HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommission-1995 Cities keeping lid on adult entertainment
Longwood and Winter sioners have given initial approval to by Longwood's land planning agency,
an ordinance that would block any City Attorney Richard Taylor said.
Springs are ready to enact adult entertainment businesses from "This should be the last one [ban],"
bans on adult entertainment setting up shop in the city for six Taylor said during last week's commis-
months. The city does not have any sion meeting. "I'm not sure I would be
adult establishments, and officials comfortable with it going much far-
want to get a tough law in place to reg- ther."
By Mary Brooks ulate the businesses. The 50-page proposal, the first
and Will Wellons Longwood has banned such new change in the law since 1981, would
businesses since December 1993 while regulate body scrub shops, adult the-
OF THE SENTINEL STAFF officials work to finish revising its aters, adult book and novelty stores
adult entertainment ordinance. The and private modeling.
Longwood is set to give final approv- city enacted the first ban after corn- The measure would restrict such
al to its fourth consecutive ban on new plaints about the opening of a third businesses to the low-level industrial
body scrub shops and other adult en- body salon in town. area in the Florida Central Commerce
tertainment establishments in more The latest extension also was needed Park. It also would prevent them from
than a year. because officials found out the propos-
Meanwhile, Winter Springs commis- al's zoning element had to be reviewed Please see ADULT, K-4
Longwood ban receives initial approval
ADULT from K-1 the latest measure expires. In Winter Springs, no one has
In recent changes, commission- tried to open an adult business.
locating or advertising along State ers asked that the law require the But doowne commissioners topless they
Road 434, County Road 427 and adult businesses to be a minimum feared owners of topless clubs,
U.S. Highway 17-92. distance away from government adult book stores and X-rated vid-
eo buildings, stores might be attracted to
gave the pro- gs, such as the new post of town once State Road 434 is wid-
ened posed four month ban initial ap- Tice going on the Florida Central to four lanes east of County
proval at Monday's meeting. A Parkway. Road 419.
public hearing will take place at
the commission's Jan. 23 meeting, City officials also were hashing "There is no good location for
at which time a final vote will be out an appropriate distance to be these places," Mayor John Bush
taken. required between adult business- said.
es. The proposal already requires
If it passes, the city will have certain distances between such The commission is expected to
banned such new businesses from businesses and residences, pass the temporary ban at a meet-
opening for 18 months by the time churches and schools. ing Feb. 13.
9 .5 0 / ,'
Winter Springs Around town
delays committee begin aerobics program will
n Feb.eb. 4 4 at Riverside T
side Pool. The
program is open to all ages,and par-
a p p o i n tm e n is t Classes weed last a out 45 minutes
Classes will last about 45 minutes
long and will be held Tuesday
through Friday each week.Cost is S3
By Darrell Johnson for Oviedo residents and all seniors,
Following Monday evening's Two commissioners and$3.50 for non-residents.Forfur-
special Winter Springs Commission responsible for ther information, contact Riverside
meeting,Mayor John Bush remarked, Pool at 359-5660. . S
"This is the first time everybody has nominations don't Registration for the Winter Springs
agreed on everything." That is be- show for meeting Basketball League will be held on
cause the meeting lasted all of ten Feb. 4 and 11 at the Indian Trails
minutes and precious little was ac- Middle School gym from 9 a.m.to 2
complished. choice,but neither was at the meet- p.m. The cost is $45 until Feb. 12.
