HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommission-1994 A L ON IN Faring: Does that,..Jude Oak Forest?
Genova: Yes. You and I both know Oak Forest is part of
POL T CAL CONDUCT the Tuscawilla PUD. Comm. Earring 1,008 votes out of the
15170 from Tuscawilla residents. These are statistics Comm.
At the Ju 13 Commission Meeting, the following is an Torcaso.
example of modern day political conduct during the first hall Torcaso: Read the right precincts Joe. Not Oak Forest.
hour of the Commission Meeting when public input is solicit-
ed. Joe Genova, a retired judge and resident of Wedgewood Genova: Beg your pardon, Oak Forest is part of Tuscawilla
Tennis Villas addressed certain members of the Commission. sir.
You be the fudge. Torcaso: I'm glad that somebody is finally admitting that.
Joe Genova: Adidas Road. It's unfortunate that the agen- Genova: In fact Comm. Faring is boasting that Oak Forest
da is set up the way it is. I say that because commissioner elected him and Mayor Bush rode in on his coattails. Oak
comments always come at the end,when there is no time for Forest is part of Tuscawilla. Commissioner Ferring I address
rebuttal or correction to what they are putting into record. you now.
I am going to take a few minutes to comment on certain things Ferring: Yes Judas.
said at the May 23rd meeting. Many a time I sat in this chair Genova: If there be a Judas in the crowd certainly have
on occasion representing THOA, and then several years ago betrayed your electorate. Coincidentally you lobbied for a
I drifted away, personal reasons. Certain things are happen- wall along Tuskawilla Road for Oak Forest. Apparently your
ing up on this Bias that are leading me right back into the tdd. voice is a nothing. If they can get a wall along Red Bug Road
Firstly, Comm. Torcaso, you and I have had a long associa- why can't you get one along Tuskawilla Road? Comm.
Lion, going back to 1986 when the WS Senior Center was Fening, I say to you, the editorial in yesterday's paper com-
being talked about. Then in 1987 when you Appointed me plaining about editor Don Boyett, using scare tactics about
first President of that Association. At the last meeting within the Duda Connector, I charge you with the same incident.
the scope of your comments you talked about the election of You are using scare tactics Comm. Ferring. You have told
Mayor Bush & Comm. Ferring. You said Tuscawilla did not me privately and many others that in a conference with your
elect these two persons. I respectfully disagree. Statistics friends in Oviedo they told you there would be a lawsuit to
from your City Clerk verified by the Commissioner of condemn that 10 ft. easement. At the 5/23 meeting I sat
Elections in Sanford, show Mayor Bush with Tuscawilla 800 there with my lawyer. You approached me and in your ores-
votes out of 1300. Tuscawilla elected Mayor Bush. ence I asked my lawyer, can that easement be condemned?
g y0
My lawyer said no. My lawyer said that is a conservatio disposal to see tnat you are defeated. If that be a threat, if
easement which cannot be violated. I turn now to Cyou want to pass it on to the authorities,you know who I am.
Attorney Kruppenbacher. I do not want to paraphrase dis Ferring: Thank you very much Joe.
saying, so I will not go into detail too much. He did sa n Langellotti: I'd like to answer that so called honorable gen-
effect when the City acquired that easement that will forever
prevent any ingress into W.S. Blvd. Two lawyers battling tleman who claims to be a judge which I don't believe. Mr.
you. Finally none other than the Hon. Thomas Freeman, Whatever your name is, I have a great deal of respect for a
Circuit Court Judge, a sitting judge on the 18th Circuit Court person older than me, but I'm sorry to say,at the public hear-
at 5/23 said to you,you can say no and you will prevail. You ing,to hear you talk that way. You have a lovely family,and
can say no and you will prevail. Please don't use those I've been supportive of them. But,Joe, I'm sorry you are the
scare tactics that there will be a lawsuit. lowest of lows. And I hope that you work against me
because who even told you I was gonna run? Maybe you
Kruppenbacher: If I could for the benefit of the record, Mr. should run. You have a big mouth, you want to get up here
Freeman did not appear as a circuit court judge, at least I and knock everybody. So, look up, into the sky. When you
hope he didn't. I don't think he intended to. He did not get your mind straight and set and I don't chase after women,
appear in official position that night. And it would have been that's your job. So, be careful what you say about chasing
Inappropriate for him under the canons to have appeared In women. You get my Italian temper up and I'll show you.
official position and render that opinion.
