissioner John they attended meetings or not. Compiled by Wilt Wellons, Ferring suggested Gennell give She said she had an illness in the Elaine Bennett and Robert Perez up the CAIRO post. family at the time and was unable of the Sentinel staff The peace, however, didn't last to attend meetings. Gennell, who t to Send items of long. resigned from the beautification Pulse 45 interest to the Political John Langelotti board in March 1992, said she Pulse 4532 0 S.Highway fax t 1407, 830- blasted Gennell for missing six doesn't believe she did anything 'wt ' 32707 or fax to (407) 830. g 2459. q 6 0317 Congressman Mica has town meeting warns.He calls it a crisis born of decades of By Snennn M. COMBS reckless government spending. It's 8:30 on Saturday morning and the 150- "I always suspected before I ran that seat council chamber of Winter Springs City there was a lot of waste,"he says."If people Hall is fulling quickly.By 9,when Congress- really knew how bad it was they would storm man John L.Mica's town meeting is supposed the Capitol and tear people apart." to star,it's packed. Even the host, Mayor He defends the Republicans'reluctance John Bush,yields his front row seat to the to extend the national debt ceiling throng of constituents, most who've come "We can extend the debt liniit,"he notes. here with something on their minds.Ilejoins "That's printing funny money, an amount the overflow in the lobby. • enough to fund Medicaid for a year.We have Mica,second-termRepublicanfi'om Win- robbed about every cookie jar." to Park,arrives a few minutes late to respect- The$235 billion interest expense on the Ad applause. Later he will be deluged with national debt this year would pay for all Meth- questions, requests for help, demands, care premiums and co-payments,he adds threats,accolades and critidsnts,all peppered Then he moves to the questioning,and with,preceded or followed by the firmly-held expecting rough sledding, lays out ground. opinions of the speakers. rules. But first Rep.Mica delivers an opening "No throwing of heavy objects," he monologue. His tactic of choice is the pre- jokes. "No physical contact This isn't the eruptive strike, saying he understands how House of Representatives." tough it is out there,and how the House Re- He begs for civility:"I've been manied to publican budget plan for spending restraint a wonderful woman for 23 years,and every offers America's only hope.He speaks on the day we have disagreements,and we still live difficulty of maintaining family finances.He together." isn't looking for sympathy. Over the next two hours John Mica fields I "My brother and I dropped out of school questions on every subject imaginable. He when our dad had a heart attack and no insur- gas no warm-up softballs to break the ice and ance,"Mica begins.matter-of-factly. He de- set the tone. The first speaker launches an scribes how his family,with no help from the attack on Mica's support of the sheriff's re- government,worked to stay together and May election. afloat. "You endorse Sheriff&linger, whose "You an still dower in this country,but budget has grown more than$9 million over it's tougher now,"he says."Economic devel- four years,"the speaker lectures."The clear- opment is one of my concerns." once mate(of crimes)of this office is down 28 Welcome to another Saturday morning percent The sheriff has a$35 million budget, Town Meeting, a key weapon in a but he has no prior management,no'snarl- Congressman's continual battle to stay in ence." touch with the voters. Mica explains that he customarily sup- Rep.Mica,who left a successMconsuk ports incumbent Republicans and assures the ing practice in 1992 to ern for the Seventh speaker his charges are worth considering. Dimict satvacatedbyDevacmtJimBacrxa, Slide to the next question. comes armed with an urgent message: The Phil Bomar,of Winer Pads,stands up not budget crisis has consequences more ominous to seek advice but to give some: "I have a than many people imagine• message for you to take back to Congress. "We are facing the most serious eco- TeliDick Anney and his legions from Heilthat nomic crisis in the country's history," he Continued on Page 3 Mica fields questions on everysubject imaginable fmm Page 1 federal workers,gets an earfid from Tim Social Security employees it's time to follow or get the hell out of an employee for sending her a copy jointheGay.warning Mica about im- thewayThey aren't worke&They're of the Constitution when she wrote migrantswho coach their childien to on strike."Mica takes the bait to ask why government walker were as as learning disabled in order to "[beg to differ withYou,.IC Be not paid during the shutdown.When collect"$470 a month of your hard- answers pohtely."We're woddnglike she tellsMcaa,"You ruined our Christ- tamed money