HomeMy WebLinkAboutState Road 434-1992/1994/1995 Tuscawllla residents Winter Springs tests
want special districts waters for new utility
WINTER SPRINGS—Tuscawilla commissioners Monday will consider
residents want a special taxing district creating a stormwater management
created to help maintain common areas utility for the city.
in their community. - If a stormwater management
Residents of Country Club Village in ordinance is adopted this spring, the
TuscawRla want another special taxing utility would be developed over a
district to pay for street lights on nuMber of years to regulate the
Private roads in their neighborhoods. collection, storage, treatment and
• Both issues will be discussed at a movement of storm water.
City Commission workshop scheduled ' City Manager Dick Rozansky will
for 7 p.m.Monday at the municipal raise the issue at the commission
budding on State Road 434. toe,ting, which starts at 7:30 p.m.
Monday at the municipal building on I
State Road 434.
Nlier's Curve hits another snag
❑Al ne box that handles 30,000 Neither Farley nor city officials could say how
CUATIb 1S located in the road and much longer it will take to complete the work.They
'J° also are unsure if the problems will delay the open-
cannot be relocated, officials say. ing of Central Winds Park, under construction along
Lake Jesup.
e The city had hoped to complete the$190,000 reelign-
By )lean It ma k �
d in June so that motorists no ki would have to
OF tlileffililliSTAFf slow to 15 mph to get around the 90-degree curve.
When work is completed,metaists Mould be able to
WI TAR SP,RI$jGS .—, Probleplp yet Qgagner's, handle the cove safety at 35 no,Tale project calls for
Curve 4 beensQa1gh}Pued out yet. rellacirg the canoe to ll-tiegade ml moving into the
Engineers have been thrown yet another curve in south and farther from the entrance to the 59-acre park
plans to realign the sharp turn on State Road 934.
being built at the curvets=them motorists fists will.
Project Manager Bob Farley said the most recent ring -la realignment,ss road motorists s use a the
problems came up when the city learned that Florida new two-lane bypass road bxing built south of the
utility poles in the new section w will S.R.work Once the bypass roa is complee
santer Coionasith had iced new ecti od Wagner's will suave work on also new road and lanes
same location as the proposed new section of SR 439. off Wgn Curve. They also will add turn Lines
The utility has agreed to move those poles. into the park and complete the park's entrance.
However,a telephone box that is in the road and is DOT plans to spend$4.77 million to widen the two-
resprynsible for handling 30,000 connections for custom- lane S.R. 434 between State Road 419 and Tuskawilla
en of Southern Bell cannot be relocated,Farley said. Road to four lanes,starting in the spring of 1996.
"Now,we must redesign the road and go back for At that time, DOT will tear up the portion of road
approval" from the state Department of Transports- being built by -"- -
lion,he said. motorists can
/ a. a3
Winter Springs
battles over bike WINTER SPRINGS
lanes on S.R. 434 Thshs/break-Ins
■ Garden Drive. 100 block, between
2 p.m. Sept. 10 and 2 p.m. Oct. 1.
Someone stole two washers and two
❑One city commissioner says bigger dryers valued at$1,200 from two apart-
bike lanes will be good for youth. manta.
• State Road 434, 800 block, be-
Another says.they're dangerous. tween 11 a.m. Sept. 14 and 11 a.m.
Sept. 29. Someone stole a book of lot-
tery tickets valued at $3900 from a bush
By Will WeIlona ness.
• State Road 434, 100 block, 9:08
WINTER SPRINGS—Call it the battle of the bike a.m. Sept. 19.A bank reported receiving
lanes. and cashing a forged, stolen check for
When State Road 434 is widened through the city $280 at the drive-through.
in the next few years, Commissioner Cindy Gennell Criminal mischief/vandalism
wants not only a place for more cars, but a place for Winter Springs Boulevard, 1500
bicyclists,too. block, between 9 p.m. Sept. 30 arid 8
However, Commissioner John Ferring says that a.m. Oct. 1. Someone put graffiti on a
one of the city's busiest thoroughfares is not the golf course green,using chemicals to kill
place to put a bike path on the side of the road. the grass. This caused an estimated
This battle is expected to be resolved at a commis- $10,000 in damages to the green.