For the benefit of the judiciary of which I am an officer of the
court and responsible to protect, the court did not represent
an opinion to this body that night.
Genova: I did not say that. I said only to identify the speak-
er as the Hon. Thomas Freeman, as a Circuit Court Judge.
He spoke as a Tuscawilla resident,and his opinions are pret-
ty valuable to me anyway.
Genova: Finally to you Comm. No. 3
Langellotti: That's Mr. Langellotti, sir.
Genova: At the Tuscawilla Country Club several weeks ago,
you approached a table at which I was having lunch. We had
a short discussion, which is the first time I spoke with you in
3 years probably the last time.
Langellotti: It was only because your wife was there. I was
not speaking to you.
Genova: I know you still chase young ladies.
Langellotti: That's your job, not mine.
Mayor: Let's let Joe finish.
Langellotti: I'm not gonna let him stand here and knock
each one of us.
Genova: This is public comment Mayor I have the tight.
Mayor: I think that what I'd like to ask the Commission is not
to respond to the comments at this time so that we can move
the meeting along.
Genova: Commissioner#3 (Langellotti), I asked you if you
were going to run again. You indicated to me you had not- (31(7/0
ing else to do so you would. I said to you I will use every �o
resource of my power to see that you are defeated. Several
days later at the Club House again at dinner you approached
our table and you said again you thought you would run for
reelection. I said to you again when I introduced you to the
young folks at my table I will use every resource in my dis-
posal to see that you are defeated. Now Mr. Commissioner,
on 5/23 you indicated that you had received a lot of phone
calls similarly that they were going to work for your defeat.
You've called it intimidation. You've called it threats. You
said that you would pass it on to the proper authorities. Here
at this public hearing I say to you again what I said twice at
the Tuscawilla Country Club, I will use every resource at my
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Page 10 The Voice July 28, 1994
Continued from page 1
months to iron out the details of this holding a referendum to settle the The answer could be a hike in the there is no problem,but City Man- elation and the Winter Springs Pro-
complicated endeavor. question of ambulance service was non-ad velorun taxes for these ser- ager Govumhk expressed concern fessional Firefighters presented
-The mifage rate to support the broached. City Attorney vices. Another possibility is for the over unnecessary paperwork. The Mayor John Bush with a plaque
1994-1995 city budget was ap- Kruppenbacher said he would re- city to optoutofthecounty program issue will be studied further. tanking the dty and the commis-
proved.The basic rate is3.9221,for search filing deadlines and require- and operate for another year under -The Muscular Dystrophy Asso- von for their support of MDA and
all intents and purposes unchanged ments and report back the present system. The issue will the organization's efforts.
from this year. Unfortunately, the deadline just likely be on to agenda at the Artist
A rollback rate of 3.8328 was passed. More discussion will be 8 meeting.
also approved.It is possible that the needed regarding whether to set a -Commissioners spent most of
final millage will be set somewhere specialdateornmthequestionalong an hourdiaswsirg how requests for
below the basic rate,and it could go with a future election. printed documents should be
as low as the rollback rate. In all - City Finance Director Hany handled by city staff.Currently pri-
Gkelihood,it will fall somewhere in Martin presented another possible vate dtizens can obtain copies of
between. problem. With new county proce- any public material, but City Hall
Public heamgs on the proposed duces in effect,the city may come up charges a small fee for the service.
budget will be held on Monday,Sep- shod in the payment of solid waste The problem arose over requests
tember 12,at 7:30 p.m. disposal bills and power for street by commissioners themselves.If the
- A few weeks ago the idea of lights in Country Club Village. documents are needed for research
cy0 2017
Winter Springs John Langellotti and Moti Khemlani
didn't wait long before throwing barbs
Commission in their bids for a City Commission
At a Tuscawilla Homeowners' Asso-
ciation ciation candidate forum last week,
Agenda challenger Khemlam said in his open-
ing statement that he would team with
The tentative agenda for the Winter Commissioners Cindy Gennell and
Springs Commission meeting at City Hall, David McLeod to bring a development
beginning at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, Oct. plan to State Road 434.