and don't weak aday." dogs.Ijust don't think we've done a mas,"she is shouted down by chants On it goes.Out in the lobby,dies, good job of delivering our' ." from the crowd of"No he didn't; tria aide Dick Harkey waits thattire Applause. Clinton did." meeting isnwdogosvlime,width= He is urged to s4pmtabdlgrant- Maa tries conciliation."Wm wen are two more mach gatherings today, ing compensation to AIDS victims unfairly penalized," he tells in Daytona Beach Shores and Deland. infected by tainted blood and it be Jacqueline Ruiz-Borman of 'This is the easy one," Blakey rated for not joining the 169 House Casselbany."I apologize for that. I explains."There ate more flaiats co-sponsors.Mica tries to explain he undetsendyadgustraaao."Then he in Voiotia County. It won't be as favors compensation on a case-by- explains how shutting down the goy- friendly." case basis,not a blanket allotment as eminent was the Republicans' only Later Administrative Assistant proposed His opponents aren't sat- weapon against the President's err- Rusty Roberts repotted that the later isHe1 taro budget vetoes. crowds were surprisingly congmal. The Words keep coming. There "It was our only mechanism,"he He described the atmosphere as very is opposition to aid to Russia;oppo- adds. much like that in Winter Springs. sition to making NASA a private manly, the crowd is friendly. Andwhepdid the marathon end? agency;he is chided for accepting a There is musing support for Army 'At p.m inDdai4R.tals salt One $6500 camlisign donation from Florida Specialist 4 Michael New,destined to day,three coittuentmeelings,hu- nger growers. become the Rosa Pads of the U.S. dreds of questions and miles on the Mia'.toischairman orthe mliry*rrdlssingtofig$under U.N. road.Then back to Washington and Service subcommittee that oversees commend inBes is the relative calm of the budget wars. 9(& OOt Co emission meeting draws crowd Winter .Springs debates possible rezoning of 13 acres Sy laity Illainen staffifte mating changes were awn abuffer concern that the ctmmtmion would lose lo-ftwdstnNingroomonlyMondayfar wouldbe required between knits and the In- vetageand cad over theism if the desnl- the WbeilptingsCommission meeting.The dussrfal Mt which would probably consist of oper&Wald receive nvka hum the county. hot button was pushed by a large group of m aimai-.g a 10 R border of existing trees MayorBush aped,"In 1986,0udaaame to homeowners in the Highlands subdivision and a 6 ft concrete block wall. This is a sig- Sc Mal we annex what is now going to be a which is home to about 1200 people. The nificamparcel of land and the change would mall.Not finishing wafer gd;siwe might issue is the poitht rezoning ofsome 13 acres mean extreme degradation of the quality of delaythipp,but manually s—'—S-Cowity of wooded land adjacent to the Highlands. life in the subdivision,Bategia said Accord- will furnish these." The county maned land located off SR lag to the flyer,Duke Properties already has a CommiaionerJohnFening made amo- 419 is being considered for rezoning from sign posted on SR 419 offering industrial one don to deny the City MLeeger the appsovalt Suburban Estates(lgage lot rddemial use)to acre lots for sale. sentt a letter requesting no appoidento this IdastrialIna The properly is=eon zoned Scott Moore and Jim Lup,representing tanodbgs TbrAOdmlemad The High- for one acre lit homes.If new zoning is ap- Duke Development,mid if the City would not land residents clamed.The issue may once proved, Duke Properties Development has consider providing water and sewer to the again appear as an agenda item in the near indicated it would consider light commercial project,they would approach the County for future, usage such as warehouses,or possibly retail such service."The developer is trying ton a In other busbies',the Commission denied etablishnmmna good neighbor.We are just doing as we were a request for the Cityto accept for ownership Homeowners in attendance Monday were asked," Moore said when coming under fire and meissenaese the streets and smrmwater responding to a flyer composed and distill- by the commission for lack of adequate no-. manapmentgmem located inthepivakmb-, uted by KellyJ9ei sgia,tHigWaod resident . lice on the issue, - &rhino Bagley Green adBeodey ChM in Beagle stated inthe(bier thetas County had "We first heardhoutt isenPS y.That Tmta Ss. sent out notice to residents living within 300 is not enough time to prepare,"said Rigor A Pang peel*faint Invade a[dis- ft.of the property informing them of the re- John Bush.Moore mid the=minion had '-cumingatiplemnialatinavifftte held at 790 zoning considmarion. She said also that the been aware of this In months past. - p.m.Maid*MatranC Hell.For more homeowners had been told by County and City Commissioner Cindy Creswell expressed idomtatioi aalf327-1600. 