HomeMy WebLinkAboutBush's Victory-1993 Winter Springs voters elect
newcomer John Bush mayor
ELECTION from B-1 paulPlPa ityth Carissiont-
door to door. I knew what the peo- of the votes. Bush, who won with
e were interested in and I ad- 1,330 votes to Partyka's 1,214, will
the issues that they , fill the post being vacated by Phil
The •, • charter : _ , , t re- "I'm almost speechless," said
ceived • motes of . : with Bush, 52. "It would have been im-
505 ballot- cast , n it. The possible without all the people who
amendment • a•athgpimous worked so hard to get me elected."
vote—instead a. a simple majority '•.Partyka expressed disappoint-
-to da away - department, ment at Ms less.
currently.. .. 'shed .: ordinance, In the Distract 2 Commission race,
Bernal, g commis:',ners John Felting, 04, defeated'incum-
Mayor I.weshwrd of , z.'ct 5 bent Don Jonas with 022 percent of
and - Miller of lurid 3 end the votes.Ferring,a member of the
two-Year terms bpd year. . city's plamnng and zoning board,
„ 1.03Nsen by,o annieeonem received 1,572 votes while voters
cast 957 for Jonas,who had sought a
WINTER SPRINGS second three-year temn•in office.
With a 22 percent turnout of "1 am completely ecstatic and
11,717 registered voters, two politi- gambled," said Ferring, adding, "I
cal newcomers won posts as mayor thank all the cpnrty for giving
and the District 2 commissioner. me such a voteofnnd]m*f
Voters also overwhelmingly ap- Jonas, who was attending what
proved a charger change that will was to have been a victay party at
limit commissioners and the mayor Partyka's hone,called the vote"un-
to three consecutive three-year believable. I guess Wine Springs
terms.The referendum passed with will get what they voted fo."
2,009 votes or 042 percent in favor Bush and Ferring will be sworn in
to 377 votes against next month with newcomer Cindy
In the mayces race, John Bialy Qel the only candidate to quell-
director of adn w aa1g�Yra�r Ott the District 4 commission seat
at the Universl)rr aT 'ltrNa, Mktg vacated by Terri Donnelly.
93 // e3
Bush's victory
a westside story
❑His foe won more votes in Tuscawilla, Bush, Ferring
but John Bush clinched the west side to
win the Winter Springs mayor's race. to be sworn
By Elaine Bennett //-1 in on Dec: 6
WINTER SPRINGS — Paul Partyka garnered ELECTION from D-1
more Tuscawilla votes for mayor than neighbor John the commission will be a
Bush, but residents from the west side.or town of commission
for Wmter Springs.
office put Bush into oce in Tut EWE.elections. positive
Each said they can Bush, who personally knocked on home than eeo work closely
doors of homes outside his own neighborhood during with their
peers and City Manager'
the campaign, said he believes the personal contact John Govorwrlrlc
and his promise to listen and react to residents'con- I have no doubt we all can
cerns helped him edge ahead of Partyka for the may- work together to get things done
or's post.The seat is being vacated by Phil Kulbes. in the best interest of the sty:'
Winning six of the city's 11 precincts and all four Bush said."It's really suiting
precincts on the city's west side, Bush won with Felting expressed similar opti-
1,330 votes to Partyka's 1,214. Partyka, a former city mism. "I think it's wonderful We
commissioner, managed to take five of the six pre- are as mrripktety ' and
cincts in Tuscawilla,but they weren't enough we are willing to listen to the needs
"I tried to relay to the people that I am the type of of the r idetrfs and work to gether
person who really is concerned,and that if elected I to see that those needs ate met-"
would take action on their concerns," Bush said. Bush and Petting will be sworn
"Hopefully,that's why they voted for me." in on Dec.g,akngwith newcomer
In the District 2 City Commission seat race, John Cindy Genneil, only candidate
Feting overwhelmingly defeated incumbent Don Jo- to qualify for the District 4 corn_
nes by winning eight precincts, including all those mission seat being vacated by
on the west side of town and three in Tuscawilla.Jo- Terri Donnelly
nag, seeking a second three-year term on the corn- Voters also approved • chatter
mission, won three precincts, all in his neighbor- rhanye limiting the time • corn-
hood. _ ndssioner or maws' can serve to
Ferring won with 1,572 votes to the 057 cast for Jonas. three consecutive three-year
Both Bush and Ferring are optimistic that being a terms. The newoolmarroased
2,004 tort