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Seneca Bend Subdivision-1995
Hearing is tonight on ro osed p p Seneca Bend subdivision Public hearings will begin at 7:30 Scott Culp, president of Vision De- Council meeting Monday beginning tonight on an application for a condi- velopers."It would have been prefer- at 7 p m. tional use permit for Seneca Bend, a able from a traffic engineering stand- "The development agreement has proposed subdivision to be located point and from a marketing stand- already been approved," said Oviedo east of Seneca Drive and north of point to enter from Seneca Drive,but city planning director David Moon Winter Springs Boulevard the revised entry location is accept- "The subdivision plan being discussed The subdivision,to be built on an able." gets into more detailed issues in line 8.853-acre plot owned by Richland At tonight's (Thursday) hearing with the design of the project." Tuscawilla,Ltd.,Hill contain 21 resi- by the Oviedo Land Planning Agency Moon does not foresee any prob- dential lots and two C-2 commercial in the council chambers of City Hall, lems with beginning construction of lots.Pulte Homes hopes to begin con- citizens may express any concerns Seneca Bend, saying,"As far as I'm struction next month and offer homes they may have about the planned sub- aware,the staff has found(the plans) by the end of this summer. division.Another public hearing will consistent with the Land Develop- ; The homes are expected to sell be offered during the regular City ment Code." in the$130,000-160,000 range,with r six models,including a 2-story model, ranging from 1680 to 2400 square feet. A'company representative, Derek Sutton, said,"This subdivision gives us a niche in the market between 4 the lower priced homes in Tusca Oaks and the higher priced homes in Chest- nut Estates,"both of built by Pulte. "We've had a good response and made some pre-sales of homes," Sutton said. "It's looking good" The subdivision will be accessed via Winter Springs Boulevard, but original plans call for access via Sen- eca Drive when first submitted for approval in November 1993. Those plans were scuttled when Winter Springs,in which Seneca Drive is lo- cated, denied approval of the access road. • Vision Developers, a develop- ment and construction management company handling the planning,plot- ting and approval process for the sub- division,withdrew its original appli- cation in February 1994 and submit- ted the revised plans last August. 9 5 3 j�/� "The revised plan will create a nice residential community," said Meeting what-if I . debate BY TIMOTHY ALLEN CONKLIN Specifically,city planner David Moon ' STAFF REPORTER OF Ti/E OTIEDO VOICE and the cit staff recommended a con- The ON iedo City Council voted dition to the CUP that w ould hold the Monday night.5-0.to appro e a con- developer accountable for making ditional use permit for the proposed changes to the access road should it Seneca Bend subdivision not fall in alignment with the pro- Before approving the CUR how- posed revamping of Winter Springs o er. the council fell into a lengths Boulevard. discussion about the proposed Oviedo Scott Culp, president of Vision mall might affect the subdiN ision's Developers, which is handling the access off Winter Springs Boulevard. planning. plotting and appro al pro- cess for the subdivision. vehemently man Michael Ragsdale likened the we're reads to build on it today, and argued against such a condition. He discussion to"vapor wear."sa}ing."I we want it to be addressed with exist- said that the developer was currently think it's funny that we haven't even ing conditions and existing plans that designing the access road to fall in begun construction on the mall. ha\e been approved. There arc no line with the most recent revamping haven't even gotten the mall appro cd plans approved today for realignment plans. and that it could not be held yet, and we've alrcadh got these situ- of Winter Springs Boulevard or for a financially responsible for making ations arising. .The mall's not there• mall." adjustments to the access road should and we don't even know if it's going In other mall-related matters it not fall in line with the final re- to be there. voted on Monday. the council unani- vamping 1 vamping plans. "These hypes of issues are going mousl� approved an interlocal volun- The city attorney and city plan- to continue to arise. even after the tars cooperation agreement between Hers made several stabs at rewording approval ... and the construction of Oviedo and Winter Springs for the the condition to Culp's liking. but the mall, and I think that it's inter- purpose of policing the northern en- Culp would have none of it He rent- esting that we're facing this so early trance of the mall. The council also crated that the developer was work- on in the process. We need to cater to unanimously approved an escrow mg to accommodate any changes that our citizens and our residents at this agreement between Winter Springs. might be made to Winter Springs time, and not worry about N apor Oviedo. the Vicra Company and Boulevard, but that he was not will- wear. Rouse-Orlando, Inc. Culp was relieved by the The council also approved. 4-1. ing to commit to paying for changes if needed in the future. council's decision. "We're not op- a declaration of covenants.conditions 5' L{© / The council agreed with Culp's posed to the mall. we're not propo- and restrictions of Ekana Green at to position, and voted to approve the nents of the mall." he said. "We're Twin Rivers. paving the way for the CUP without the condition. Council- just here with the property today.and Continued on Page 11 April 6, 1995 What-if debate Continued from Page 1 dards above and beyond those that are In Winter Springs .. called for by the city's land develop- -- On March 31 someone cut a subdivision to include private roads anent code. Tilley said that this was hole in the overhang at the restaurant Councilman John Benson was the sole done deliberately and vengefully by at the Winter Springs Golf Course. dissenter,saying that he did not wish the city staffafter a pn-)i .�sagreement craw led above the ceding, kicked a for the city to begin approving pn" regarding the property. hole through the ceiling and entered vate roads. Several councilmen cited Tilley is seckilig compensation the kitchen. They managed to steal other examples of private roads in for the additional work that the feels $30-35larm of change before setting Oviedo,and the developer detailed its was unwarranted. In response to the off an alarm and running away. plans for road maintenance,but faded claim.the city'referred the case to the In an event not known to be re- to sway Benson's vote. city attorney's ofce.forconsideration hated, a chain securing the cart barn Also heard at the meeting was a and asked that a report be made to • was cut and a golf cart was driven to Claim by Walter Tilley,vice president the council the first week in May. the 17th hole. where it w as aban of Centex Homes,who contends that Tilley stated that he is prepared to file Boned. the city staff held developers of the a lawsuit should the council deny his en- B-2 section of held developers to scan --On cart April someone again ter claim. tered the ca barn at the Winter Springs Golf Course and drove five carts away.One was found at the 10th hole, another in a ditch, and three were driven into a lake. Other van- dalism was done to equipment and signs. including an obscene message written in the sand near the 5th hole. --On April 2 a clerk at the Mobil station on East SR 434 saw two men and a woman enter.Later she saw one of the men emerging from a back room. A check revealed that about 40 packs of cigarettes had been stolen Seminole County Sheriff's deputies picked the suspects up a short time later. -- On March 31 someone at- tempted to break into a residence on Birch Terrace by breaking out a rear window. The owner found the dam- age and boarded it up On April 3 someone pried the boards off and entered the home.The■ took a .22 Magnum 9 shot revolver. $3,000 worth of computer equipment. cash and other items. --On April 4 a storage shed be- hind the Church of the New Covenant t'5'00 on Tuskawilli Road was entered and almost $2.000 worth of lawn care equipment was taken. o 5/76(fs