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Hove much is beauty/ worth?
Winter Springs will decide on landscaping for city building
By Elaine Bennett PION&
The price also could be reduced if smaller trees are
OF THE 8En a6 STIFF - used.
Members of the beautification board said they will
WINTER SPRINGS— Is a more pleasant.view of make a recommendation to the City Commission in
the Wmter Springs municipal building worth$10,000 the next few months.
to$20,000? - Bath's design proposes a series of.tall oak trees to
That's the question before members of the Beau ti-. line the property along S.R.934 in front of the build-
fication of Winter Springs Board,who are reviewing ing and along the driveway leading to the property.
consultant David Barth's estimates for his landacap - He also recommended that a portion of the drive-
ing designs for the building,which houses the City- way be torn out and planted with trees.
Hall and police station on State Road 434. Barth's design also shows patio trees planted be-
Barth, who is designing the city's 59-acre super side benches near the building's entrance and flag
park, provided the city with five preliminary land- pole.
scape designs for the munieipal building. Taller trees would be located in a-graasy area be-
Although he estimated the cost to complete his de- tween the parking lot and building.
sign could reach.$20,000, he told the beautification. . Plans include an optional small pond with a foun-
board the cost would drop if businesses, organiza- tain or jet of water to create a-focal point in an open
Lions or individuals donated money or trees for the area between the parking lot and S.R 434.
Q/ O/ /7
Winter Springs hesitates
on city hall landscaping
By Elaine Bennett trees planted beside benches near
the building's entrance and flag-
orwe SENTINEL STAFF pole, while taller trees would be
placed in a grassy area between
WINTER SPRINGS — City the parking lot and building.
commissioners have indicated if feasible Berth said, a all
they favors Mort pleasant view of pond with a fountain or jet obi!wa-
the Winter Springs municipal ter could be created as a focal
u they want to review the point on property In an open area
landscape p for city hall be- between the parking lot and S .
fore they vote on whether to
spend an estimated $20,000 to Mayor Phil Kulbes suggested
spruce up the outside of the build- last week that fewer trees be
Mg on State Road 434. planted along 8.R.434 so that the
',Architect David Barth, who is city hall would not be hidden.
destining the udty's.proposed 59- He also said that because the
acre Central Winds Park on the city's Public..Works Department
south of Lake JesuP, grows its own tees, the cost of
ated city hall lendecaPe Plana purchasing the plants for the pro-
tree of of Winter Springs beard. should be kept down.
plans show tall oaks lin- Police Chief'John Govoruhk op-
ty hall hall.property where it bor- posed the median in the driveway,S.R. 434, aed replacing part saying larger hicks would have to
cif the driveway with trees. slow to negotiate the turn and that
The design also shows patio traffic would back up on S.R.434.
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