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Mayor sorry for revealing
opinion on golf course deal
By Elaine Bennett j-/.24/ "certificates of participation" Un-
wasxnans�s der the terms of the agreement,
Florida Group Municipal Leasing
Inc.would buy the golf course and
WINTER SPRINGS — Mayor lease it to the city for$42,571.34 a
Phil Kulbes publicly apologized to month for 240 month a, or
City Commissioner Cindy Koehler $510,858.94 annually. The Whole
on Monday night for telling her golf course is on State Read 934.
last week that he would vote'. 'the mayor's apology was fol-
against the city's purchase of a lowed by a brief review of the
privately owned golf course if giv- sunshine Law by Kruppenbacher,
en the chance. who urged Kulbes and the com-
Rulbes also said he didn't inten- misdoners not to talk to each oth-
tionally.show disrespect for the er *Out city business and avoid
Florida Sunshine Law when he the appearance of violating the
went to Raehler's office and ex-. law.
pressed his opinion about the golf State law prohibits city or coun-
course issue. Koehler had filed a ty officials from discussing pri-
complaint with City Attorney vately among themselves or
flank Kruppenbacher. through a third party anything
Commissioners voted. 3-2 to they.might later vote on.
have attorneys and city manager awns ntitst be conducted at public
rrmuarr Springs Golf Qt.b. T s °�:"O ' "~ -
aoked for an appraisal of golf ' 'le guilty . a honcrimi-
course,which the owners have of- nal infraction punishable by fine
fered to sell for $9.8 million, up to.$500.
Kulbes did not vote but would Kruppenbacher also told the
have if there had been a tie. commissioners and Kulbes that he
The deal would be made had ordered copies of the law for
through a lease-purchase agree- each of them. He urged that they
menu over 20 years with tax-free review it.
Sunshine Law may rain on parade
By Elaine Bennett He said Friday he is
brraaseiawnsrrer distribute at the next commission
drafting memorandum to
meeting, April 8, to outline just
what the state's open-government
.kisitnI fur.
• WINTER SPRINGS — Florida's Sunshine law is law Covers,
raining on Winter Springs' planning of a parade to At a City Commission meeting u -
honor returning city residents who served in Oper- last week, Kulbes said he and
jition Desert Storm. commissioners Don Jonas and
rn John Langellotti were organizing '" g s?^
ppenbacher said the pub- the event. Jonas and Langellotti' City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher flight perceive that, based on comments made denied they were organizing the ;;
ast week by Mayor Phil Kulbes, the mayor and two event but said they had talked
city commissioners are in violation of the open gov- briefly after a commission meet-
'ernment meeting law as they plan the celebration for ing about holding a celebration for
later this year to honor the troops. the troops.
planned for Desert Storm troops
Kruppenbacher said he will emphasize the need to and urged them to�O dl talking to each other out-
;-y take the Sunshine Law seriously. side of public meetings to prevent even the appear- .
prohibits those required once of violating the law.
to vote on an issue from discuss- That review stemmed from a complaint by Corn-
ing city business in private with missioner Cindy Koehler,who said Kulbes arrived at ;
• each other or through a third par- her oy nrivcte ocece and eold her how he uldd vote, e a; bye helld at pu lict ae tings. An - theen a chance, gs Golf lu the sty ayor, ho would public meetings. Any- the Winter Springs Golf pun The nutyor,who would
Illirone who intentionally violates the break a tie vote of the commission, later apologized
law is guilty of a noncriminal in- to Koehler, and said he was unaware his comments
traction punishable by a fine of up might be a violation.
to$500. Commissioner Terri Donnelly said Kubes also dis-
Kulbea At a commission meeting in cussed his feelings about the course owner with her.
February, Kruppenbacher re- Talks about the city buying the golf course
viewed the law with the mayor and commissioners stopped when the owner found another buyer.
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