HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnnexation-1983/1998 Winter Springs Move
For Annexation Opposed
The proposed annexation of four parcels of dustrial was asked for by Cottle. All the
about 3g0 acres into Winter Springs is being property is currently Zoned agricultural by the
opposed.by Seminole County commissioners. county.
The proposed annexation violates state laws Easton said the city did not follow the
for compactness, creating enclaves, does not county's development review process which
conform to the county's comprehensive plan provides Information on.the Impact to water,
for development in the area and fails to follow sewers, roads and other county systems.•
the county's procedure for density changes Under the county's statutes the landowners
commissioners said in a letter to Winter must apply directly to the county for a waiver
Springs Mayor John Torcaso. of the two-year prohibition on a change of
Acting,County Administrator Jim Easton density for the property.
explained commissioners' opposition to the "If we have gone along with their request we
plan. would have been without any of that in-
"State statute says you will not create en- formation," Easton said.
davro;''Easton said. He described enclaves Easton explainedthatthechanges in density
as lsàkted pockets which cause a disruption of on two of the properties involved would Violate
servicesfium one section of county property to the county's comprehensive plan for land use
another.' in the area.
An enclave is an area surrounded or nearly The changes would not provide for "an
surrounded by another government's orderly planned growth in the area," Easton
territory. . said.
Easton said the annexation,in the opinion of Assistant County Attorney Robert McMillan
county officials, would create at least one will attend the Winter Springs City Com-
enclave and cause an inefficient use of tax mission meeting Jan. % to express the
money. county's opposition to the plan.
Whiter Springs City Planner Jacqueline The annexation is scheduled for final
Koch said the owners of the property—Circuit reading at that meeting.
Court Judge Kenneth M. Leffler, Madline Easton said the Bounty must raise its ob-
Luttrell, Charles Cottle and Edward,Robert jellies at the meeting H an appeal is to be
and Richard Parker—asked the city to annex filed.
their property. If Winter Springs commisslaners'approve
Additionally, Mrs. Koch said, a zoning the annexationrequet,thetbunty has 30 days
change to low density residential was sought to file an appeal in SemSie County Circuit
dy Mrs. Luttrell and a change to light in- Court. — MICHEAL BEHA
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Winter Springs' annexation
reignites city-vs.-rural battle
By Will Welons against an urban/rural line county leaders drew in
and Robert Perez the sand three years ago when they turned down
the Battle Ridge development.
OF THE SENTINEL STAFF The vote was close, with commissioners David
McLeod, Michael Blake and Ed Martinez support-
WINTER SPRINGS—The battle over a contro- ing the annexation and Cindy Gennell and Robert
versial future housing project on Lake Jesup may Miller opposing it.
not be over as Black Hammock residents vowed to The new Winter Springs land moves potential
protect their rural community from city life. city life closer to rural Black Hammock on the
Winter Springs commissioners late Monday an- south shores of Lake Jesup.
hexed the 300-acre Battle Ridge property into the Much of the Battle Ridge land is wetlands and
- city despite the objections of nearby residents, cannot be built on. However, about 40 acres in the
Oviedo leaders and Seminole County staff. southeast corner of the property will have no more
Battle Ridge is north of State Road 434 and jets Please see HOUSING, D-6 over part of northern Oviedo. It also bumps up
Commission wary of any pact
between Winter Springs, Oviedo
HOUSING from D-1 said. has spent a lot of time with
Black Hammock residents are Black Hammock residents to get
than 110 homes. worried that Battle Ridge's ap- their views.
Winter Spring's action left proval will lead to further annex- "The real issue here is not
some perplexed. ations from other property own- Battle Ridge," he said. "It's the
"Why would you want 110 ers who hope to sell their land to future of Black Hammock."
homes a half-mile from the developers. Despite the assurances, coun-
city?" Black Hammock resident Winter Springs officials say ty officials remained leery of any
Sandra Brogan asked the com- that is not the case and said likely agreement between Winter
mission. Monday they are willing to work Springs and Oviedo on future
The owner,Battle Ridge Corn- with Oviedo and Seminole Coun- annexations and development.
panies, has been seeking city- ty to map out the area's future. The commissioners want
type development for five years. On Thesday, Winter Springs stronger guarantees that future
First,the company went to Semi- City Manager Ron McLemore annexation and development
nole County and received ap- and Battle Ridge attorney Fred won't hurt Black Hammock's ru-
proval for one home per acre. 'Leonhardt spoke to the Seminole ral nature.
Not satisfied,it asked to become County Commission. They tried, Hammock residents may try
part of Winter Springs.Monday's but failed, to convince the com- to fight the annexation with the
action gives them about 2.75 mission that the development State Department of Community
homes per acre. would not infringe on Black Affairs, which reviews growth
"No matter how much time Hammock or set a precedent for plans to make sure new develop-
and money has been spent, it more intense development. ment fits in with the existing
will never change the fact that "We have gone a long way to landscape.
this is a bad idea," Black Ham- address the concerns of everybo- "Our intention is to fight it to
mock spokesman Jim Logue dy," McLemore said, adding he the death," Logue said.
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