HomeMy WebLinkAboutHughes Party-1991 215 friends 1:t'%I.t.; a
show up for Sanford*
Hughes party Orlando
eminole school Superinten-
dent Bob Hughes went to
the Yacht and Beach Club political pulse
at Walt Disney World last Week ex-
pecting a quiet dinner. Instead,he THE METRO SCENE
got a surprise farewell party with
215 people. The party raised
$3,000,interest from which will go Commissioner John Torcaso,who
to the Teacher of the Year award. motioned to make Langellotti dep-
Hughes' 12-year tenure as head of uty mayor, and Koehler, who sec-
Seminole schools ended last week. onded that motion were both op-
He will take the superintendent's posed in November elections by
job in Alachua County. The party candidates the mayor and Bonnet-
invitations for School Board mem- Iy supported. Langellotti has
bers Barbara Kuhn and Sandy spent one year as commissioner
Robinson arrived notably late — and was elected in November to
after the RSVP deadline. Neither serve three more.
is a big Hughes supporter, and
neither attended.
. . AND DEEP POCKETS. cent groundbreaking for the
Longwood Commissioner Clanei Seminole County portion of the
Keith has put her money where Eastern Beltway, county commis-
her Christmas spirit is. Keith last sion Chairman Fred Streetman
week agreed to kick in $100 for a remarked that Gerald Brinton
municipal employee Christmas came to work as the executive di-
party when controversy killed rector of the Seminole County Ex-
plans to pay for the party with pressway Authority for a promise
public funds. Mayor Adrienne and a pittance more than five
Perry supported Keith's move but years ago.Now that Brinton's sala-
said she could only contribute$50. ry has gone from the $40,000s to
"I guess I'm not as rich as Com- $80,708, Streetman said, "I think
missioner Keith,"Perry joked. now we have him where he's off
• THANKS food stamps."
DERED. Winter Springs commis-
sioners have adopted a resolution TOUGH TIMES. This has
commending Paul Partyka's dedi- proved a trying year for Semi-
cation and hard work for the city. nole County's code enforcement
Partyka served one three-year board, those seven community
term on the commission. volunteers who fine people for
high weeds, rusted cars in yards
• THANKS, BUT NO THANKS and other eyesores.Three lawsuits
.. FOR THE SUGGESTION. have been filed by cited landown-
First,Winter Springs Mayor Phil ers, challenging the board's au-
Kulbes suggested that city Com- thority. Some board members are
missioner Terri Donnelly be elect- miffed by a county proposal to set
ed deputy mayor. Then he added up instant citations that would by- / 9 9 /
that commissioners were expected Pass the gang of seven.And when
to follow his suggestion. Instead, two meetings were scratched for
commissioners last week unani- lack of a quorum, Streetman
mously elected Commissioner wrote board members to remind
John Langellotti to thsg.�one-year them that "your special effort to
position. Commissid,nr:; Cindy be in attendance at ... meetings
Koehler read aloud,the city will be very much appreciated."
charter, and said only'eommisi Jean Melts gets a gold star for at-
miners were allowed to-vote for a tending all but one meeting so far
deputy mayor. The mayor, she this year. Five others — Alnsley
added, had no say in who would Fry, Hugh Hailing, Jay Ammon,
take his place should he be absent Lynn Lawrence and Victor Eyal
or fail to complete his term. —have missed four or more.