HomeMy WebLinkAboutSending Traffic Away-1992 Consultant: Send apartment traffic
away from Winter Springs homes
By Elaine Bennett handle the additional traffic. approve a proposal to rezone a 2.8
areattimur Ron Ginsburg,vice president of acre site off Murphy from corn
the Maitland company that will mercial to multifamily,paving the
manage the complex, said plans way for the complex on 28 acres
WINTER SPRINGS — Traffic are to allow emergency traffic only north of Seminole, between Win-
from a proposed 304-unit apart- from Blue Belle Drive and to use ter Park Drive and Murphy.
ment complex in Casselberry the Murphy Road site as the alter- Tipton said in his report that if
should be diverted away from a nate entrance to prevent traffic the property remained commer-
residential area of Winter Springs, from going into a residential area cial, development would generate
a traffic consultant said. of Casselberry.The main entrance seven times more traffic daily on
Bill Tipton, hired by Winter would be on Seminole Boulevard Murphy and Edgemon. It also
Springs, wrote in a report released at Lake Drive,where a traffic light would generate five times more
last week that a proposed enh'an a is planned. traffic through the Winter Springs
and writ at Castle Park Development Tipton said if the developer's neighborhoods during peak eve-
off Murphy Road should be closed to plan is approved, traffic could in- ning traffic hours.
all but emergency traffic to prevent crease more by than 10 percent on CED Construction of Maitland
a 10 percent increase in traffic in Murphy Road and Edgemon Ave- plans to build wood-and-stucco
Winter Springs neighborhoods. nue, which are not designed as apartments each designed with
Tipton suggested Casselberry collector roads. He also wrote that 800 square feet to 1,200 square
divert traffic toward the west side construction traffic could deterio- feet of living space.They will rent
of the apartment complex to Blue rate the Winter Springs streets. for up to $545 to families making
Belle and Winter Park drives. Tipton's report will be present- $27,000 a year or less. The devel-
Winter Park Drive, he said, is a ed to Casselberry commissioners oper also plans to set aside 28
collector road and designed to July 8,when they are expected to acres for wetlands conservation.
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