Incumbent Langellotti shot back
10, includes: that there are five commissioners and
-Second reading and public hearing of that they all care about the develop-
Ord.#568,vacating,abandoning and clos- ment along the city's main artery. Mc-
ing Second Street. Leod backed up Langellotti at the end
-Second reading and public hearing of of the meeting, agreeing that each
Ord.#569,authorizing Sprint/United Tele- commissioner is worried about how
phone-Florida to use the public streets on the roadway will look. McLeod said he
the city of Winter Springs, providing for is not taking sides in this race.
franchise fee etc. "I'm just going to sit back and watch
' the fireworks."
-Final engineering approval/disapproval
of Grand Reserve, west of Tuskawilla Rd.
across from Arbor Glen subdivision.
- Appointment/reappointment to Code VFW post
Enforcement Board of Lloyd Anderson and
Charles Holzman. plans Tampa
-Reports by City Attorney on:approval
of building permits by homeowners asso-
ciations; early litigation settlement; first h o st i p'a I visit
reading of ordinance for Southern Bell
franchise. The Winter Springs VFW Post
-Reports by Mayor on: City Manager's and its Ladies Auxiliary are plan-
contract;appointment to Seminole County ning a visit to the Tampa VA Hos-
Road Impact Fee Citizens Commission. pital on Saturday, Oct. 8, for an
Detailed copies of the agenda can be open house for the patients. Any-
picked up at City Hall. one having puzzles,playing cards,
games or small toiletries,etc can
drop them by the post canteen and
leave them there. Refreshments
will be served to veterans. After
the VA, the group will stop at the
Shriners Children Hospital and
tour the facility and give a mon-
etary contribution.For further de-
tails call the post at 327-3151.
9q i/ O 6 6
Winter Springs Commission
City will defend private oversight
by Darrell Johnson have been bypassed by some residents and period should have been billed at the old
builders. rate,5.91 across the boards,but it fell into
Kiuppenbacher's answer was simple: the new system. The city overbilled cus-
Monday night's Winter Springs Com- Sometimes you just have to go back to the tomers to the tune of$27,542.
mission meeting brought good news to way things have beendone for years,and if At issue Monday night was how to re-
homeowners associations, the telephone anyone challenges it the city will deal with fundthedifference.It was decided to credit
company, utility customers and, after a it then. the overcharge on the next bills,some of
prolonged battle,to bicyclists. So officially the status quo has been which will be out late this week,others on
Permits back in style... reinstated. Homeowners will have to get Oct 25. Adjustments will range in size
At the last meeting in September, City approval from their associations before from one penny to a high of$531
Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher promised applying to the city for a building permit Paths to nowhere...
a report on the building permit dilemma. Drowning in extra cash... Another hot issue in recent months has
Homeowners associations have always Finance Director Harry Martin brought been that of bicycle paths along SR 434 and
had priority in Winter Springs what it a delicate issuebefore the commission,The Tuskawrlla Rd. The state is planning on
comes to authorizing new construction. city's utility office experienced a computer widening 434 and the county is about to
Homeowners who live in an area subject to problem several weeks ago that resulted in start phase I of the Tuskawilla project.
an association have had to obtain a build- many homeowners being billed for six or Bothentities have promised awideouter•
ing permit from that organization before eight weeks instead offorone month.Water lane-14 feet instead of the normal 12-to
applying to the city meters could not be read during that period accommodate cyclist In addition, both
The reason for that is that,if the project of time. plans include five foot wide sidewalks,
-be it a fence or a new dwelling-does not That would have been a minor income- protected by unnmuntable curbs.
