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Battle Ridge Development-1995/1996
Battle Ridge, Viera zoning And in Winter Springs... --On Monday it was reported that someone had pried open a are delayed secured shed behind a home on North Devon Street.The thief ook an assortment of hand tools and Two items vital to Oviedo and Winter power tools. Springs were on the Seminole County Police found some of the prop- Commission's agenda Tuesday night,and erty scattered between the shed both were tabled. and the fence where the culprit On Dec. 13 commissioners gave the apparently had crossed. They developers of Battle Ridge,a subdivision found more goods in the vicinity north of SR 434 between the GreeneWay of the fence. and DeLeon Street,permission to proceed. Another group of items was The Black Hammock Homeowners Asso- discovered on a neighbor's porch ciation had fought the project for almost a next to his bicycle. The neighbor year,claiming it would lead todenserpopu- seemed evasive about where the lation in the area. tools on his porch came from,and The December decision seemed to then he told police that he had Battle Continued on Page 16 seen three males climbing the fence BaL`le idgy. at about 10 p.m.the night before. Ridge Another neighbor claimed to Continued from Page! have heard a noise outside at The other item on the agenda around 10 p.m. but had not seen please everyone.Battle Ridge will involved land around the anyone. be built,but density was cut to GreeneWay and Red Bug Lake The investigation continues. no more than one home per acre Road owned by the Viera Com- --A woman's purse was stolen throughout the 57 acre site. pany,a subsidiary of A. Duda& near Highway 17-92 on Saturday. The commission's job onTues- Sons in Oviedo. After she described the vehicle day would have been to rezone the Because the county staff had being driven by the thief police land from A-10(agrculture)toPUD not eviewed reports from the East found him and he admitted to tak- (Planned Unit Development).Be- Central PloridaRegional Planning ing the purse. cause some of the parties involved Council and the Local Planning He said he had thrown it out the were not ready to present their Agency/Planning Zoning Com- car window along SR 600.Police arguments the hearing was post- mission the issue was delayed until found the purse and returned it to poned until Apri125. March28. the woman.She declined to pros- ecute. � So / GI Black. Hammock vs. Battle ' Ridge : the fight goes on BY DARRELL JOHNSON — STAFF REPORTER OF THE OVIEDO Vows land is left. The residents of Black Hammock That would not only be bad for northeast of Oviedo recently dodged OVIEDO AND the people. It would be worse for the a bullet which threatened.for awhile, land.A hammock in Florida isessen- to destroy their small slice of para- ITS ENVIRONS Bally land floating on a high water disc. Battle Ridge. a development table. It is not good for much except immediately to the west of the ham- From then to now farming and recreation,and it is very mock.could have opened the door for delicate. A change of several inches high-density land use throughout the in the average water level could mean area and beyond disaster for plant and animal species Everyone seems to know each in the area. other in Black Hammock. People Third in a series Last December Black Hammock wave as familiar cars drive by on the residents achieved a major victory,not graded dirt roads. At the fish camp only for their way of life but for the they gather around generous servings environment as well.County commis- of of beer and gator tail to talk about sinners voted not only to limit the even-thin from politics to dogs to The occasion was the hammock's S Po g Battle Ridge project to one home per ' water levels. response to a Companies threat. Battle g P J Pe Most important.they want topro- Ridge Companies of Florida. head- acre. with no condos or businesses. quartered in Eaton Park. went before but to provide a 300-foot buffer be- ted the land they love. the land on which their and happiness de- the Commission to request zoning Street.e the development and DeLeon pond. Small fauns grow anything east changes on 297 acre tract Str north of eett. If land in that buffer is ever SR 434 and east of the GrecneWac developed.homes would be restricted from trees to oriental vegetables. Most of the land in question is to one on even three acres. Horses line fences to stare at passing wetlands and is protected under Because of the ruling, and be- automobiles. Florida Inv The developer promised cause Battle Ridge is now-beginning The minimum lot size in the to either sell