Two important items were on the Mg. Late registrationI $50. Trouts for
agenda: appointments to the city's Their selections were solicited by
team selections will
Districting held at lack-
Districting Committee and a review phone on Tuesday by City Clerk son Heights Middle School and
of issues important to maintaining an Margo Hopkins and will be entered Oviedo High School on Saturday and
efficient commission. into the record at the next meeting. Sunday,March 4 and 5.Each player
The Districting Committee will City Attorney Frank IDust.auet d one of.the tryouts. . .
do just what it sounds like - it will Kruppenbacher wanted to present a RSVP,the Reared end Senior%t
look at the demographics of the city review of the Sunshine Law, City iea Program, is looking for colas-
and, if necessary,create new bound- Charter,commission procedures and leers for many non-profit organira-
aries for voting districts. Each com- new laws. The idea was to remind bons N Seminole County. Positions
missionerwas to have nominated one elected officials of their obligations available include office dutios, gro-
member by Feb. 1, with the mayor to the citizenry as well as the legal cery shopping, and other jobs. For
nominating two. constraints under which they oper-
more information call 323.4440.
Three selections were to have ate. Feb. 13-17
been presented Monday. The mayor With only two thirds of the body Indian Trails Middle School will
chose O.J.Drumheller.Commission- present(including the mayor)it was host the Hogan Hoopster Basketball
ers David McLeod and Larry Conniff decided to discuss those issues at an- Camp the first week of intersession
were each scheduled to present one other time as well. from 8 a.m. to noon. Cost is S65
which includes a T-shirt. The camp
is open to boys and girls in grades 5
through 8.For more information,call
Coach Hall at 359-7533 ext. 258,or
Mrs.Hogan at 359-7533 ext. 257.•
The second WSBL Spring
Intersession Basketball School will be
held at Jackson Heights Middle
950 a o a School. Grades 1-5 will attend from
9 a.m.to 12:30 p.m.,and grades 6-8
will attend from 1:30 to 5 p.m. The
cost is$70 for the session. Registra-
tion forms are available at most Semi-
nole County elementary and middle
schools.A second session will be held
February 20-24.
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Ferring wants probe
of Winter Springs
sunshine violations
By DARREl.i. JOHNSON by boardwalks. The cite is looking
sawn!Union:LH or'HIE O inn l'ou r: into federal assistance to construct
Commissioner John Fcrring those walks.
called for an ins estigation into Sun- Approval was contingent on the
shine Law violations invoking sari- submission of o level I ensironntcn-
ous tip ads isor> boards al last dal report to the ells which is:dreads
Hondas s s City Commission meeting_ close to being accomplished.
The Sunshine Law slates that —ASxS-foot special events sign
publicly elected officials nub not use at Indian Trails Middle School won
their personal influence to affect pub- brutalise approval. The sign will be
lie decisions in their care. They also lighted from the inside and will an-
ntas not undid) influence selected ad- nounce upcoming c'cuts through the
Bison boards members of which were use of remos able letters
placed in position be the elected bode The approval is contingent on the
It also prohibits private comcrsabons filing of w ind load calculations and
about got eminent business between submission of i clearer cops of the
elected officials stn mg eu the same signs design. The original rendering
hods had been copied so mans times that
[erring-s allegations center On commissioners could not tell what the
possible influence awned bt elected lop of the sign said or how ream lines
officials on appointed boards see ing of lettering would be on
the cos. — Cos Anontc Frank
Cits Anoi nes l'ratk C Kruppenbacher announced that the
Kmppenbacher said commissioners State Allorec had talked to Park and
occasionulls have asked him if they Recreation employees about possible
could uttered un adsPon board meet- illegal software%spiek had been used
mg and lust listen He :loans tells on city computers. A former parks
them they can as long as the listen director ullegcdh purchased the soft-
quails and don talk ware and loaded it on Ins houtccom-
Knippeuhachet ads sed commis- puler to which it was licensed. He
stoners to set up a single meeting then took it to work and used it there
mandamn for es en elected and ap- as well which is illegal and can earn
pointed official at which the law as stiff penalties.