fall within the guidelines of the associa- nience, except that the longer than usual Stormy debates have raged over the
t ion,it can not be built.Therefore,getting period overlapped the initiation of tiered wisdom of allowing adults,not to mention
a city permit would be useless.The city is billing, small children,ride their bikes within two
obligated to honor PhD guidelines. Tiered billing is a measure adopted to feet of cars traveling at speedsas high as 45
A recent court decision in California, reduce water consumption.The first 15,000 rules per hour.
however, has prompted concern nation- gallons of water is still$.91 per thousand, While the Winter Springs Commission
wide over the rights of homeowners assn- but the next 15,000 is now$1.50.After that has a voice in the plans for both roads,it has
ciations to set their own standards. As a it goes even higher yet to take a definite stand on this issue.
result,Winter Springs homeowners groups The water used early in that extended Monday evening the body asked City Man-
Continued on page 13
1V /0 /3
Continued from page 1
ager John Govoruhk to check into Telephone's franchise from the
other options for safer cycling. time of final approval until such
One immediate response was time as the commission sees fit to
to simply allow bicycles on the void it.
sidewalks. Florida state law per- In other business...
mits the use of walkways by cy- -An ordinance closing, aban-
chsts. doningandvacating Second Street
Othercities havewidened their was approved
sidewalks along major roads,and -Final engineering plans were
some have even painted lines on approved for Grand Reserve, lo-
them designating bicycle and pe- cared westofTuskawilland.across
destrian lanes. from the Arbor Glen subdivision.
Along SR 434, the CSX rail- The go-ahead is contingent on the
road bed will become available approval of covenants and restric-
when the line decides to abandon Lions by Kruppenbacher and the
it.According to Govondilc,how- developer
ever,that will be at least another -Lloyd Anderson and Charles
year,and it could be five or more Holzman were approved as con-
years down the road. timing members of the Code En-
Hello... forcemeat Board.
The commission granted -City Manager John Gowmhk
SprinUUnited Telephone-Florida will be evaluated in writing by
a three year authorization to use each commissioner as required in
the city's streets,providing for a his contract. Commissioners pub-
franchise fee. Commissioners liclycommended him on a tine job
commended Govoruhk and and assured him that he has noth-
Kruppenbacher fortheirefforts in ing to fear in their evaluations.
securing a short-term, renego- - An open house and Meet the
Liable contract with the fine. Candidates night is scheduled at
The first reading of a similar The Highlands tonight,Oct. 13,at
ordinancewasalsopresented.This 7:30 p.m
will authorize Southern Bell
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Whither Oviedo Crossings?
by Darrell Johnson A.Duda and Sons spokesman Tom outside traffic "We appreciate and
Twoweeksegothe WuderSprirgs Morgan."Oviedo has been as sup- understand their beings,but we've
City Commission voted to deny at portive as they could possibly be, looked at the figures and are con-
cess to Wmter Springs Blvd. for a and we appreciate that" vinced that the greater good is in
road connecting with-the proposed The company could allow the proceeding.
Oviedo Crossing Mall and Red Si g land invo)ved,wtiichthey own,to be "You have to realize you have a
LakeRd.The connection wo old have annexed into the city.Another alter- group of sincerepeople whose fears
been entirely on Oviedocityproper- native might beto simply ask Oviedo are legitimate. You don't want to
ty,but Winter Springs holds an ease- to revoke the easement, although ovedookthose.But in the big picture
ment blocking the new road. that would undoubtedly lead to pro- you have to go for what will benefit
The"Duda Connector"is vital to traded legal battles with Winter everyone."
plans for the shopping ceder and Springs. He explained that they were by-
other new businesses in the area, The county would also Eke to get ing to make it a win/win/win situa-
and not just for the sake of move- involved. It must be remembered tion, involving Oviedo, Winter
nience. Emergency vehicles need that whichever entity contains the Springs and SeninokCounty.Noa,
more than one point of entry to property will also collect the taxes, with Winter Springs baking, they
adequately protect a project of that unless an interlace] agreement to have to go for a win/win situation.
magnitude. revenues is worked out. "Voujust try to be the best neigh-
Wbat's next,then,in the quest for Morgan expressed concern for bor you can be and go on from
a sad? • the people who Eve in Tuscawllla thee," Morn said. "It's not over
"We'reexpbringpossibilitieswith and who fear that mall traffic will yet,not by any stretch of the imagi-
both Oviedo and the county,"said inundate their neighborhoods with nation."
