HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrowth Plan-1991 Renovations and expansion of
plans City Planner Jackie Koch said ' the sewer plant will enable the
City's p the city has about 22,200 resi- system to dispose of additional ef-
dents. The city anticipates grow- fluent, which is necessary for the
for future ng tb 29,000 people in 1996 and city to provide service to new de-
velopments.by 2010. velopmenis. The improvements
State Road 434 and Tuskawilla would include installation of a re-
Road are the only two main roads claimed water system. in which
ride on vote through the city. Both roads will highly treated waste water can be
be expanded in the future,but are used to irrigate lawns. It will be
Blueprint includes
expected to remain congested as
additional traffic is funneled offered free to businesses and
homes abutting easements and
public properties when possible.
roads, homes, parks through the the y when the next The reclaimed water program also
stretch the beltway through will help reduce the amount of po-
east Semi nole opens. table water used to irrigate lawns.
By Elaine Bennett cope with expected traffic The city also plans to enforce
or THE SENnNEL STAFF congestion on S.R. 434 and mandatory water restrictions and
encourage developers to conserve
water by installing water-saving
WINTER SPRINGS—New road Please see PLAN, K-11 plumbing and fixtures in new con-
town, affordable rd ble established down- - struetion. The city plans to edu an
town, orfordable hoaxing, more The city's future cafe the public about using land-
neighborhood Parks and reviving soaping that doesn't need a lot of
alder the city's s future.. all these City commissioners will vote water and the benefits of a re-
are it the m future. on the Winter Springs commis- claimed water system.
City they favor r thus have rods, hensive plan during their meet- The city will encourage resi-
astwell as fanur b those programs, ing at 7:30 p.m. Monday at City dents and business owners to par-
as well ie a number in the op- 9 of
portunities proposed in the city's Hell, 1126 E. State Road 434. ticipate in the city's recycling pro-
gram.The city also plans to estab-
expecehet receive plan. The iven ap- list areas for disposing paint, oil,
expected to aeceive tentative cps chemicals and insecticides.
sent to Monday night before it e- �-L /-�p The city's comprehensive plan
sent to the state to mplia and de- Plan i L 1 cl ud es also stresses the importance of en-
teThectfitisincong andz forcing regulations to ensure
The city's planning and zoning drainage areas are performing and
night to recommend menn d t that city commission
voted 3-2 ty quality work that development has not been
that detrimental to wetlands,lakes and
commissioners tentatively ap- creeks.
Prove the plan embers night. A new conservation category
Planning board members Martin PLAN from K-1 also is planned to identify 100-
theyecorand David McLeod said year flood prone properties and
they couldn't make the recom- Tuskawilla Road, the city has wetlands. The city will acquire or
Oviedo tackles land use, K-11 planned alternative roads. Plans require developers to dedicate sig-
include extending Shore Road in nificant wetland properties as con-
the Ranchlands from S.R. 434 to servation areas when possible.
were e iven because they never Lake Drive; extending Shepard Developers will be required to
given an opportunity ge read Road to Edgemon Avenue; and maintain natural buffers and land-
sections on storm drainage and constructing a road loop that scope between natural
proposed and exist-
ground water. They also corn- would run north behind the city ing development near the beltway,
played that hen legal review of municipal building, west between S.R.development
and Tuskawilla Road.
the plan had ard members completed. SR. 434 and Lake Jesup, south The city will require additional
Other booty members said in-
se and then east along a strip behind buffering between require additional
to be included in those the Oak Forest neighborhood and buffering multifamily homes and
elements was discussed, and they across Tuskawilla Road,and north single-family residential areas.
were confident that staff and city across S.R. 434 and Brantley Ave- The plan also calls for areas.
c mplet would have the plan flue to City Hall. tion of Central Winds Park north
completed by the,April 1 ngdcom To provide,0yater and sewer ser- of S.R. 434 at the southern shore
Commissioners, planning con- vices for future development, the of Lake Jesup, and development
mittees and staff have had Homer- plan includes significant improve- of additional neighborhood parks,
our meetings and public hearings ments to the west utility plants. mini-parks and passive recreation-
during the past year to create the Commissioners recently agreed to al areas. The city will survey resi-
city,whichstablis to the refinance bonds used to acquire dents every five years to deter-
the will establish to handle the water'and sewer plants at low- mine the city's recreational needs.
growth. Commissioners are ex- er interest rates to fund the need-
pected to adopt the plan in Sep- ed improvements.