It applies to These issues will be dis- — Alas or John Bush said that.
cussed. That seas he said es onbods considering the continuing contro-
svill bear the same thing. vors over the Marketplace at Oviedo
Adsisor' boards rev ices issues Crossing stall issue_ it might be ad-
placed in their care and report their usable to make all of ruskawstlla a
recmuntendattons to the commission gated cvturnunily:
fa commissioner innucnced a board Commissioner Met cod pointed
that commissioner Isould be.in effect out that if that was done_ the can
sandbagging the other contmisston- would not be able to maintain the
ems hs polluting the review'_ streets. It would be left up to the rosi- q Q / A
In other Winter Springs news: dents Ovough their homeowners as- sl
Winding hollow Unit 2.a rest- sociatiom.
dental area southwest of Central Commissioner Ferring was es en
Winds Park was approved, along more vocal saving that il the neigh-
w ith 207 acres of that land donated borhood were gated along with a net-
to the city for parks and recreation, work of roads which are now public
'f he propers ranges from easily and hunt been accepted into the cih.
walkable Oat land w itlt Ilse oak trees the rest of the city would lose. He In-
tolow-king wetlands accessible only beled the idea as 'premature at this
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Winter Springs mulls
BY TIMOTHY ALLEN CONKLIN reation area or within 750 feet of an area store," "adult entertainment," etc.) detailing
The Winter Springs City Commission zoned for residential use and/or designated the nature of the business.
accepted on first reading Monday night an by an adopted comprehensive plan in a man- "Each letter forming a word on a sign
ordinance that will regulate adult entertain- ner primarily intended for dwellings." shall be of a solid color,"the provision fer-
ment establishments within the city. The city also seeks to restrict advertising ther states, "and each such letter shall be the
Ordinance No.595 does not restrict adult for such businesses. Under the ordinance, same print type, size, and color. The back-
businesses from setting up shop in the city, advertising signs for adult entertainment es- ground behind such lettering on the display
but the restrictions it would put in place might tablishments "shall not contain any flashing surface shall be of a uniform color."
discourage some proprietors from coming to light, photographs, silhouette, drawings, or The ordinance will come before the corn-
the city. pictorial representations of any type or man- mission again at its August 28 meeting, at
Such businesses will not be allowed,ac- ner..." which time a final vote may or may not be
cording to the ordinance, "within 750 feet of Signs would be allowed to have the name taken. Another ordinance will also be heard
any other adult entertainment establishment, of the establishment and one or more regu- at that meeting calling for the extension —
any church,school,public park or public rec- fated phrases ("adult theater," "adult book by another six months —of the current six
adult ordinance
month moratorium on the approval or issu- Seminole County Public Schools executive
ance of licenses for the operation of adult en- director of facilities planning Diane Kramer
tertainment establishments within the city. faced several pointed questions from the com-
The commission also voted, 3-1, to ap- mission regarding the proposed school.
prove the final engineering plans for a new Before coming forward to answer ques-
elementary school to be built off Shepard tions,Mr.Conniff uttered,"I justwanttolmow
Road. what kind of a torpedo they have set up for us
Commissioner Larry Conniff cast the on this one,"setting the tone for the ensuing
lone dissenting vote; commissioner John line of questioning. Ms. Kramer was griped
Ferring was absent. about the situation of the school's playground
The approval came despite continuing area to the back of the property,the potential
bitterness on the part of the commission over of traffic problems in the area,and the possi-
the exclusion of some Tuscawilla residents bility that the school might be filled beyond
from the new Winter Springs High School. its intended capacity.
9fo 8'i7
-- Winter Springs police an-
swered manager a call on Feb. 11 from a
g woman on Seneca Drive who watched
as a male juvenile placed two large
when he will retire boxes in the woods along the street.
Officers carefully inspected the boxes
O Winter Springs' John McLeod said he would like to and discovered that they contained 34
Govoruhk has considered have an answer by the Feb. 27 dozen Publix brand eggs.
meeting. He wants to ensure the The eggs were taken to the Publix
retirement, but city has enough time to search for
sidestepped a question and hire a new city manager if Go-
, store on Winter Springs Boulevard
voruhk is looking to retire. where they were destroyed in a sealed
about his plans. "I asked the question so we dumpster. Who owned the eggs was
could plan,"McLeod said after the never determined.
meeting. Selecting a city manager --On Feb. 13 a resident on Club
By Will Welions through a national search can take
more than six months. Drive was sitting at his kitchen table
OF THE SENTINEL STAFF Reached after the meeting, Go- when he heard his front screen door
voruhk said he won't be ready to open and the sounds of someone try-
WINTER SPRINGS — City give an answer by the next meet- ing to unlock his front door.