that portion back to the construction, the status of wetlands hammock is five acres, and the lots counts-or place it under the control of along the south shore of Lake Jesup that are inhabited hold everything an environmental agency has been given a high priority in Tal- from broken down mobile homes to The remaining 57 acres werc to lahassee. The state could either buy houses costing hundreds of thousands contain homes. condominiums and a the and or authorize the purchase by of dollars. small shopping center. That would another entity such as Seminole Folks can clear as much of their 5 or 10 acres as they feel like mowing have violated the casting zoning County. and leave the rest fe to the wildlife. `which allowed one hone for even fee Whether either of those options or ten acres. becomes rcalit.the wetlands.includ- Lifestle restrictions are almost non- in the animals living there. will be existent. The only limitation on land Jim Logue felt that a zoning ex- g g le galls protected from future advances use is that folks treat it with respect emptier could have been the first step g P and protect it. in filling the entire area with small by humans. residential lots. Even then-Commis- The controversy has given the As Black Hammock Association sioner Lam- Furlong. who cast the president Jim Logue said in an ad- Black Hammock Association a shot only dissenting Votc at the hearing, in the arm. Residents fought to keep dress to the Seminole County Com- felt that if the plan Was passed it would mission almost a year ago."We've got the development out and they won, open the door for the next large-scale but they will not sit back and relax. bad water. we've got mosquitoes. property owner to say. 'Battle Ridge we've got bumpy roads. we've got gel their changes.so we should be able Thep have learned to keep an eye out rednecks. In short.we're people who to as will:' It could start a domino for landowners with more respect for don't want to be like other eo le" the dollar than for the environment. P P - effect that would end only when no 950 3 3 an apartment complex advertising her babysitting services.A man called her asking if she would babysit his eight- year-old son. He then went on to de- scribe impossible obscene things about the boy. The girl hung up and called police.They are investigating. --Police found a partially broken bottle containing a burning piece of a rag near the intersection of Dolphin Street and Moss Road on April 23.It did not appear that the bottle had con- tained any flammable liquid,not did it seem to be an attempt to damage property. Investigators are calling it an act of criminal mischief. —On April 22 someone entered In Winter Springs... a self storage unit on SR 434 and re- -On April 24 a teenage female moved more than $2,700 worth of in the Sheoah Boulevard area told electronic equipment, camping gear police she had put up notices around and other property. A compromise is struck in Battle Ridge zoning Seminole County Commissioners approved a zoning change on the g° 1 :• Battle Ridge property north of SR 434 in Oviedo Tuesday night,ending a`i more than fourteen months of controversy. '^" ffA Plans for the subdivision originally included 55 acres devoted to single • _ : family homes, five acres of apartments and a small island of businesses. *e s<: The Black hammock Association opposed the project,saying it would pack �' -• people too tightly into an essentially rural residential area. d ` •'' Commissioners defeated the Battle Ridge zoning request in February 1994,spurting the developer to eliminate the apartments and the commer- cial center. In April of last year the section was designated Suburban Es- tates and zoned A10,or agricultural. Suburban Estates,it turns out,is not compatible with an A10 zoning. Tuesday the Commission remedied the situation by rezoning the land Al. As Black Hammock resident Thomas McCord told commissioners, the new designation will act as a buffer between tightly packed subdivi- Y% 4 sions to the west and the very rural Black Hammock area to the east. Torn McCord tells commissioners the compromise is acceptable to Black Hammock residents 95© ya7 State report frowns on Battle Ridge plan ❑The advisory says the Map a.° proposed development ✓'__ near Lake Jesup would ® o.coR+m, aggravate urban sprawl. p Sanford A. By Will Wellons 1' 0 OF THE SENTINEL STAFF ^Ld e+!