HomeMy WebLinkAboutFormer City Clerk Margo Hopkins-1995 - The Voice
)ine fl Family
a tough act for Mar g o
to follow at WI nter Springs C l
By Darrell Johnson
When she took over as interim P yS '
Winter Springs city clerk last Sep-
tember,Margo Hopkins knew she
was filling the shoes of a legend.
Retiring Clerk Mary Norton had `
been with the city for 25 years and ' < xy. ' "
was deeply appreciated by every-
its‘ ' c'- — " s**
one who knew hcr.
That does not scare Mrs.
Hopkins,who was officially named Po..
to the post last week. She knows Wiz,
the job, she has her agenda and
she is also well-liked.
A native ofPlainfield,Connecti-
cut, she and her family moved to
Winter Springs in 1981.She went
to work as a receptionist for the I
city almost ten years ago and
moved up through the ranks of
administrative assistant and , ':•
Deputy City Clerk,a position she
held for four years.
Mrs.Hopkins'job is to keep the
City Commission running and
maintain the city's records. She
records and transcribes proceed- -, s
ings at commission meetings and ,�
keeps the minutes of city board - ,, I
meetings and legal documents.
The City Clerk is possibly the best
informed person on the sta . """
Margo Hopkins has been mar-
ried for almost 25 years,has three
children and two grandchildren.
Her son manages a China Coast
restaurant in Ohio.One daughter l
is married and another will gradu- ;;,
ate from Oviedo High School this -
spring. At work in the city clerk's office at Winter Springs City Hall
Her favorite escape is the beach.
"Sometimes I go sit by the water mind." ask where something is.
just to clear my head," she says, Will the city see major changes The new City Clerk says the
"especially if I have things on my under the Hopkins regime? only difference will be switching
No,she says.Mary Norton was to a computer for typing reports
so efficient that her replacement and records, adding that "Mary
°f SO/ / ? still has to call her occasionally to did everything on a typewriter."