Manager John Govoruhk has been ing. McLeod's question was a
thinking of retiring since before complete surprise,he said. The resident ran out the back
he was city manager. The former police chief has en- door and called Winter Springs po-
Now, at least one commissioner joyed strong support from the lice from a neighbor's house. The
wants to know if those retirement commission up to this point. Only house was secure and undamaged
plans are serious. Commissioner Cindy Gennell has when police arrived and everyone
City Commissioner David Mc- criticized Govoruhk's work.
Leod stunned some of his peers The city manager said that if a went back inside.
Monday night by asking Govoruhk, majority of the commission wants
the city manager of two years, if he him to retire,he will.
was still planning to retire when Commissioner John Ferring, a
his contract is up in October. vocal supporter of Govoruhk's,
Govoruhk, who for months has said McLeod's question should Winter Springs acts
said he is ready to leave, declined not have been asked in public. to halt adult clubs
to give an answer. "It was totally out of order,"
"My plans change from day to said Ferring, adding that the city WINTER SPRINGS—Without
day," Govoruhk said. "I could not manager was wise to avoid an- any discussion,the city commission
give a definite answer right now." swering the question.
approved a six-month moratorium
on allowing adult entertainment
businesses.The city wants the ban
on topless dance clubs,adult video-
stores and similar businesses until
the city attorney has time to draft
new adult entertainment laws.•
The moratorium is a precaution.
City officials said no one has
applied to build an adult club in the
The commission also approved a
six-month moratorium on billboards
to give the city a change to review
9 540.2 / 6 its sign laws.
: y i
It's time for caretaker .: .
to turn over the reins
ohn Govoruhk ought to No, the question is not what
go ahead and retire. Not Mr. Govoruhk has done to Win-
that he's done a bad job ter Springs. Rather, it is what a
as city manager of Winter trained manager might have
Springs,but the time has come done for it. Simply put, he is a
for more than a caretaker. Be- trained police chief, not a
sides, in staying, he leaves the trained city manager. While a
city commission waiting for pediatrician might be capable
the other shoe to drop. of doing brain surgery irk a
Mr. Govoruhk was the city's pinch, he or she would not be
longtime police chief when a expected to do that as well as a
previous commission dumped doctor with that speciality.
the city manager and asked A good city manager would
the chief to be interim man- save a city more than his or
ager. After conducting a na- her salary. Like any specialty
tional search, the commission job, training and experience
rejected five nominees from a are golden. A good manager
screening committee and laid could guide the city past Pit-
a two-year contract on Mr. Go- falls; more important, he or
voruhk. The contract expires at she could help the commission
the end of October. focus on long-range needs that
Retirement is not a new sub- are the makings of a quality
ject for Mr. Govoruhk. He pub- city. Training and experience
licly was moving toward it bring that extra edge.
while still chief of police and
has since left the impression Winter Springs needs that
he would leave city employ- extra edge just now. It desper-
ment at the end of his contract. ately needs a better balance in
But last week, when Commis- development — there is hardly
sioner David McLeod asked any commercial property in
the manager of his plans, there the city. There are drainage
was no firm reply. problems that need to be ad-
"My plans change from day dressed. And one must wonder
to day," Mr. Govoruhk said. "I if a trained manager might
could not give a definite an-
swer right now." moil surrounding a proposed
Mr. McLeod's query was ap mall next door. Training and
propriate. A national search experience can make a differ-
will require six months; now is ence.
the time to start if Mr. Govor- Mr. Govoruhk can leave now
uhk leaves at the end of his with a sense of accomplish-
contract. ment. During his tenure the
In the two years Mr. Govor- city finished building a major
uhk has served as manager regional park and set the stage
the city has suffered no major for absorbing the problems of a
setback. Oh, there's the matter new high school in the city,
of a wage and hour infraction among others.
that is costing the city unnec- As a caretaker, he has served
essary money. Not all of that well, but what Winter Springs
can be laid at the manager's needs is beyond his ability to
feet, though. offer.