• <.4 N WINTER SPRINGS — For the Bevel pee second time in three years, the development state has objected to a proposed ©°s - housing development south of Lake Jesup. Winter State planners with the Depart- ment SprinyeF of Community Affairs say the Oviedo Battle Ridge project threatens envi- ri db ronmentally sensitive land,encour- ages urban sprawl and taxes crowd- ei Wet ed roads. But a Battle Ridge representative BRENDA WEAVER/THE ORLANDO SENTINEL remains upbeat,despite the report. "Enough is a enough„ Battle Ridge attorney Fred Leon- Seminole County commissioners hardt said it is common for the state considered the Battle Ridge project to be heavily critical of develop- in 1994. After stiff state objections, ments. Usually the projects eventu- the county limited development to ally win approval. one home per acre. "We are pleased with the re- City Commissioner Cindy Gen- sponse," Leonhardt said. "We look nell also said it was time to stop forward to giving the DCA the infor- worrying about Battle Ridge. oration they need." "The significant investment of Developers want Winter Springs time and resource needed to corn- to allow up to 125 homes on the mit the city to Battle Ridge project about 50 acres suitable for build- would not be in the best interest of ings. About 250 acres of Battle the citizens,"Gennell said. Ridge site is wetlands. City Manager Ron McLemore State planners raised objections said it may be too early to bury Bat- even though Battle Ridge has been tie Ridge. McLemore said the plan- scaled back to calm critics. At one ners are still reviewing the report, point,developers wanted to put 250 adding the city can work to resolve homes on the site north of State the state concerns. Road'434 just east of the Central These reports, McLemore said, Florida GreeneWay. are a"series of negative statements The state report is advisory. City that you have to overcome." commissioners must decide if they But Battle Ridge problems go be- want to annex the unincorporated yond state planners. Battle Ridge is Seminole County site, on the edge of the rural Black Ham- Winter Springs Commissioner mock community, and residents John Ferrvrg said the city should have been lobbying the state to stop wasting its time. keep the area free of city-type devel- Fening said the city asked for the opment latest state review to get a second City commissioners may discuss opinion after owners trimmed the the development at their June 10 I project. City staff have supported meeting. Battle Ridge is not on the the annexation of Battle Ridge. agenda, but Ferring said he will "Lets get out of it," Ferring said. bring up the issue. 561 0 0/ Commissioners debate Rotary Club dues, table Battle Ridge Br lame Huawrmad that when he was hired several months ago, The commission agreed to table discus- winter a spring City Ca unj aerespne they each lstedtheir individual priorities for oion regardingsome 300 acres orlaoalmown bugepeaBoaothebra haffofthe Monday him.Among those was the desire for him to as Battle Ridge,Carroll,Weaver and Minter nightag—s--s ovn4ietic City Man- become involved in community servioe.`The Large Scale ComprehensivePbn Amendment ages Ron Mdaiore should have his men- point is...my goal is to carry out your wishes Whether or not to annex this bership dues in the Ronny Clubyard wittax for meto mix with the community.Ithinkthis the city,and allow Fray into dollars ofhomm heated agenda The bale surfaced m consistent with contract and goals," Com- item in ontishmt.has The eoatmentoCom- when Commissioner "The BBlo'C d hemhrmaitpmt7hsedarememofCom- wisa Femng m- pow'ls'••my goal is to miesioner David numiryAffairs has relasedamaem report m Jo ndW to an agenda carry out vow wishes for me to Mcleod said be feels this issue,but the report is net complete at mix with the COIDID the city manager this time. item in which BmtY. I should be involved in Mc amore asked that think this is consistent with my as man)/o ore Lybrand, rmmpfrom Cooper and iheawwalduesbepaal contract and oafs," as possible and made for the completing 1995 audit as of employ- g the motion for the city,Monday meeting.raaltsof that audit meat agreement. -Winter Springs Ong accepted n d adopt deduce.om issio wan Fevin6 Wd he daa P de C`n commission to she As th d adopted the neared midnight, not feel that the Manager Ron McLemore ware pThe of the As the meeting neared midnight, dues. The motion McLemoregave an overview ofthe 1997 contmid- ta>fae mbardendthe panned by a 4-1 vae get for the city,Briefly,he told Mattis is adaor end they dos odd aphasia commission voted iire it die twat budge,and old goal Eva beyond reasonableness of odomteaioa the bidding in aprivttbusine of budget Yonwouldfind advic�� BC1p�lYmwaive bidding inaMidmea••a•,••. -- ion,"Feningsaid.Headded ra9ntrments in the best interest off the city esenalowfra in adval hopefully maxos tbm magi twang private assnerarren Currently, any redationlnedvalommdxa Y Y pfor bids.costing more than to the roll information bolt nth. B wthstFaylnaMciemom's daa is atmn- $4,000 must go up for bide.The commiaia scoentwi hproperspendiagafmxdebam. Fa whon ich data and times n, McLemore�m��commissioners ordure in taMa�admkeep the present pro- budget lll Citworkshops ll t 3 -1100 wRl be held soon, gas City at 327-1800. 