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pact i Tuscawi a
CI Borrow pith to supply dirt for the Rozensky said the borrow pits' operators want
to dig five lakes on the two tracts of land.
beltway would replace development 1Lscawiila's developers originally proposed us-
that would have paid off a bond. - ing the sites for a fire station, single.family and
multifamily homes and commercial :develop-
By Elaine Bennett• meet,
OF s§maa eras Rozansky said he is concerned that reducing
residential and commercial use of the land would
WINTER SPRINGS —A plan to haul dirt out significantly reduce the money the city anticipat-
of Tusetwilla for the beltwayy could force city resi- u it would receive from water and sewer hook-
dents to.dig little deeper into their pockets to ups,
pay.potentially higher utility bills, the city man- The city mind-Counted ono that years ago when e
ty bought Seminole 12Utilities 3 l two and s sue with the
a8Ciy anager k. proceeds change a In.3tn sty bond issue.
ciernedt■e� Dick Rozansky two also said op he is "If the uesnge n d density help pay we don't get
concerned lde mean for two borrow pit that the revenues ry said to hdly "then n the bloom
ations could mean dedesepmen! t between that pee is Re will have said choice t to the bottom
conflict Tuscawilla's a it a's ev settlement hehveen the and is we will have no choice buC to rareo water
city and 1rxawilla's developers. and sewer rates."
In that agreement, Winter Springs Joint Ven- Monday night,&ahem properties Inc,applied
tun said it would relocate all future commercial for a permit to remove about 9 million Ship
and multifamily development from the center of yards of dirt Prom the two dirt will ha
Tuseawilla to the community's outer boundaries. sold for the extension of hety
ole Coun
Toscswilla homeowners pushed for the agree- beltway that will run along !he`s v's eastern..: .
went' because of their opposition to a planned boundary,
shopping center. Please AM BILLS.I.4
9a -
Winter Springs will weigh
impacts of proposed pits
❑Water levels and Plans for the second tract, 31
wetlands are 2 major acres, call for removing trees and
digging holding ponds and two
concerns the city has lakes on the north and south sides
about the big digs in 2 of Winter Springs Boulevard, east
areas of Tuskawil la. of Seneca Boulevard.
City Manager Dick Rozansky as-
By Elaine Bennett sured commissioners and other
residents that though the borrow
OF THE SENTINEL STAFF pit operations would alter the den-
sity of future residential and com-
mercial development on the prop-
WINTER SPRINGS —Develop- erty, the changes would not result
ers of proposed borrow pits in two in higher utility bills.
areas of Tuscawilla can't guaran- He said earlier that changes in
tee there always would be water in density might reduce the money
lakes created by the excavation. the city would receive from water
They also have not determined and sewer hookups. The city is
whether the owners of future resi- counting on that money to help
dental and commercial develop- pay for Seminole Utility, which it
ment or all Winter Springs resi- bought two years ago with the pro-
dents would pay to maintain the ceeds from a$12.3 million bond is-
lakes in the future. sue.
Concerns about the construction Also during the workshop, the
of vet-bottom lakes and the ef- beltway's project manager, Pete
fects on future water levels will be Kelley with Hubbard Construe-
heard when the city Board of Ad- tion, said some statements by SW-
justment meets tonight at 7. Sulli- livan officials were not factual and
van Properties will seek a vari- had been oversimplified.
ante to dig the pits as proposed. He questioned Sullivan officials,
At a work session with city corn- who said that trucks hauling dirt
missioners Monday, Sullivan offi- from the site would use only a
cials promised that existing wet- small strip of Seneca Boulevard
lands near the proposed lakes and Vistawilla Drive to reach the
would not be harmed. adjacent beltway sites.
They said that as ground water "By the very nature of the con
rises during the excavation, pipes struction at the sites,"Kelley said,
used during the dig would return "they would have to go across oth-
the water to wetlands to keep er roads."
them from going dry.