94 o s/k Seventh Annual Winter Springs Art Festival will be December 7 and 8, • Winter Springs city commission meeting By LINDA Huwnmsr Paul Partyka,the newly elected Mayor of Winter Springs,will be swum into office at noon on January 2,City Manager Ron McLemore announced Monday at the city commission meeting.Partyka won the November 5 may- oral race against Mayor John Bush by only 16 votes. The fmal countwas4,913 for Bush,to 4,929 for Partyka. . Also taking the oath of office will be Michael Blake who will be filling the commission seat in District 2 now occupied by Deputy Mayor John Fening who opted not to seek re-election. Commissioner Cindy Genaefi won her bid for re-election against polidcal nem:omierLarry Chm uraby awte of 5,934 to 3,540. - .. The commission voted Monday to allow the parks and recreation depart- ment to impose a fee against youth athletic organizations and groups that routinely utilize park facilities such as ball fields on a pre-scheduled basis but do not show up for a scheduled game. Fines could also be levied against groups that show up to play when a game has not been scheduled or ap- proved. These"non use/no show"and"unscheduled use"time periods could cost the specific league from$34 to S48 per for a two hour block of time. Additional charges for payroll for staff could be tacked on at the rate of S8 to $12 per hour. Parks and Recreation Director Don Wilson told the commission that his department contends with this type of problem between 15-20 times annually. "I attend the league's annual meetings and our problems are their problems. They are in agreement with imposing this fee,"Wilson said. McLemore said this type of arragement would ba{ically sqw the resid Cohan the city. i Wild.5008131W084dat eautinelycharggfor use of their athletic fields,as do some municipalities,Wilson said."Somecities may charge S 1 2 ear use." This method of charging for not showing or not booking should work to provide more time available for usage,Wilson added. The vote was 4.1 in favor of the fees.Commissioner David McLeod voted against the motion. In other business,the commission passed resolutions thanking the fol- lowing residents for their service to the city: Al Becker, Board of Adjustment; David Hopkins,Planning and Zoning Board;Tom Brown,Beautification of I Winter Springs Board. Winter Springs Commission says thanks, good job and good-byes By LINDA HUMPHREY The November 25 Winter Springs corn- las Seely, 5 years,Lena Titus,5 years,Allen mission meeting was one of kudos and fare- White,5 years,Police Department. wells as city employees were recognized for Nancy Wbomik, 10 years,Purchasing. -their service,and outgoing commission mem- Joseph McGaugh, 15 years,James Mortis,10 ben said good-bye. years, Robert Eckman, 5 years, Michael Mayor John Bush received a standing Lingard,5 years,Public Works Department ovation Monday as he thanked everyone -Wayne Gray,loyears,Justin Rolon,10 years, present for the pleasure of serving the city and Kip Lockuff,5 years,Utility Department. the past three years. Paramedics Wayne Riggle and Kevin Bush will hand over the gavel to Paul Sims,along whhEMTBrianMervinand Shane Partyka December 2 when Partyka is sworn Massari were applauded for the resuscitation in.Bush then said a special thanks to refiring of a heart attack victim at Sunshine park last Deputy Mayor John Ferring for doing his =UMW homework concerning issues of importance In other business, City Manager Ron to the city, and said that Ferring would be McLemore told the commission that he had missed on the commission. received 110 resumes for the position of po- • Ferring told commission members to lice chief. With the help of an advisory board, "keep him retired," and that he would be that number has been narrowed down to four. watching them."Don't make me come back," Those four will be assessed early Decem- Ferring said ber by a voluntary assessor,McLemore,and MichaelBlake will be filling F erting'sseat a consultant. McLemore said he hopes to on the commission when the new year be- present a name for consideration in early Janu- gins. ary. McLemore praised acting Chief Robert The following staff members were recog- Pieper for improvements and accomplish- nized and thanks for quality service to the ments that have been made since last Spring city: Martha Jenkins, 5 years,City Clerk's when Pieper took over for retiring chiefCharles Office; Carole J.Pearson, 10 years,Finance Sexton. Department ChiefTnnothyLalathin,20 years, McLemore gave the commission a report Stanley P.Lazio,II,15 years,David Myers,10 on the police department which included sta- years, Paul Anderson, Jr., 5 years, Thomas fishes that he said far surpassed anything so Grey,5 years,Stephen Keefer,5 years,Rich- far in this