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Oviedo consider Cities consider fee for new development IIII
development fee municipal services far exceed the For commercial development,
FEES from K-1 fees charged for them. As a result, the city is proposing fees between
❑The 2 cities want builders re
iii these services are funded in large $17.42 and$209.02 per 1,000 square.
But the fee could be another part through [existing] ad valorem feet. That does not include 8.
and new homeowners tay swipe at housing affordability, said taxes," Dennis said in a recent charge for recreational services.
their share for police, fire an vaul Mashburn, president of the memo to council members. In Oviedo, a developer of a sin-
ome Builders Association of Mid- "The city's current fiscal struc- gle-family home would be charged
other services sooner. Florida. ture is insufficient to meet the ad- a flat fee of $228 regardless of
"We're opposed to it but only be- ditional demands for municipal when the certificate of occupancy
By Ines Davis Parrish use it's one more effort to gener- services imposed by new develop- is issued. Commercial developers
and Elaine Bennett to dollars to cover the city or ment,"she wrote. would pay about 101/2 cents per
ounty budgets by extracting it The proposed one-time fee, 1,000 square feet.
F THE SENTINEL STAFF from the builders or that silent called an interim services fee, Dennis said she calculated the
constituency, the home buyer," he would be collected when a certifi- proposed fees based on the costs
OVIEDO — Winter Springs and said. cate of occupancy for a new home for providing services, the average
Oviedo are considering a fee on new de- "That home buyer is not there or business is issued. The certifi- square footage of a single-family
velopment not yet fully taxed to cover when these fees are being consid- cafe is issued when all inspections home and the number of building
the cost of providing police and fire pro- ered,and we feel it's grossly unfair have been completed and the permits issued.
tection and other city services. to come to the development indus- building is ready to be occupied.
y Had the city begun collecting
Sometimes a year or two can pass be- try for these dollars." The cities are considering slight the fee last year, it would have
fore the cities collect taxes on the full Like another growth-related ly different proposals.
value when homes,offices and shops are charge, impact fees, the consumer In Winter Springs, the fees added about $99,000 to its coffers.
!built, Oviedo Finance Director Lynda ultimately will pay the new fee as would be prorated. Earlier in the Dennis said that if the fee is adopt
Dennis said. well,Mashburn said. year, the fee would be higher than ed for the 1992-93 budget year,the
During that time,a new homeowner or Impact fees are levied on devel- if the certificate of occupancy is '.s_ •city could collect$127,000.
business requires police and fire protec- opers to help pay for capital im- sued later in the year, according to Llected officials in Oviedo and
tion and adds to the need for road main- provements to the cities' service building official G.B.Archer. Winter Springs have not reviewed
tenance or recreation services. systems, such as new parks, police The fees for new residential de- the proposals.Winter Springs corn-
The idea is to take the burden off oth- cars or fire equipment. velopment in Winter Springs missioners are expected to discuss
er taxpayers while generating an addi- Money for the ongoing costs of would range from $12.88 to the fees at a work session next
tional source of income for the cities. providing city services come most- $154.52, depending on which month. Oviedo City Council mem-
Similar fees are charged in Orlando, ly from property tax revenue. month the certificate of occupancy bers may discuss the fees at their
Ocoee, Clearwater, Miami, Largo and "The costs of providing most is issued. July 6 work session.
Oakland Park and are bang discussed
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