HomeMy WebLinkAboutLeaves Commission-1991 Partyka will leave commission
with anger, disappointment
By Elaine Bennett has helped to improve the quality of life in the city.
OF THE SENTINEL STAFF With his successes, though, Partyka has faced dis-
appointments.The biggest has been public apathy.
Partyka said it is disturbing that few residents go
WINTER SPRINGS — As a political rookie Paul to commission meetings and that many who do only
Partyka believed residents were actively involved in attend if the issue affects them directly. Many times,
the city and commission decisions could be acted on he said, commissioners decide on issues without
quickly. opinions of residents.
It took much of his three-year term to realize he "People don't really appreciate how important
was wrong. their opinion or vote is," he said. "Every person's
Now, maintaining he is a tougher, more knowl- vote is extremely important and their opinions need
edgeable Winter Springs commissioner, Partyka said to be heard by the five people on the commission
he is angry and disappointed his time in office will who make decisions."
end Dec.2. Partyka hopes the Winter Springs Civic Associ-
"Half the battle was becoming aware of the admin- ation newsletter will provide information about cur-
istrative procedures and realizing things just don't rent city issues for residents who don't attend meet-
happen over night," Partyka said. "I realize that now, ings,aren't involved in an active homeowners associ-
and it makes me angry I am unable to continue." ation or don't read newspapers.
Partyka hoped to seek a second term in the No Partyka said he is disappointed some candidates in
vember elections, but commission district bound the November commission races aren't more knowl-
aries drawn this year won't allow it. Instead, he must edgeable about how the city operates.
wait until 1993 to run again, shod he decide to face
his neighbor, Commissioner Don onas,in District 5. "We have some highly intelligent residents in this
"I don't know if I will run against Jonas," Partyka city, but they don't want to get involved because
said. "He's doing a fine job. He's they believe it is too much trouble," he said. "Unfor-
honest and speaks his mind." f s tunately, because of that, we don't always get the
When Partyka was elected in `r+' ' '" best possible candidates."
1988, he promised to fight un- Partyka, appointed deputy mayor by his peers on
checked development, keep the commission, said that after his term ends in De-
Tuscawilla residential and en- `°' cember, he will remain active and encourage others
hance the quality of life for all --,0 to become more involved.
residents. Meanwhile, he will devote more time to his duties
He believes he has kept those as president of the Rotary and building his market-
promises by helping push a pro-
posed a� �' an g
shopping center from the ing firm, International Sports and Entertainment
center of Tuscawilla to its outer Limited Inc.A former sales manager of 17 years with
boundaries,voting to restrict some Partyka Procter and Gamble, Partyka formed the marketing
development of the Duda commercial project at company earlier this year to assist businesses,organ-
Tuscawilla's southeastern edge and opposing guest izations and individuals in planning, promoting and
cottages on Tuscawilla Country Club property. marketing their companies.
He also voted to rezone all remaining undeveloped "Through my work with the Rotary and my busi-
commercial land within the Tuscawilla community to ness, I need to know what is going on in Winter
residential. And, through his involvement in groups Springs," he said. "It's smart to be informed and in-
such as the Rotary( of Tuscawilla,he believes he volvement also makes good business sense."
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