Kelley explained he has no use
Commissioners were given no for the dirt at the sites off Winter
guarantees that in the future the Springs Boulevard sites and that
wetlands would not dry up during the amount of dirt to be dug at the
unusually dry seasons or because S.R. 434 site was more than would
of evaporation. be needed for the part of the
Sullivan Properties plans to re- beltway nearest that site.
move more than 3 million cubic He said any dirt dug from Win-
yards of dirt and sell it for the ex- ter Springs Boulevard site and ex-
tension of the Orlando beltway tra dirt excavated from the SR.
through eastern Seminole County. 434 site would have to be hauled
to other projects on other public g a 03 05
The company is expected to and private streets.
seek approval of those plans when
commissioners meet at 7:30 p.m. Moti Khemlani, president of the
Monday at City Hall. Tuscawilla Homeowners Associ-
ation, said that reducing density
Plans at a 196-acre site call for and constricting lakes appeared
removing trees and digging sever- to benefit the community, but he
al holding ponds and two lakes. was concerned with conflicting
The site is south of State Road comments by Sullivan officials
434, between Howell Creek and about use of the property after ex-
the city's eastern boundary. cavation and other issues.
Borrow pit
air Monday
By Elaine Bennett
Of 11€asanm¢STAFF Sullivan Properties plans to re-
move more than 3 million cubic
WINTER SPRINGS — City yards of dirt and sell it for the ex-
commissioners will be asked Mon- tension of the Orlando beltway
day night to approve construction through eastern Seminole County.
of two borrow pits in the a Plans at a 196-acre site call for
Tuscawilla area. ;emoving trees and digging sever-
The commission's 7:30 p.m. el retention ponds and two lakes.
meeting at City Hall is expected to the site is south of State Road
draw a crowd of residents who J39, between Howell'Creek and
have not decided whether future :;the city's eastern boundary.
lakes created by the excavation '° Plans for a second tract, 31
would be beneficial or detrimental Ices, call for removing trees and
to their community. digging holding ponds and two
Several residents last week a- lakes on the north and south sides
pressed fears that the ground wa- of Winter Springs Boulevard, east '
ter would dry up in shallow irriga- of Seneca Boulevard.
lion wells in nearby residential Sullivan officials said trucks
areighborhoods during dry seasons leaving and entering the lind flow instead to the 35-foot-
would drive only over sections of
deep borrow pits. Seneca Boulevard and an exten-
Others voiced opposition to lion of Vistawilla Drive during the
a beltway project
by Sullivan Properties to excavation, but bel y pro ject
construct retention ponds to con-
manager said that's unlikely.
trol the amount of pollutants go-
ing into the lakes. The lakes Hubbard Construction project
would be used as part of a storm- manager Pete Kelley said he had
water management system for de- no use for the dirt at the sites off
Velopment later. Winter Springs Boulevard and
Residents' concerns were ex- that the amount of dirt to be re-
pressed at a meeting of the Winter moved at the S.R. 434 site was
Springs Board of Adjustment, more than would be needed for
which unanimously approved a the part of the beltway nearest
variance requested by Sullivan of- that site. -
ficas to use the lakes as reten- He told city commissioners ear-
Lion ponds in the future. her this month that dirt from the
Developers of the proposed bor- Winter Springs Boulevard site and
tow pits have told residents and extra dirt excavated from the S.R.
city commissioners they can't 434 site would have to be hauled
"guarantee there always would be over other public streets to differ-
"rater in the lakes. ent projects.
