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❑Winter Springs extends "I don't have a problem with the service,"
Cablevision's contract for 10 years Kaehler said. "However, I have a definite prob-
Y lem with the rates you charge. I would like to of-
despite objecti711s from residents. fer an exclusive franchise to any cable company
who would provide good services and set reason-
able rates. I want someone who is more willing to
Y J'O --� // work with us."
OF THE SENTINEL STAFF Diane Pickett, spokeswoman for Cablevision,
I said the city has no legal authority to regulate
WINTER SPRINGS— Despite objections from the company's rates, which run $18.95 a month
for basic service,and it has no legal basis to deny
several homeowners and some commissioners, the franchise.
Cablevision of Central Florida has received an Federal law allows local governments to deny
other 10 year contract to operate in the city. the renewal of a franchise only if a cable corn-
Commissioners voted 3-to-2 Monday night to pony has not complied with its contract, isn't re-
renew the franchise agreement with Cablevision, sponsive to the needs of its customers, is unable
which has provided cable service in Winter
Springs for 20 years. to meet the terms of the contract or is unable to
Commissioners Cindy Kaehler and John Lan- meet the service needs of the entire community.
gellotti opposed the 10-year non-exclusive fran Commissioner Don Jonas, who favored the ex-
chise extension,asking that their peers approve a tended contract, said he didn t believe any other
one-year contract.That motion failed.3-2. Please see CABLE, 1-4
Winter Springs extends cable pact despite complaints
contract with the city, she said, scriber rates that have increased
CABLE from -1 every year since 1988.
numerous improvements have
been made, including more Chan "At the same time, their net in
cable company could offer lower nels, the ability to provide stereo come in earnings rose dramatical-
rates because of the costly invest- and fine audio tuning, a reduction ly,"Ferring said.
ment to start up a new service in of outages and better clarity. She "In a free enterprise system
the city. said the company also has re where people have a choice, one
Currently, Cablevision serves placed outdated cable and im- could say that anyone is entitled
about two-thirds of the city or proved its reliability. to make a profit," Ferring said.
6,658 subscribers. Pickett said the Oak Forest homeowner John "But, with the city of Winter
company's investment in Winter Ferring opposed the contract ex- Springs residents it's either Cable-
Springs is a multimillion-dollar tension, expressing concerns the vision of Central Florida or rabbit
operation. During the company's city has no say in controlling sub- ears."
9 / / 7 3 /
Winter Springs answers call for new
by Darrell Johnson Commissioner Cindy the issue will be on the agenda
The most exciting item on Gennell also wanted a closing date again in two weeks.
last Monday's Winter Springs City in the contract. Signs of the times...
A vote on the ordinance as Walt Dittmer of Dittmer
Commission meeting was a lele- written failed, two votes in favor Signs asked for permissionto erect
phone conlmct, and one against.Two commission- a billboard of a style not covered
Two years ago the commis- ers were absent,and three yes votes by city codes. The Roun-Ditt sign
sion renewed an ordinance autho- are necessary o pass any measure. would stand on a
rizing BellSouth Telecommunica- ry y pedestal ten feet
lions to provide service to parts of Technically,the issue should off the ground. The sign itself
the city. The agreement called for have been dead, but would be eight feet high.
a franchise fee to be paid by the
Kruppenbacher nnell reverse suggested that The unique feature isn that the
customers on each bill and turned
Gennell reverse her vote and pass board is round. Three signs will
over to the city. the ordinance. Southern Bell's occupy a circular band which will
Unfortunately, the contract commissioners agreed that at the next rotate.It's like a be lighted ion sign in
was written by personnel who are meeting, with all mmissioners the round. It will l be li from
no longer with the city, and who present, an amendment could be the inside using a special lens.
did not have access to BellSouth's offered to set a term limit. Diamerhasbeen inbusiness
criteria.It was rejectedby the com- Gennell made a motion to in Winter Springs for 23 years.The
reconsider, which passed. A coo- sign is his own design, and he
pony, tion was made and seconded to plans to market the concept if it
The franchise fees have been vote on the matter.Kruppenbacher proves successful.
collected since then based on the then suggested that the issue sim- The request was granted af-
concept of intent.That means that, ply be tabled until the next meet- ter Dittmer convinced commis-
while there is no contract in effect, jug. sinners that the structure was safe
the company is still operating in Since a vote was called for and would not be an eyesore. The
Winter Springs and forwarding the at that point, that had to be done world's first Roun-Ditt sign should
fees, which total over $1,000 per before anything else. By then ev- be operating on the corner ofHigh-
month,to the city. eryone was so confused that the way 17-92 and Shepard Rd. by
On Monday evening com- vote resulted in a two to one vet- early next year.
missioners had an opportunity to diet again. In other business...
approve a revised version,the re- This time, wisely, nobody * Last Thursday's public
suit of exhaustive negotiations be- tried to resurrect it. Presumably,
tween City Manager John
Govoruhlc, City Attorney Frank
Kruppenbacher and Southern Bell phone contract
negotiator Larry Strickler.
Why is this exciting? Be-
cause of the unique voting pattern meeting with county engineers to Concern has arisen over
that settled the issue, at least for avalanche discuss the widening awilla announced plans by Oviedo offi-
Rd. has created an avalan of clots to consider condemning the
The point of contention was concern from residents along the easement which now prevents
the term of the agreement. Coco- route. Commissioner Ferring Winter Springs Blvd. from being
missioners John Ferring and John called on Mayor John Bush to re- intersected by a connector road
Torcaso wanted an open-ended some talks between the Winter from the proposed Oviedo Cross-
contract with no expiration date. Springs and county commissions. ing Mall.
Under those terms the city could Bush suggested a public Commissioner Gennell
void the contract at any time for work session to gather input from asked that a workshop be held to
cause,with advance notice. citizens before approaching the plan strategies in the event of such
Strickler said that the corn- county members. High on the list an act. She also pushed for a high
pony would not accept such an of priorities is a joint finding plan level of communication between
agreement. A renegotiation date to construct solid bather walls be- all involved parties.
has tobe included.
subdivisions. Rd.andadjacen[ Tom Brown sappointed
subdivisions. tonic Beautify Our Winter Springs
Public input meetings will be (BOWS)Board.
9 v///� scheduled and announced in the
_/ near future.
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