department. "For the 95-96 year ardRiggle,5 years,Fire Department. there were 222 arrests, two major burglary ShirleyFmnkhouser,5 years,General Ser- rings broken up,and three homicide investi- vices; John Crooke,5 years,Ronnie Estep,5 nations were suecessfullycompleted,"he sait years, Bonita Hershelman, 5 years, Robbie 'The department is not stopping, they are Hillery,5 years,Parks and Recreation Depart- moving ahead,"he added. meat. Edith Famum,10 years,Glenn Tolleson, 10 years, Ronald Cox, 10 years, Doug Q & '.2 or Winter Springs city commission meeting: Winter Springs Patrol Log communications tower and pay raises at issue Oct. 10 - Burglary and Grand Oct.6-A suspicious incident at BY DAVID Theft at Fairfax; an apartment was Oswego and Seneca. A caller said a City Comission met The Winter Springs entered by the rear dining room win- small pickup was swinging a pipe at for the first time this gs i C October 14, dow and a camcorder and VCR were another car.Police found it was two 1996 in a meeting that saw Deputy Mayor John lifted friends playing around wvithacane. Ferring walk out of the proceedings. The Oct. 10 - Stolen bicycle on Oct.6-A daughter playing with meeting commenced at 7:30 p.m withinvoca- Murphy Rd. a phone on Murphy Rd accidently tion and the Pledge of Allegiance by Cub Oct 10-A Shawnee Trail woman dialed 911.All well. Scout Pack#196.Pledge of rather emotional nalfir3 waa robbed of clothes, shoes, and a Oct 6-A fracas at Lori Ann Lane the meeting slipped into lackluster as most microwave dish. ended when the man causing it left half of the agenda items were tabled to a later gath- Oct. l o home to his Ann tment ten- the premises. 5es. • 6 ant came home to his apartment and Oa.S-OnEdwin,awoman re- Itwas during found the mattress missing. ported barking, aggressive rott veil- ng"public input"where most Oct.9-Harassing phone calls on ers which she thought could get out of the sparks flew. The comissionentenained ' Blades Ct. A woman reported of their enclosure.Police said it was six members of the audience about such items hangups. She called the telephone civil problem. as the designation of land areas,the commu- company to request a call trace. Oct. 5-On Club Dr.,police re- nications tower and the procedure of meriting I, Oct 9-Trespass and battery on sponded to a panic alarm. The resi- City Manager Ronald McLemore with a pay South Devon.A man refused to leave dent said she was fighting with her raise. It was on the subject of the pay raise a Wigter Springs woman's property, boyfriend, became frightened, and that produced most of the heated discussion. and spat in her face.To men were pushed the police button. No viola- Deputy Mayor Faring cited tenure as the holding him on the ground when po- lion of laws. point the comission forgot to consider in their licearrive Oct. 5 - Car in ditch at Shore/ prior voting of a pay increase for their city Oct.9sed Pearl Road and social Bahama.ged the curve. reported he mis- manager. After anwtionbyComissiorerDavid someone used her name and social judged the taro. McLeod to implement the pay increase,a vote was rendered. When Ferring tried to abstain, security number to obtain wth phone, ona 58434 andTuskawil Rd. City Attorney Frank then ran up more than$300 worth of Station he clrk reported she was getting Rruppenbachertntormed charges. The clerk reposed she was getting him that it was not possible at which time, Oct.7-Vandalism whichocamed grief about selling a woman a bottle obviously frustrated,Ferring walked out three miles East of Tuskawilla by Deer of beer.The woman left before police During the ensuing minutes,the vote for Run.The victim was told to call the arrived. the increase was tabled to a later date and Seminole County Sheriff's Depart- Oct. 5 - An open door at St. then came intermission as several tithe wadi- man Stephen church.Nothing taken. ence members stormed out disgusted by what Oct 7-Apr was in a ditch on Oct 4 -A second open door at they had just witnessed. One audience mem- SR434.The driver said she tried to State Farm Claim processing center. ber described the improper handling of the turn around and the ground gave way. Acheck of the building proved all was pay increase situation as "an arrogance of Oct. 7 - Suspicious incident on well power". San Miguel.A call said the doors and Oct.4-An alarm on Black Bear The meeting proceeded after the inter- windows were open on a house,but had gone off while the resident was mission with a readingof agenda items most of which were quickly otedon or tabled The when police was tryingt they found away. .4-Gas . meeting ended with because c resident was r trying to keep cool Oct.010.15. driveodat Hess Mart. reports,c at 9 45 pO� b the power was out. Total 10.15. cmNssionnranibers andadjounadm9:45 p.m. i 9(e ioi7