9G e /3 Commissioners to decide 4. ` battle' over development By Robert Perez -.,,, (-i MMaapp area four lanes east of the GreeneWay.. J " The Florida Department or OF THE SENTINEL STAFF f Transportation has no plans-to suuw.scamm. widen that portion of the road be- SANFORD — The debate over Sanford fore 1997. rural vs. urban development near The staff also recommended an Lake Jesup will come to a head on \ urban boundary be established Tuesday. 0 just east of the Battle Ridge site. The Seminole County Commis- , N It would limit developments to no sion will decide whether to allow s- more than one building for every 175 residential lots and a commer- '^ l, Battle Ridge three acres or less on most parcels cial tract on 300 acres of mostly -. _ development east of the GreeneWay. It would swampy land.The proposed devel- — also mark the limits of the coitn- opment, Battle Ridge, would be ?, !� ty's water and sewer service.21 built between the lake's south _ Harting thinks the Battle Ridge shore and State Road 434, just F proposal and the staff's recom- east of the Central Florida < Oviedo mendation are not that different GreeneWay. Red Bug It's just a matter of timing. Nearby residents of Black Ham- Lake Rd( °ip He said Battle Ridge should be mock oppose Battle Ridge, saying l allowed to develop now because they want the area's rural nature elD Cr) development pressure along S.R and sensitive environment pre- THE ORLANDO SENTINEL 434 will lead to its widening soon- served. appropriate for more intense uses. er than later. The outcome of the case likely Winter Springs has said it will "We're placing more reliance on will set a precedent for develop- provide water and sewer service to 434 demanding improvements ment m the area. the area. sooner," he said. "Staff is saying Battle Ridge was proposed late The commission asked its staff they're not sure, so they're limit- last year and swept through the to study whether the opening of ing the intensity. Our position-Is county's review and approval the GreeneWay and Winter that it is very poor planning." steps Springs' involvement meant a Jim Logue, president of the The commission tentatively ap- change in the county's rural dis- Black Hammock Association, said proved the project in January,but trict guidelines was needed. he expects the commission to ap- delayed final approval after near- After five community work- prove the one-acre limit as recom- by residents, the Department of shops involving property owners, mended by the staff. Community Affairs and other the county's planning staff recom- "I'm going in very encouraged," state agencies criticized the devel- mended last month that the Battle he said "There is only one thing opment, calling it too dense for Ridge property be allowed to be they [the commissioners) can 'do the area developed as urban, which allows — give them one-acre lots," he As part of the county's rural more buildings per acre said. "Otherwise, the study will East Area District, the property The staffs only caveat on the have been a waste of time." was designated in 1991 for no Battle Ridge property, however, The commission is scheduled',to more than one home per 10 acres was that it be limited to one house adopt or deny the staff recommen- Battle Ridge consultant Hugh per acre — the least dense devel- dations,which came out of the five Harting argued that the opening opment under an urban design- community meetings, before mov- of the GreeneWay made the area Son—until S.R.434 is widened to ing on to the Battle Ridge questiob 9N / 2 /, Battle Ridge development loses again Winter Springs agency says no to accommodating project By Will WelloN '7?m.ye: Map area OF THE SENTINEL STAFF I WINTER SPRINGS — The pro- p SeMOM t.zt ErvuN.v posed Battle Ridge housing Bevel- opment received another setback '� Thursday night. The Winter Springs local Plan- ning Agency recommended not to d. change the city's growth plan to Battle Ridge home way at for the south 200- development of lake Jesup. Bettie Ridge Companies of Floe- '$ .:..41 :,thra-0, ida, whose Project was rejected by Springs the Seminole County Commission, . .�. . Oviedoa,: now want to be annexed into Winter ' Springs. Seminole said the Project . 