HomeMy WebLinkAboutDarren Nodsle-1997 Winter Springs teenager
killed in auto accident
Darin Nodte,a sixteen year old honor According to Oviedo police,they were
kadentatOviedhHighSchool,died last attempting to pall Gorden over for a traffic
end f om head injuries received in a car acd• violation roamed at MilehdI l3 inndcRoed.
dent. The car was being fdbwedalanormalrated
Nodale was a passenger in a car driven speed and was not engaged in a high speed
by Steven Grodeo,l7,also d Wuner Springs. pursuit. A rear seat passenger,It Peas,
Gradeswasattwrrptingto i&was uninjured in the accident and told
flee from police when he police that(roden didn't want m top be-
lost control of the 1996 ease he fwred reviving yet anther tldrt.
Mitsubishi Eclipse he Darren Nodek wasaLdmNyaodoatgo-
was driving. The car ing young man who worked pet time in his
flipped several times family's construNunbaiaaainL wood.
throwing Darren fiomR At Oviedo Nigh age, he nrtntdb t3.!
In the past year, '. '117 grado-poiet average,loved m play buhist•
Gorden has been cited for aodwassell-hlredbye+aymewho pent
careless driving, speed- .' � ' The accident is stiltrmder investigation,(sert-
iag andd thilure to obey a big blood-alcohol test results and at this time
traffic sign. His license no charges have been filed
was also suspended late last year,but Infos- Darren is mrvived by his parwa,Hal
oration as to whether it had been reinstated andE.lvira,and rrangem
gr Nick and
admitted to ORMC for observation and was Helen BmnntCeoede.firmaltreogmrmis
released late on Saturday. were by FamilyFuneealCare inOvledo.
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