They have promised to use
rues to send ground water into
8earby wetlands to keep them
;from going dry during the excava-
tion. But they give no guarantees
Brat water in the wetlands would
not be drawn into the deep lakes
as ground water drops in the lakes 6 3
from evaporation and during dry
They also haven't determined
whether owners of future develop-
ment or all Winter Springs resi-
dents would pay to maintain the
t0 this t i n#O ovation plans at one of the
tracts, a 196-acre site, call for re-
moving trees and digging several
excavation holding o ��;,
Creek and the city's eastern
CI Winter Springs boundary.
commissioners will Plans tot the second tract, 31
acres, can for removing trees and
discuss plans for borrow digging holding ponds and two
pits in Tusoawiila. lakes On 25 acres. That site is on
the north and south sides of Wm-
..By mine Bennett - ter Springs Bou�ule Boulevard, east of
osmmlaeeawnSrai Upon completion of the excava-
tion, development proposed on
Worn fit'- A nk- the S.R.434,parcel would include
shop is set Monday alight to dis- single-family homes around three
cuss plans by an excavation corn- Please see PITS, K4
parry tb operate two borrow pits in
the Tuemvala community.
Thlt meeting Mines the days Workshop to cover borrow pits
battle Sopron tAite w l of
thoard of
adj W allot mpany lure commercial and multifami y
PITS from K-1
to*steeper pie dity's development from the center of
arelk ikeS ant the Tuscawilla to the co mmunity's
Iakes and some commercial pro- 'of 3 fenbes ttroquired is boundaries. The agreement
by jecta. No development planned Noe reached after the city and
on the property near Winter
egty , , , Tuscawilla residents filed legal ac-
lakes a
Springs Hroposed.d, where two
lion against the developers over a
tY i 9eet lakes are Proposed. planned Food Lion grocery store
the , 7p�m indaya The properties where the axes- in the center of the community
the ,44,b irdtn6 on State ration is planned is owned by and adjacent modest single-family
Winter Springs Joint Venture, homes.
which has given Sullivan pets-
'Sullivan�ei sublWtted plans to Sion to remove dirt. Discussions also will include
remove more than 3•Arillion cubic At Monday night's meeting, whether a reduction in commer-
Yenta of dirt,W it Piens to sell commissions will discuss wheth- cial and residential densities
for the'extension of the Seminole er reducing commercial and resi- would decrease the amount of rev-
County beltway that will run dential densities proposed at the enues the city projected it would
along the eastern boundary of the ,future development sites would receive for future water and sewer
two tracts of land. .Conflict with a settlement agree- hookups on those parcels. Those
•ment reached two years ago be- projections were made when the
tween the city and Joint Venture. city bought Seminole Utilities two
In that agreement, Joint Ven- years ago with the proceeds from
ture said it would relocate all fu. a$12.3 million bond issue.
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City just says no to Tuscawilla dig
Builder wants dirt for a road — officials say don't even ask
By Elaine Bennett ' the environment.They also said a children. Committee members
lake with recreational activities on also will review safety concerns
or rEsermunrs?± ,- the property would conflict with a raised by officials, parents or oth-
settlement agreement creating the . er citizens ans regammgn usi roses and WINTER SPRINGS —Hubbard land use for the property.
Construction won't get a chance to Sullivan Properties wanted to the school district on how to solve and sell the
ask the city to let it dig a lake in Hubbard for construction ofrt the those ttee is in response to
Commissioners, who denied a Seminole County
Tuscawilla. was leg of the Cen- the Oct.9 death of 11 year-old er-
digging permit in March to an ex- tral Florida GreeneWay from emy M Mary bus who n County
cavation company that asked to Oviedo to Sanford.
create several lakes in the same In other business, commission- Road 46 crew on lassmace who
area, told a Hubbard representa- ers:
tive Monday that it was a dead is- • Passed a resolution support- have been released from the hos-
sue and would not be reconsi- isgtoaeview countywide committee that
and stops. pital.Approved a request by Indus-
Commissioners ices to raise
Commissioners said they had The st county andoschool m nthly garb ge rates from$11.74
not changed their minds about group of f city,,
lieve the excavation would not be coordinate bus stops and safe ebus- to offset higher fees at the Semi-
in representatives who will
the best interest of the city or ing for Seminole County school- note County landfill in Geneva.
gd // /.7,
Borrow pit plans
get a 3rd chance
By Elaine Bennett
WINTER SPRINGS—A developer hopes his third
plea to dig borrow pits in Tuscawilla will be a charm.