1 W threatened environmental land and ww intruded into the rural Black Ham %; i mock community. iff .Qect shopping did not please BRENDA Osiumo mLmama 11 members of the Winter Springs ad- Now,it is up to the City Commis vrsoryboard. sion to decide if Battle Ridge should "All that is happening here is stay alive.mat vote likely will occur somebody could not get what they in December. City commissioners wanted with one government, so are not bound by the planning they are moving to the next,"board agency's vote. member David Hopkins said. Development attorneys said after The Planning Agency voted 4.1 the surprising •rote that they look not to recommend proceeding with forward to taking their case to the Battle Ridge,which covers 300 acres commission. lAed I.fcnhardt Point- along State Road 434. The vote ed mit the dm slog is nrppottirrg brought applause from the small the pro - groupthat had come to the meeting Please see HOUSING,D-4 to oppose the Project. qi // /0 Most of Battle Ridge site can't be developed year. HOUSING from D-1 Seminole County recommends that only one home to an acre be allowed on the estimated 70 usable At stake is whether the city should grow. Battle acres on the property's east end.The other land will Ridge's owners have agreed to come into the city be preserved for conservation. . only if the development is approved. _ Winter Springs wants to allow up to 3.5 houses per Residents of the neighboring Black Hammock acre.City Planner Thomas Grimms said the more in- -community and environmentalists say the property tense development is possible because the city is is unsuitable for city-type development. Only about providing water and sewer service. 20 percent of the property can be developed, since Winter Springs is the second try for Battle Ridge. the site is a natural overflow for Lake Jesup. Jim Logue, president of the Black Hammock In 1994, county commissioners approved a project Homeowners Association, called the planned devel- that included more than 300 homes and some corn- opment an "outright attack on our community vat- mercial property. State planners,however,raised en- ues:' vironmental concerns, and the County Commission Among those who objected was Seminole County withdrew support. Planner Tony Matthews. Leonhardt said the new project is different. It has no shops or apartments—it's designed to be an up- Matthews said the city's plans are contrary to a scale neighborhood comparable to other nearby de- study of land around the Central Florida GreeneWay velopments, he said. Still, residents say that even a and State Road 434 that the county completed last scaled-back Battle Ridge will damage the area. 95 // /a Battle Ridge development plan to get state review WINTER SPRINGS—The con- troversial Battle Ridge develop- ment is getting new life. Winter Springs-city commis- sioners voted lfsliyn nifl t to send the 300acr*AWSlopmwt on Lake Jesup's southern Aare to I state planners for review.Muth of the land is not usable for develop- ment, but Battle Ridge Compan- ies could build up to 125 homes on 50 acres. Commissioners say the vote is not a guarantee of approval. The city wants the state Department of Community Affairs' opinion on the project along State Road 434. The city may wait eight to nine months to make a final decision. Residents of the Black Ham- mock community argued that the land should have no more than one house to the acre because city development would encroach on their rural lifestyle. 0Goa .2- '7 Battle Ridge decision could take 8-9 months Thefts/burglaries By Will WeBons port the project later this year. • Keith Court, 100 dock. between 8 Winter Springs is considering OF race SENTINEL STAFF a.m. Feb. 29 and 11 a.m. March 1. changing its growth plan to allow someone stole and caslbd two person- for up to 3.5 homes to the acre. al n,ho w for to of 3370 from a per. WINTER SPRINGS - The city However, much of the land the son's home. is going to take a long time look- city is considering adding to its • Summerknd Avenue, 700 block, ing at the contested Battle Ridge boundaries is wetlands that cannot between 9 a.m.and 2:15 pm.March 4. development on the south shore of be developed. Someone roles wheelchair yaks] at Lake Jesup. Battle Ridge and several adjoin- 5600 left In the driveway of a residence. City Manager Ron McLemore ing pieces of property total 365 Negligent treatment of children said it could be eight to nine acres near the rural Black Ham- Third Sher, 100 block 7120 p.m.