9/ 0 ,3
City awaits word on growth plan
❑ confirm it will get more time.
Winter Springs expects the state Engineering consultant Fred Goodrow, who
to grant an extension for the city to was hired recently to help revise the plan; told
file a revision of its comprehensive commissioners that if the city submitted the
plan,which failed to meet standards. work completed so far, the state would say the
p plan didn't meet state requirements and immedi-.
ately impose sanctions.
Those penalties,Kruppenbacher said,could in-
By Elaine Bennett dude the loss of money to improve roads,bridges
OF THE 9eanwEa STAFF and utilities, along with revenue-sharing money
and grants for recreation.
WINTER SPRINGS — Winter Springs will Goodrow is working with city staff members to
miss its deadline Monday to return its compre- revise the plan, which he said was "not set up
hensive plan to the state,but the city is expected properly,and a lot of analysis was not done."
to receive a 90-day extension. Goodrow said recently that he,too,talked with
City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher said he re- state officials and "they like the idea the city is
cently talked with a representative of the state going to make some effort to really bring this
Department of Community Affairs and was told into compliance with their views.The indications
Winter Springs probably will be granted an ex- are they are sympathetic and will allow more
tension because the city is trying to bring its time to get this in order."
plan into compliance. He said the city should re- Pf983e see PLAN, lam'
give a letter from the state later this week to
Winter Springs awaits word on growth plan
ronmentally sensitive land, wildlife and historic
PLAN from I-1 sites.
Pennock said the plan also doesn't ensure protec-
In a letter to the city last month, Robert Pennock, tion of Lake Jesup because it would allow industrial
chief of the bureau of local planning for the Depart- and commercial development near the lake and
ment of Community Affairs, listed several deficien- doesn't provide detailed guidelines to protect the
des in the plan, including a lack of data to support lake.
how the city planned to meet its objectives. He said He said development along State and
the city must clearly define its planned programs m
and activities. strengthen policies on restoring neighborhoods, im-
He also said the plan needed more details to show proving housing conditions and providing adequate ti e
how the city would protect drinking water supplies sites for low- and moderate-income housing,
and what programs it would sponsor to protect envi- home parks,group homes and foster care facilities.
/ 9 � !
State sends backs oter Springs' growthptaA
,. d Koch said the that goal
❑The cal t ty + 'FOWL d'A.1*s Springs are Re also said irioie.Jd411s ass
details 8 ter " r k P1aps Bub how the dtq NS>l, • y
its goals,says a to agency. 91'•`by&other.d counties. She supplies and whey
mareie STAY.e the request said land, dpto' e c ♦ t ' me s v
sad„the citytan, of which she said land, 1 life and' r i.
By Ejaind'Bennett t iseihduded it the but might have Pennock said the ply •
b*!t1 oeerlookedbythestate. protection of Lake Seapp sett
OF BE sumo.STAFF Ili a'Cetter to the city,Robert Pennock, would allow industrial and iodunercial
chief bt the hroreatt QClocal planning for development near the lake ` ,• 't•WINTER SPRINGS— A state agency .the.D@heN.men of munity AffamS Jdodide detailed guideline �•
wants the city to provide more specific in- lista.rge deficiencies, including a er v°" t,if it e"
formation about how it plans to accom- 1seji o iota.to. support how the city Pennock said the ctly
plash the goals of its comprehensive plan. planned to meet.its objectives. He said vise the plan to discourage stgp igmmet
The city plan must be revised and re- the oity must clearly define programs and vial development along State Road 434.
turned to the state by Dec. 12. activ49ea anions to take to achieve its ob- The city,he said,also need*patides on
Mayor Phil'Gabes set workshops for 7 jettilgaand poale how to help restore neighboi'hPeds, in-
p.m.Monday and Nov. 18 to discuss the For Instance, while the city said it prove.housing condition;tat, qttovide
progress of the revisions and-the,plan's would-protect-residential areas from corn- adequate sites for.log;arid, in-
adoption The workshops will be held at mercial intrusion, Pennock said the plan come housing, mobile bottle p
the municipal building on State Road 434. did not specify how it would accomplish homes,and foster care facilities.