Although they have twice rejected Sullivan Proper-
ties'plans,city commissioners last week gave the go-
ahead for the developer to submit new plans calling
for excavation of three lakes and development of a
lake-front community to be called The Lakes of
Commissioners emphasized that the developer still
must convince them borrow pits are in the best inter-
est of the city and would pose no threat to the envi-
. ronment.
Commissioners have said plans to excavate the
property raise concerns about damage to the ground-
water,the Floridan aquifer and adjacent wetlands.
Sullivan plans to sell the excavated soil for con
atruction of a 12-mile segment of the Central Florida
GreeneWay from Oviedo to Sanford.The property is
located west of the beltway east of Howell Creek and
south of State Road 434.
Sullivan representative Scott Henderson told city
'commissioners the most recent proposal includes ex-
•'cavation of 515,000 cubic yards of soil at depths of 30
feet over 1844 weeks for the creation of three lakes
on 90.4 acres, 10.9 acres and 2.4 acres.
Development plans also call for significant reduc-
tions in residential and commercial density.
Henderson said acreage for commercial develop-
ment would be reduced from 67 acres to 30 acres,
while multifamily development would be limited to
216 units,compared with earlier plans for 416 units.
Single-family development would be drastically re-
duced from 504 homes on 30 acres to 78 in two neigh-
borhoods on the property. One subdivision calls for
91 homes on 100-foot by 150-foot lots on 21 acres be-
tween the proposed larger lake and Howell Creek.
The rest of the homes would be in a smaller neigh-
borhood with 50-foot by 100-foot lots on 9.1. acres on
the east side of Vista Willa Crive.
Development also calls for construction of a new
fire station on 1.5 acres, a day-care center on 1.5
acres and two parks with a half-mile fitness trail.
No sand mining in Winter. Springs
City commissioners turn down borrow pit request once and for all
By Elaine Bennett voted against the definition that agreed to allow the companies to
OF THE SENTINEL STAFF Tuscawilla applauded by a crowd of make a third plea.
Tuscawilla residents opposed to After the commission vote Mon-
the borrow pits. day night,though,representatives
WINTER SPRINGS—Sand is a "Sand is neither vegetable nor . for the two companies were disap-
mineral and can't be mined in animal, therefore, must be miner- pointed and disturbed that the
Winter Springs. al," said Commissioner Cindy city had wasted their time and the
That interpretation by a major- Kaehler, who provided her peers time of the commission and resi-
ity of city commissioners has end- and the city's attorney with recent dents.
ed a year-long attempt by an exca- case law that defined sand as a
vation company to dig borrow pits mineral. Kaehler later expressed outrage
in Tuscawilla. "I do feel that sand is a mineral that commissioners weren't told
It also is expected to block all resource,that digging a borrow pit by city staff about the mining is-
borrow pits from the city in the fu- is mining and that this activity is sue until December, nearly a year
' ture. prohibited by our own comprehen- after Sullivan approached the city
In a 3 to 2 vote Monday night, sive plan," Kaehler said. "There is about the borrow pits.
commissioners defined sand as no way of getting around it.In my "We can't operate as a comm+s-
pulverized rock, which they said mind,this is settled." sidn without all the information
is a mineral resource the city's Last year, commissioners twice given to us up front. The ne*t
comprehensive plan prohibits rejected proposals by Sullivan time this happens, I will take ex-
from being mined. Properties excavators- and the Creme measures and call for the
Commissioners Don Jonas and owner of the property, Winter resignation of anyone who is re-
John Langellotti, the only com- Springs Joint Venture, to dig bor- sponsible," Kaehler said, adding.
missioners who live in Tuscawilla, row pits. In December, the city "You are all warned."
