HomeMy WebLinkAboutFired Clerk Complains to State-1994 Fired clerk complains to state
❑A former Winter ing a good job. of health problems or her worries
For three years, Gramarosa sat about the work environment.
Springs worker said she
within 10 feet of janitor's closet "I really did not know that she
Was fired for work- when she worked as an adminis- had a health problem. She was
trative secretary,she said. fired for lack of performance-to-
related health problems, - Records show she had to leave tal lack of performance," Sexton
work numerous times because of said.
By Will Wellons breathing problems. Doctors for City records show that Gramar-
or SENTINEL STAFF the city said in reports that Gra- osa received satisfactory reviews
marosa suffered from chemical al- until three months before her ter-
lergies. They advised that she be mination.
WINTER SPRINGS—A former kept away from cleaning products. Former City Manager Dick Ea-
city employee has complained to a As it was turned out, Gramarosa zansky transferred her to the Po-
state agency that she was fired had advanced emphysema. lice Department in December 1992
from her job because of her The Florida Commission on Hu- so she would be away from fumes.
health. man Relations has turned the With the job transfer, Gramar-
Fran Gramarosa,48,filed a com-
plaint with Florida Commission complaint over rt the Equal is- osa was placed on a year's s into
on Human Relations claiming dis- ploy meat Miami. Officials ia Commis- the tion.
probation.She was fired 10 months into
sion in did not r return phone e a the the pro
in October Before her dismissal EEOC did not return phone calls.
in October 1993, Gramarosa corn- According to city records, she
-plained that cleaning products Gramarosa is not seeking her was fired for a variety of masons,
were left open near her desk and job back. But, she said, "Perhaps including not having knowledge
that City Hall was cleaned during now when an employee complains of public records and computers.
the day when employees were pm- about a health problems maybe The Commission on Human Re-
sent. they will listen." lations is not the first place Gra-
City officials, who were notified "It is not politically correct to marosa has filed a complaint. Ear-
of the complaint Wednesday, said complain;'she added. lier this year, she sought workers
Gramarosa,a police records clerk, Police Chief Charles Sexton said compensation because of a dis-
was fired because she was not do- Gramarosa was not let go because ability.She was denied. - .
officials say.It is expected to save
Around tow nearly$7,000
11 lll�llllll ..11 repairs,maintenance in equipment and salaries
COMMUNITY NOTES annually.The four people in the
I city mowing crew have been
assigned other open jobs in public
Landscape company works.
performs median magic Gator signed a$102,000 one-year
deal that calls for looking over 60
WINTER SPRINGS—If you sites,including Winter Springs
Y Boulevard,Lockcuff said.The
think the city's medians are taking contract can be extended for an
on a more manicured look,your additional two years at the same
eyes are not deceiving you. price.Lockcuff said the city could
In August,the city public works not do the work for the cost of the
department turned its mowing contract.
jobs over to a private landscaper,
Gator Landscaping Co.of Orlando.
The new landscaper does the
little things the city was never able
to do—like edge.They also weed,
trim the bushes and blow the mess
That has made Public Works
Director Kip Lockcuffs job a little
easier.He has not a heard a
landscaping complaint for two
months. z//0 / 6
"We used to get them regularly,"
he said.
But this new contract does more
than make the city look good,