HomeMy WebLinkAboutClean Up, Paint Up, Fix Up Week-1990 Winter Springsplans week to spruce up
WINTER SPRINGS—Good dean hvuk' Tuscawilla community on the east side.
That is what Winter Springs Pty commissioners Industrial Waste Services in Longwood,which has
I' hope to accomplish between June 24 an4, O, desig- an exclusive franchise agreement to collect garbage
nated Clean Up,Paint Up and Fix Up Week;.. in Winter Springs,will have bins at the fire stations
They also hope to,prevent fires-and'aeccidegts, for some items. Scrap Masters,a Lockhart company,
which are.caused by littered and cluttered'conditions: will collect discarded appliances, such as broken.
in homes,businesses and streets down refrigerators and stoves,in other bins at the
People who live and worjtJai the dly are..urged to fire stations.
discard broken and antiquated°Jtamaarijj4ebits'and City commissioners have urged all residents,busi-
take them to several'dumping buts;Which'will be lo-- nesses, civic clubs, churches and boys'. and girls'
sated at the fire stations on Moss Road in west Win- clubs to take an active part in the program. '
ter Springs and off Winter Springs Boulevard in the —ELAINE BENNEIT
Winter Springs sets cleanup
By Elaine Bennett planned at the fire stations on Moss
Y Road and off Winter Springs Boole-
OF THE SnrrrisrSTAFF yard in the Tusrawilla community
between June 24 and 30.
WINTER SPRINGS — Oil and Industrial Waste Services in
paint products,batteries,tires,herb- Longwood, which has an exclusive
icides and pesticides will not be ac- franchise agreement to collect gar-
cepted in dumping bins being set bage in the city, will have bins at
up for Clean Up, Paint Up and Iix the fire stations for some items.
Up Week. Scrap Masters,a Lockhart company,
Winter Springs Public Works Di-
will collect broken-down appliances,g ra
such o bronendown refrigerators
rector Gil Adman urged residents and stoves, in other bins at the fire
who plan to spruce up their homes stations.
as part of next week's event to Besides encwraging "good clean
make arrangements with their gar- living" in the city, commissioners
liege service or the a rows m- set aside the weeklong cleanup to
13,landfill to handle such such items. help prevent fires and accidents,
Other household refuse, such as which are caused by littered and
broken and antiquated articles and cluttered conditions in homes,busi-
debris, can be dropped at bins nesses and streets.
TIm OrltindVSena4.W9aneeQaY.'JUne 2a,1990 •
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