Winter Springs to study drainage in Ranchlands:
By Elaine Bennett in the community. Voting against the In 1990, though, residents in the
proposal was Commissioner Terri Don- southern part of the community asked
OF THE SENTINEL STAFF nelly. She said the money would be bet- the city for a study to determine wheth-
ter spent on advertising for bids for a er property owners could,zfcord to pay
WINTER SPRINGS — For three company to conduct the study and make the cost of street paving and drainage
years,the city has included$50,000 in its necessary drainage improvements. improvements.
budget to study paving roads and im- Although residents have complained Residents complained of damage-to
proving drainage in the Ranchlands and for years that heavy rains wash out their vehicles from traveling over the bumpy
not spent a dime of it. dirt roads,a majority have twice rejected roads and that, occasionally, they get
Commissioners now have agreed to a proposal by the city to study the cost stuck in mud on the rough roads during
spend$8,300 to study drainage problems to pave their roads. afternoon storms.
9 3oi i7
Pits may
be subject
of lawsuit
By Elaine Bennett
WINTER SPRINGS—An attor- Koehler, Donnelly.and Torcaso
ney representing an excavation have maintained that the com-
company that has been denied a pang's excavation plans still have
borrow pit permit three times not satisfied their concerns about
plans to take legal action if the. damage to the ground water, the
city doesn't reconsider. Floridan aquifer and adjacent wet-
Winter Springs commissioners lands.
will discuss the proposed lawsuit Last month, the three commis-
at a special meeting set for 7 p.m. sioners believed the issue was
Monday. over when they identified sand as
Winter Springs lawyer Mike a mineral resource, which the
Jones,representing Sullivan Prop- city's comprehensive plan prohib-
erties Inc.,made the request Mon- its from being mined.
day night shortly after he present- Commissioners Don Jonas and
en' commissioners with a copy of John Iangelloti voted,against the
his proposed lawsuit. majority. Sullivan has a contract
In the proposed lawsuit, Sulli- to buy the land from Winter
van contends that the city misled Springs Joint Venture if the city
the company for more than a year approves the borrow pit permits.
into believing that it might be al- It plans to sell the soil for con-
lowed to excavate and develop the struction of a portion of the Cen-
Lakes of Tuscawilla off State Road tral Florida GreeneWay from
434. Sullivan maintains that al- Oviedo to Sanford.
though it was denied permits
twice, the city agreed to reconsid-
er if Sullivan satisfied questions
proposed by the commission and a
consulting engineer.
The proposed lawsuit also
claims that commissioners Cindy
Kaehler,Terry Donnelly and John
Torcaso conspired to stop the bor-
row pit project although the com-
pany's plans and engineering
studies show no detrimental envi-
ronmental impact.
q3 all
Borrow pit
bid gets
By Elaine Bennett
commissioners cut short a some-
times heated meeting Monday
night and refused to reconsider an
excavation company's fourth re-
quest to dig a borrow pit.
Attorney Mike Jones,represent-
ing Sullivan Properties,welcomed
the decision, saying he is pre-
pared to take the issue to court.
In a 3 to 2 vote, commissioners
adjourned the meeting early, re-
fusing to listen further to Jones.
Acting City Manager John Govor-
uhk questioned why commissioners
had even agreed to discuss the bor-
row pit issue.He reminded commis-
sioners that Sullivan Properties cur-
rently had no application to the city
either for a borrow pit permit or to
consider proposed development
plans on the Tuscawilla site.
In a draft of a lawsuit, Sullivan
claims that commissioners Cindy
Kaehler, Terri Donnelly and John
Torcaso, who opposed earlier
plans for borrow pits on the prop-
erty off State Road 434, had con-
spired to stop the project.
"I resent Jones' comments that
we conspired together and broke
the Sunshine Law and had ulteri-
or motives,"Torcaso said.
Sullivan also claims that for more
than a year the city misled it to be-
lieve it might be allowed to excavate
and develop Ickes of Tuscawilla.
The company has a contract to
buy the land from Winter Springs
Joint Venture if granted the borrow
pit permits.It plans to sell the exca-
vated soil to Hubbard Construction % 3 o a /
for a portion of the Central Florida 0
-GreeneWay from Oviedo to Sanford.