HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Official Ray Bradshaw-1982 Winter Springs suspends
veteran building official
tyJIM JENNINGS us,'he said.
ertnue rive,amine- Rozansky said the third point of concern,
WINTER SPRINGS — Veteran city build- about whether Bradshaw works with other
ing official Ray Bradshaw has been suspended staff members, is of a serious nature. He
from his post by City Manager Richard Ro- seems to run his department as he sees fit,"
zansky pending the outcome of a hearing the city manager said.
today. On the conduct question, Rozansky said
In a one-page suspension t _ :.At Bradshaw "doesn't get required prior approv-
notice given the 10-year P ' al (before making a ruling or granting approv-
city employee, Rozansky al for a plan) when it is necessary. There is
lists four areas of concern snore to it than that, but I really can't go into
a_ it
and maintains that Brad-
shaw has: Mayor Troy Piland said Monday he is"stay-
• Not met coordination ,1?` ing out of this one. It is entirely between the
requirements by the city k ?•', city manger and Mr. Bradshaw. I got rid of all
for all staff activities. -.' ^..-% these headaches when we hired a city
• Failed to obey writ- " manager."
ten directions. *; j The suspension is not the first run-in Brad-
• Not cooperated with Bradshaw shaw has had with city officials over the
other staff members where years.
1975, former Councilwoman Irene Van
ovEx ib red as require onducst.
• t ve to city a olicy. conduct that is con- depart ant properly,Bradshaw at wasn't wouldn't ldn't re his
tradictive to city policy. department properly, that he wouldn't return
Bradshaw was suspended with pay from his her telephone calls and would hang up on her
$19,405-a-year job late Friday. He said Mon- when she would call him at home:Other offi-
day that the matter has been turned over to dials branded the criticism as a personal fight
his personal attorney, Danner L. Hiers of between Bradshaw and the then-
Winter Park. councilwoman.
"I really don't think it would be right for Thai same'year, Bradshaw was investigated
me to comment at this point.It's all political," by the council on allegations that he acted im-
Bradshaw said. "How I survived this long is properly in issuing building-and septic tank
the question." permits for a church and other structures.
Biers would not comment on the suspen- The allegations Were dismissed.
sign and Rozansky, who met Monday after- In 1978 Bradshaw was ordered by the coin
1 noon with City Attorney Al Cook to discuss cil to apologize tea city resident he had Mk
the issue,was guarded in his comments. dered from his office. The mall confronterd
"1, don't want to say too much because I Bryn aw and asked
trees im,why city
ty crews totllt
want to have a chance first to sit down Tues-. we.do
day and ha with Ray about these problems," Also that same year, Bradshaw was in-
"I said. -
volved in a dispute with former Councilman
"I can say this, ectedh.There is nothing pont, in p
litic@I, from an electetl official standpoint, in Laurent Pellerin over whether tfiecouncilman
this matter. There may be some interdepart- tried to have him removed. The state attow
mental problems,but that's a horse of another .nay's office. investigated the allegation, byt
color." - took no action. An office spokesman said ',
As for the staff coordination issue, Ro- thing looks like a political fight and this office
zansky said that each department must sign isn't getting involved in oneof those."
off,on various segments of plans under con- Rozansky said that depending upon whet
sideration by the city. He said Bradshaw has happens at today's hearing, Bradshaw could
not always done so. . he reinstated, face suspension without pay,
Rozansky would not.specify-what written receive an official written reprimand or posed-
directives.Bradshaw may have violated That ,bly be fired.
will come out Tuesday between the two of Those,'he said, are the options.
(CA o330
:Decision on Bradshaw expected
WINTER SPRINGS — A decision regarding sus-
pended city building official Ray Bradshaw is ex-
pected this afternoon, City Manager Richard Ro pension without pay, receive an official written rep-
zansky said Tuesday. rimand or possibly be fired.
Bradshaw was sus Bradshaw had no .
pended from his comment Tuesday.
$19,405-a-year job late In the one-page sus-
Friday by Rozansky, p pension notice, Ro-
who in a suspension zansky listed four areas
notice cited certain of concern and main ,�w».
"problem areas" with tains that Bradshaw .., �,
he 10-year city has: ` ':
employee. ` • Not met coordina .0°-
Rozansky, Bradshaw �""°-�'' tion requirements by the
and his attorney, Dan city for all staff
ner L. Hiers of Winter activities. ,
Park, met Tuesday • Failed to obey writ- ",.
afternoon for about 40 ten directions.
Rozansky • Not cooperated Bradshaw
minutes and "discussed Y
our differences," Rozansky said. Bradshaw and his with other staff members where overlapping duties
attorney "provided input" on the problems, he add- require response.
ed, noting that now he must review all information • Exhibited a general conduct that is contradic-
and decide if Bradshaw will be reinstated, face sus- tive to city policy.
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