95e2 /9
Winter Springs sa s
new schedule is
BY DARRELL JOHNSON Commissioner David McLeod
suggested scheduling time for non-
e Frequent visitors to Winter agenda items before discussion of
Springs' twice-monthhy City Corn- planned topics included on the
mission meetings know that some- agenda
i times things get out of hand or go late "People like to tell us what a great
i into the night. often seeming like an job we're not doing, then they want
eternity before an adjournment. to storm out," he said
But the commission has taken a Meanwhile, others who want to
new approach and approN ed a new set speak out about items on the agenda
+of rules that will go into effect at will be allowed to do so when the is-
Monday night's conclave which. if sue is addressed b■ the commission.
obe■ed. is expected to make the ses- Excluding representatives related
I sions more palatable for citizens as to a particular agenda issue.individu-
well as elected officials. als' addresses will be limited to fire
11 When considering enactment of minutes to prevent ad hoc
the rule earlier this car.commission- "fillibusters" in which speakers talk
ers primaril■ were concerned with the endlessly and delay the city's sched-
public's desire to introduce and dis- ulcd business
;cuss topics not included on the regu- The new agenda is to work as
tar agenda When commissioners al- follows
lowed discussion of topics that -- 1 Invocation
weren't planned. meetings lasted • --2 Pledge of Allegiance
iongertindf 4n,odixisiOnrt elected --3. Call to Order
panel could not resolve some matters -- 4 Roll call to determine the
because they ivere't prepared foi their presence of a quorum
discussion. -- 5 Additions to and approval
of the preN ions meeting's minutes
-- 6. Input from public on items
not on the agenda. with a time limit
of the minutes for each speaker
--7 Consent agenda-discussion
about items and an opportunit■ to pull
an agenda item from the list
-- 8. Public hearings on ordi-
nances. resolutions, etc., with public
comment on each item, again with a
5 minute per speaker time limit
--9 City Attorney's reports
-- 10 Staff reports and City
Manager's report
-- 11. Commissioners' reports
-- 12. Adjournment
To have a topic placed on the
agenda, citizens should contact the gso c O
city clerk's office in Winter Springs
City rule
would ban
p I a i ntiffs McLeod said his request is not a po-
litical move. He said it is an "inherent
conflict of interest to serve on a city
from boards board and direct a claim against the
Commissioner Cindy Gennell ques-
tioned whether the commission was try-
El Winter Springs ing to strip board members of their civil
commissioners may pass an rights•
ordinance that requires board "Part of our government is based on
members who sue the city to the right to disagree with it," Gennell
forfeit their seats. However, city attorney Frank Krup-
penbacher strongly defended the pro-
By Will Wellons posed new ordinance. Kruppenbacher
WINTER SPRINGS— If you sue the
city, you may not be allowed to serve Part of our government is
the city based on the right to dis-
City commissioners Monday night agree with it
look the first step toward passing an or-
dinance g
that calls for the forfeiture of a —Cindy Gennell
;eat on a city board by a person who
sues the city or is the director of a
homeowners association that sues the
city. said the ordinance brings up a funda-
mental issue.
Commissioners, who voted unani "you cannot serve two masters," he
mously for the proposed law, said. "It can be a real conflict,especially
will take a final
vote after a public on boards like"planning and zoning.
rit hearing June 12. Kruppenbacher pointed out that a
Commissioner person would not lose his or her seat if
David McLeod that person were only a member of a
asked for the ordi- homeowners association.