sion meeting this month, perhaps as early as Mon- Battery DI
Gennell said it makes sense for the state to put in • Alton Road. 11:30 a.m.Sept 29.A
a 9-foot bike lane when it widens S.R. 434 from two man was charged with scratching and
to four lanes from State Road 419 to the Central Flor- gqy
ida GreeneWay. Construction of the first segment of
the road project from S.R. 419 to Tuskawilla Road is
expected to begin next summer. kicking his wife during an argument at
The bike lanes are on both sides of the highway,in • their house.
the area outside the white lines on the shoulder of • Cortex Avenue.7:55 p.m.Sept.30. .
the road. A man was charged with hitting a wom-
Gennell lobbied for the bike lanes when she met an in the lace during an argument at.
with regional planners and state Department of their residence.
• Moss Road.with p putting n. Oct. m 1. n
DOT notified the officials th this summer. In be put- man was lock and with gini her woman
DOT ntheibi the city that state crews would be put- In i head lock arM tlregging her arouM
ling in the bike lanes. their house.
Gennell says the city agreed to bike lanes during a
May 3 work session with state transportation offi-
But Ferring said Gennell has no business lobbying
for bike lanes. He pointed out that the city did not
approve the bike lanes during a regular commission
"There is no way we want our kids riding on an
arterial highway," said Ferring,who called the move
Ferring says he is not against bike paths, only un-
safe paths. However, Gennell said the city needs the
paths so children from the city's west side can get to
Central Winds Park and the new Winter Springs
High School,when it is constructed. q ,//d
She said the state had already planned for 2-foot ry
bike lanes along the road for expert bicyclists before
the commission brought up the issue in May.Widen-
ing the lanes to 4 feet will make the roadway safe for
bikers who are not experts,she said.
"I would ride to City Hall,"Gennell said.
To try to end the confusion,Mayor John Bush has
asked the city manager to pull the minutes from the
May meeting and pass the information along to com-
The next commission meeting is Monday.
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Winter Springs wants ideas City hopes foresight
on dressing up S.R. 434 will help
By Will Welton, p do the trick
Of THE aeNIMEL STAFF Ideas sought ROADWAY from K-1
than City Hall and Central Winds planners are seeking look.
Park,the most dominating feature ideas Road how properties along The planning
the Winter session is scheduled Center me 9 a.m. to 7
along eastern State Road 434 is a State Road 434 should r de- Edg m at the Winter Springs Senior Center on 400 N.
rusting railroad track. veloped — and even reds- Edgemon Avenue.
Soon that will change. Winter veloped — in the coming Goodrow is hoping that 60 to 70 people will spend
Springs High School,which is un- yeas The planning session is the day giving their suggestions.that the and City
der construction, is beginning to scheduled for 9 am. to 7 p.m. Manager John s chance to stress that the meeting is
loom over the landscape.And S.R. May iorO Center, 900 N.Springs the l community's till de eo pave a say in how proper-
434 is set to be widened to four mon Avenue. g ty along S.R.434 will develop.
lanes east of County Road 419,tie- One of the first questions Goodrow said he will ask
ginning this year.With the widen-
also how large the S.R.434 planning area should be.He
ing, business is expected to bloc- also will ask whether the city should be loo
som thong the road. lion of city planning consultant the areas west of County Road 419. looking at
City commissioners want the Fred G°°d'uw• will cover every-
road to be the city's focal point. thing from the landscaping the "We could be looking at a re-development issue;'
he said.
city should require along S.R. 434
This month, city planners are to the development Winter Govomhk hopes that by the end of the day,Winter
seeking ideas on how properties Springs should allow. Springs will have the be
along the road should be devel- Goodrow said the meeting's em- east-west road. grnnmg°f a blueprint forests
oped — and even redeveloped — phasis will be on trying to get Commissioner `"' l one o '
in the coming years. 'si g g City ers ha urged t e city ono of the with
owners, residents com s to a a road plan who have urged the ciey to come up with
On Mayon the city will be host community leaders the e come oo d a ease plan before the g forward.,
arrives, is just
seminaa 7y-long S.R. 434 planning consensus on how the road should pleased the city is moving forward. p
The seminar, under the direr- Please see ROADWAY, K-4 "I want a little bit of foresight"she said. �����^
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