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Road Planning and Reconstruction-1983/1994
Winter Springs I r Li puts roads on EXIT list of priorities j'. By John Wark h 3 C/ -10 434 � OF TYE NENN TA. °P#? WINTER SPRINGS — Road improvements, more tr home rule and a post office top a list of things the W A fA' �- jt city • commission • hopes the Seminole County legisla- _-- 4 V V '+ ^t tive delegation can help the city get this year. Commission members scheduled time to draft the c' Winter. g list during a workshop Tuesday night after learning Vj 7 last week that Mayor John Torcaso had sent a simi- lar list of "personal" legislative proposals to Rep. 1 MILE . - . Bobby Brantley, a Longwood Republican. in mid- dt j December. ,,, Brantley and other legislators routinely and peri- odically invite city and county authorities to prepare 1- lists of legislation they would like to see proposed ha i 4 Tallahassee. ` t Torcaso said he sent the list of "personal thoughts" to Brantley without consulting the com- "° ,t mission first because Brantley's letter of invitation t was mailed to his home. _.. - a 1 There was no mention made of the mayors letter Y at the workshop meeting, where each comma oM* .�. - t� ei s # -£ a . got a chance to add something to the list 1 + • 'ir'f Widening of State Road 419 and Red Bug Lake IF Road to four lanes, and installing a traffic lighT--t as - ' the Fairway Market entrance on State Road 434. • i, t" 1 were among the 14 items they listed. ,.a? ... o.' '�� Commissioner suggethe Jim my d In a building coning- ANDREW SENTINEL tor, suggested the county delegation oppose leglsla- tion sought by the Florida League of Cities to ml- That way to Winter Springs pose stricter regulations on the construction indob S.M. Burgess (right) and Joe Dupuis of the state Department try. The construction regulations stem from the Her- of Transportation erect one of four signs Tuesday on Inter- boar Cay condominium collapse two years ago.p hone call to ed Hartman's suggestion on the construction sat for the signs t motorists more than a year before Springs. p The city lob- Commissioner Inn Linville and Torcaso su n DOT from state Rep. Carl Seiph got the job done. regulations. please see LIST,6 state notify the city of the effects the 0 3 a f e Ll CT Z0 state's proposed purchase of the V Spring Hammock wildlife area would From 1 have on property in the city. Commissioner Leanne Grove sug- �, , C / Hartman,who ugted the widening the gested the state and county be asked S.A. Street also suggested moving the to better define "double taxation for Wade Street with the st crossing 50 feet services." to align it with the Martin The commission plans a formal vote Commissioner the addt Trl t affi, at the public meeting next Thursday who on S.R. 434,the qua additional traffic to send the list to the legislators. light on SR. 434, requested that the Planning board concept and set priorities for construction. If com- missioners adopt the road plan, it would be includ- ed ed in the city's comprehensive plan. 1 OKs road loop Shore boa ,w which runs the the extension ry Shore Road,which rani along the eastern boundary of the Ranchlands,south of S.R.434. The extension would go north to the intersection By Elaine Bennett of state roads 439 and 419 and south to Lake Drive. The northern extension would not be completed un- OFreE SENTINEL STAFF til after S.R. 434 is widened. In the interim, resi- dents could use the collector road to get from the WINTER SPRINGS—City planners fear that in- western to the eastern sides of the city without hay- creased traffic on State Road 434 will be more haz- ing to use S.R. 434. Proposals for the southern ex- ardous when the Eastern Beltway and an inter- tension call for either running that portion parallel change opens to motorists within five years. to or along Fisher Road. They also are concerned that commercial devel- Koch estimated it would cost the city about $1.2 opment will be prohibited along a two-mile strip of million to complete the first phase within five years. S.R.434—the proposed location of the city's prima- Some of that money also could go for the con- ry business district — until the state widens the struction of the first stage of the loop, which might two-lane road to four or six lanes to accommodate involve building a proposed half-mile of road to run the additional traffic. east and west between Shore and Moss Road, local- Just when the state Department of Transporta- ed west of Shore. Or, planners might decide that tion will add those lanes is unknown, but it is cer- the first stage should be the construction of an east- thin the widening will not occur within the next five west connection from Fisher Road, north of the years or, "for that matter, many, many years after northern border of Oak Forest to Tuskawilla Road, that,"said Winter Springs Planner Jackie Koch. near Keeth Elementary School. Winter Springs, which is mostly residential, has Later, as money becomes available through 2010, fewer businesses than any city in Seminole County. the loop would continue east across S.R. 434, curve The city needs more businesses to bring in addi- north and northwest across Brantley Avenue, be- tonal revenues that would reduce homeowners' hind City Hall and westward to the proposed en- property taxes. trance to the city's 59-acre super park at Wagoner's To allow for commercial development and to Curve on the north side of S.R. 439. make driving safer, planning and zoning board From that point, the loop would cross undevel- members have given tentative approval to a concept oped land about halfway between S.R. 434 and the to build a roadway loop around the center of the southern shore of Lake Jesup, run west behind the city. They also favored a plan for a roadway that Seminole County School District's bus depot and eventually would connect State Road 419 at S.R.434 several industries on the northside of S.R.419,then with Lake Drive. curve south to Moss Road. Developers would use impact fee funds to build Tipton told planning board members it would not part of the roads before the construction of homes be inconceivable in the future to see Shore Road or businesses. eventually run between S.R.434 and Dodd Road. Koch and traffic consultant William E. Tipton Sr. The loop, Tipton said, would "enhance a business of Tipton Associates, Orlando, recently presented core." the preliminary plans on the future road needs. Over the next five years, the state anticipates only They said a master plan on the collector road sys- design work and right-of-way acquisition along S.R. tern would be presented to the planning and zoning 434 between S.R. 919 and Tuskawilla Road. No mon- board later for approval. The plans then must be ey has been set aside to add lanes to S.R. 434, but discussed at public hearings before city commis- nearly$2.3 million has been earmarked in 1992 to re- sioners vote on them. surface and add several inches to both lanes of S.R. Planning board members approved the plan's 434 between S.R.419 and S.R.426. 90elOz 'J 0 0 ❑ a<< N C m C o 0 o� : rt < O 'O 0 w0 °o - w ^+oR" d 8 'gg2$^ A a� o' i oa o t C Ca 11, § C' S O 0• as F w ? rf co a° o dawn ° nn so ro oo 0 11 Q• m-'i- i ! = 32 `, ro =m ' .9. ° co lab oay Co o '-- 0 3 mse � C O`< ' '° J r m 0y° - y mo g o O R, y < < 0O a i < 0 G 70 .S ; C.' T✓ 0mi 0^y 0 3 o �Za ON a a 0 ° O w o -o- ' ry N •�+R e.Ny pNGo rf - 74ON 0.0' 7 G 27Ewp O°m 9. .T. . 5 �' ,°� 0 o w .. a<S.w c) o� e.�do^ ° mdm ,�a... o, o .8 r, D 9. N " <.1zpi N3 8'tiw�o Ne7 ,O Cn 'r rn.ei , onR� '] eei� 'U 3 nag,.. 5 �``�NV° mwoo cO y as°w aa35 �e SD a-`voT < ~s° •e 'D�3 'E-�3,� o ay aka ya `c y an 3.3V OF . 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