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Ex-official : Cuts forced
By Will We lions balked at paying overtime and would not more than $15,000 in sick-time pay and
fill new open positions. lost wages because he has not received
OF 711E SPITING.ST! The city is now under a federal wage- upemployment compensation.His annual
and-hour audit,which may be completed salary was$34,000.
WINTER SPRINGS—A former Winter in the next several weeks. The city may I feel like I got a really raw deal,"
Springs Parks and Recreation director be faced with paying back wages,but the Whitsett said.
has confirmed there was widespread use amount has not been announced. An internal investigation about a man-
of compensatory time in his department. Federal auditors are looking at payroll ager who worked for Whitsett showed
However,the city manager said he did records for the past two years in all city that the recreation department's pay re-
not approve the compensatory time. departments. The investigation reported- cords did not match the reported hours
Glenn Whitsett, the recreation director ly centers on complaints in the recreation worked.
who resigned in April,says he was forced and police departments. "I have never paid an employee one
to give his employees comp time because Whitsett, who says his resignation was cent that they did not earn,' Whitsett
the city,manager and finance official forced,is asking the City Commission for wrote in a letter delivered to commission-
use of comp time
ers recently. On many occasions, he said Whitsett said he had to give his em-
in the letter,he had to give compensatory ployees comp time because the manager
time to keep parks open. would not hire enough people to get the
. Whitsett said a former city manager job done. The commission had approved
had given him permission for the corn- five new maintenance positions in the
pensatory time and there was not a city parks department'for the fiscal year be-
policy against it. ginning Oct. 1, but none of the slots had
However,City Manager John Govoruhk been filled by the time Whitsett resigned.
said Whitsett was wrong and should have Govoruhk froze the new parks post-
done a better job of scheduling his de- tions during the investigation into the
partment to avoid extra hours. recreation department and had public
"I have never authorized any comp works employees help maintain parks.
time,"Govoruhk said."You work,you get Since May, three maintenance workers
paid." have been added to the staff.
9 Vo gas
Winter Springs commission
a little short on teamwork
Winter Springs City Com-
missioners called for uni-
ty among their board
after a bitter city election. But no
such teamwork emerged at the
first post-election meeting. Com-
missioners could not even ap-
prove a routine franchise agree-
ment for Southern Bell because
two commis-
sioners were
absent and
three others. —___
could not
agree. Santo"
Commission-. --
ers John Fer-
ring and John *
Torcaso sup- Orlando
ported the
agreement that ^'
could be teany Political pulse
time.d at aer, r ` 1. pulse
time. However,
Commissioner THE METRO SCENE
Cindy Gennell 1
wanted to put a seven-year term
in the agreement. Her dissenting
vote blocked the deal. Auto thefts/burglaries
Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher • Cheetah Trail, 1200 block, between
asked Gennell to reconsider her 9:30 p.m. Nov. 15 and 5:30 am. Nov. 16.
vote so the city could get an Someone broke into a car parked at a
agreement and not have to pay to house and took a buffing wheel valued at
advertise another public hearing. $60,a radio valued at$350 and seven fish-
Gunnell agreed and after some ing rods and reels valued at$400.
discussion voted the same way the Criminal mischief/vandalism
second time. • Greenspoint Circle, 400 block, be-
Torcaso tore up the agreement tween 4:15 and 10:30 p.m.Nov. 16.Some-
):end threw it at the dais in disgust. one splattered an unknown substance on
a car parked at a house.
• Oak Forest Drive, between 10 and
10:30 p.m. Nov. 15. A woman reported
that her husband hit her in the face during
an argument.
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