• months before the City Commis- mock community. But the city es- a sion makes a decision on whether timates that only 113 acres could March 2.A woman was ft charged with to annex 300 acres and allow the be develo chart en reptile one left tian two young* developed. children home rend for an exterMedA development b up to 125 homes. Black Hammock leader, Jim Lo- time. • The timetable that McLemore gue said the city should not allow • outlines is twice as long as the Battery • the project to move forward.Logue ., usual approval process. believes the city should leave the • Cheoy Lee Circle, 800 block, be- The extra time does not bother land at one home to the acre as trees 7:45 and t45 ;km. Feb. 29. A; representatives of Battle Ridge. proposed by a year-old planning man threw a woman to theeoor' • "Whatever it takes to get it done," study by Seminole County. March 2 David Street, block,with 12 lap-p.m.* said attorney Fred Leonhardt. clor0etl Wp.. Winter Springs commissioners Last week, Oviedo also lined up ping a woman In the face during an r-4 recently approved sending the pro- against the annexation. Oviedo rumen-. posed development near the Black does not want the Winter Springs • Fairfax Avenue,te, 800 block, e:45' Hammock c ommunit to state Y volvetl�in 28.Alter aacciarR one of Mae; community cit limits crossing the planners for review. Battle Ridge GreeneWay. drivers attacked the other person. is along State Road 434 just east of Winter Springs and McLemore • Green Spring Circle, 500 block,• the Central Florida GreeneWay. hope to silence the critics by set- 220 p.m. March 2.A man was dinged Commissioners said the vote was ting up a task force to monitor the with flowing a woman into a wall during i not an indicator that they will sup- project. an argument. 9l( 030 i Editor. On February 28,the Walla Springs city council considered the annexation request for the Battle Ridge property located on south Lake Jesup in Seminole county. The Commission decided unanimously to bansmit the request to the Department of Community Affairs(DCA), the first step in the amamtionlcomprehenmo plan amendment process. Previously,this matter was brought in front of the Winter Springs LandFlamting Agency (LPA)for review,who voted 4 to 1 against the annexation.Mr.Alt Hoffman,the chair of the board and the only dissenting vote,made an unusual appearance at the City Council mating on the 26th.Mr.Hoffman,representing himself as chair of the LPA,suggested,without con- sulting other board members,that the board would have changed its vote given current infor- mation.No evidence was offered stating that any individual manber would have changed his vote.The LPA is an advisory board to the City Commission and Mr.Hoffman,like any citizen, has the right to address the Commission as an individual,but to imply that he representdthe board while restating his lone opinion and implying that the rest of the board would agree with him defeats the purpose of having a board and a democratic vote. The council and city manager are relying heaving on the judgement of their staff,which consists of the city planner,manager,and others,but is without an environmental specialist of any kind The staff recommended transmittal of the Battle Ridge annexation request to DCA. Annexation of the property would go against Winter Springs own Comprehensive Plan which requires that the city and county have an intalocal agreement in place..To such agree- ment has been reached.This is why both Semimle County and the city of Oviedo oppose the annexation. It has been previously stated by Winter Spring's planning staff that it"does NOT want to get involved in any kind of three-way interloai agreement in the Battle Ridge property arm" Since the state requires the city to comply with its own comprehensive plan,how can the city disregard this state nde. The new city manager,Ronald MdLemore,as a condition of annexation,recommended a steering committee be formed which would represent all impacted pmties,inchtding landown- ers,Black Hammock Association,MacKinley'a Mill Homeowner Association,and others. This recommendation conies only after the decision by the council to annex the property. The committee,however,is without clout Although the city manna is to be commended on his suggestion,this type of action needs to be done prior to any annexation of property in areas that border neighboring garcamemat barodaies. If Winter Springs would start the process over and ban the steering committee in place, then a consensus could be reached and presented to theLPA for their assessment and recom- mendation to city council.That would demonstrate an attempt to reach an imerlocal agme- meatby having imbue ofthe cony®mty(the cmmty:thecitlaof Oviedo and Writer Springs, and the land owners)participate in the process... Grey Wilson Oviedo