HomeMy WebLinkAboutFormer Commissioner Maureen Boyd-1982 Commissioner quits to end row over jobs:
By Sid Kirchheimer officer ... And previous opinions of this Boyd said last week she"would not give up_
orteesennraimerr office have indicated that a municipal either job unless a judge or the commies:
S%2-/a-O k. policeman is an officer within the scope of sion says I have to." "s'`
WINTER SPRINGS— this constitutional provision." - Mayor John Torcaso said a workshop
City Commission- Eruppenbacher said he was prepared to will be held Tuesday to discuss a common.
er Maureen Boyd,who has tried since Sep- fight the provision, but that Boyd stepped Mon replacement.
tember to l d two
wr public lic,2�a-sresat cem- down to avoid any embarrassment to the Under the city charter, the commission
Post thy, city, will decide by majority vote who will fill
One minute after the resignation takes Kruppenbacher was hired as city actor- the remaining two years of$ d'e oy three'
effect at 8:59 a.m., the two-tern, commis- Oey Nov.Nov. 22 after lawyers from the law year term. ..
sinner shifts from reserve to full-time em- firm that had represented the city since That action is scheduled for Dec, 14. .
1980 advised —for the third time — that Possible replacements mentioned so
tus as a Winter Park police officer,with an f+p'
annual salary of nearly$15,000. Boyd resign either one of her city jobs. by Wilfred include: -
Boyd, 30, had been advised by various However, he had been hired by Boyd sear- • Wilfred "Hap" Arnold, a retired icy Mr
lawyers since July that the Florida various oral weeks earlier to look Into the constitu- Force colonel and former city
tution prohibits a person from holding tional question. commissioner.
more than one state, county or municipal Besides Smith and the city's former law • John Hatfield, an employee benefit.
office at the same time. firm of Jones and Morrison,state Elections consultant and president of the city pIN-
In a tearful session Wednesday with Supervisor Dorothy Glleson and a lawyer ring and zoning board,
commissioners and city employees at city for the Florida League of Cities had told ■ Dave Deardph, a retiree whose city
hall, Boyd said she is quitting to avoid a Boyd she was violating She constitution, experience has been confined to attending
lawsuit against the city — an action that Boyd started work for Winter Park in commission sessions. .
City Attorney Frank Hrupp.nbacher said September,two months after being told by • Harry Reid, a lawyer who narrowly
was almost certain if she kept both posts. then-City Attorney Al Cook that taking the lost an election for the commission Nov.$:'
In an Oct. 22 letter to the city, Florida job would be a constitutional problem. Arnold, Hatfield and Reid said they
Attorney General Jim Smith wrote that a Elected to the commission in 1979 and interested in the job. Dearolph could
"city commissioner is clearly • municipal re-elected last year without opposition, be reached for comment Wednesday. - -