�; nance after the
Tuscawilla Home Gennell asked Kruppenbacher if he
owners Association were willing to get a state attorney gen-
' sued Winter MI Springs earlier this eral's opinion. Kruppenbacher said it
would be a waste of time. /
year over the pro "I don't really care what Bob Butter- 0 G
posed regional worth's opinion is," Kruppenbacher h
shopping mall at Oviedo Crossing. The p ap
suit was recently dismissed. said. The attorney added that he is will-
suit to test the law in court.
No current board members will lose "Don't be suing us, if you want to
their seats because of the proposal. work with us,"he said.
Ditched Winter Springs boar
members back on track
BY MEG NASH that it is documented that in other cities a tre-
The Winter Springs Commission, at its mendous amount of monies was recouped.All
meeting on Monday,made amends for its er- approved this except Commissioner David
ror regarding the unseating of three veteran McLeod who asked, "Why do we want to
board members. The members had not been spend money again to audit an audit?"
given prior notification of their`terms expir- The commission also passed on first read-
ing until after replacements were found. ing an ordinance on investment policy. This
Noble gestures and extra efforts were is an effort to set guidelines and procedures
made to rectify these errors. The three mem- for the city and its financial advisors to fol-
bers were renominated unanimously by the low to avoid potential disasters similar to those
commission to appropriate boards and vindi- in Orange County, California, which is now
cation was achieved. bankrupt. The Florida Legislature has ap-
There was no public input regarding the proved this measure and its example is to be
1995-1996 tentative fiscal budget. followed.
Commissioner Cindy Gennell said there The meeting concluded on a surly note
was a gross inadequacy in the funds distrib- when Commissioner Ferring claimed that a
uted in the Parks and Recreation department. member of the commission has been attend-
She felt that the allocation of funds be- ing county workshops and giving opinions
tween the"east and west sides"of the city are without the express consent of the commis-
disproportionate. The Tuscawilla area is re- sion.
ceiving in excess of$75,000 while the west "Nobody has the right to speak for this
side of the city is allotted only$14,000. She city unless they are authorized to do so by the
said,"$14,000 is a pittance to less advantaged rest of this commission. And to do it is in
citizens.It is not equitable." direct conflict and can be held accountable
It was pointed out by Commissioner for it,"Ferring said."I just want to see it end
David McLeod that the west side of the city is once and for all."
slated to receive $250,000 in two years for Commissioner Gennell,to whom Ferring
parks and recreation projects, a sum that was referring, countered, "This is not the
would more than make up for this year's short- Kremlin,this is not Bosnia,this is not Cuba.
comings in the budget. Those are public meetings and these are pub-
City Manager John Govoruk has estab- lic meetings and I have every right to be any-
lished a five year plan in which to improve where I want. I do not stand up to represent
the recreation in the city. He hopes to annex this city unless I am so delegated."
75 to 250 additional acres for recreational Ferring said he has written reports say-
purposes. ing that Ms. Gennell has been voicing her
It is a major goal to tighten and secure opinion without the consent of the commis-
safety measures around the parks and its fa- sion.City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher said
cilities.That would entail preventive mainte- this is a major concern and expressed to the e 9 y
nance, improving drainage,refurbishing ten-
nis courts and other items.
five panel that they think hard about this
The city manager stands behind his
year plan but does not deny that changes may the next It will n up for discussion at
thhe n
occur throughout the ensuing ext meeting.
g years. Kruppenbacher alluded that the
The Commission recomputed and an- commissioner's role can be a dicey
nounced the tenative millage rate for 1995- commissioner's role can be a dicey
1996 at 3.7023. The motion to adopt the rate one. One's opinion can be stated but
was passed. it has be clarified that it is "your"
It was also approved to audit cable opinion so that there can be no mis-
television's franchise agreements. It was felt interpretation.
that the city should periodically and randomly
audit the records in order to ensure that the
city is actually compensated what is owed it.
Commissioner John Ferring mentioned