HomeMy WebLinkAboutWhat Does the Future Hold for Winter Springs-1997 What does the future hold for Winter Springs?
pictures and renderings on the County Commissioners came
By Letty Linhart wall in City Hall. here to dedicate Wicklow, a
"You know,we'll begin subdivision in Tuscawilla. We
Wmter Springs Mayor the four lane the stretch of entertained them here.
Paul Partyka was asked this 434 between Tuscawilla Road "Also, we're getting set
week, "What are some of the and the Greeneway in January for the Winter Springs Arts
big issues coming up for the or February.. Festival on Dec 5 and 6, at
city?" and here is his reply: "December 8 will start Central Winds Park.We
"There are a couple of the new commission, with two always need publicity for that
things.Number one is contin- new commissioners, Rob Rotary-sponsored event. That
ued discussion about the Miller and Eddie Martinez. reminds me, we doing some
improvements to Route 434 "The Rails to Trails renovation at our city parks,
and the new Wmter Springs Program will affect Oviedo and there is a special event at
town Center.That's a big and Winter Springs. We'll Central WmdsPark: a Dream
piece of business for us on the have the first part of the link Magic Christmas show, I think
Commission. We have the underway... the 13th of December.We'll
regulations in place to develop `We've had some cer- have a fireworks show and the
the area and the criteria for emonial events. Last Sunday, event will be for the commu-
the development. It will be a a delegation from County nities nearby as well as Winter
first class place. The ground Wicklow in Ireland, including Springs."
work has been done.We have their County Manager and
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