HomeMy WebLinkAboutCassandra Wilding-1994 Driver tries to avoid car,
hits woman, 3 children
swerved to avoid another car Mon-
day evening and hit a Casselberry
woman and her three children as
they walked on a sidewalk along
State Road 434.
Casandra Wielding,8,was in criti-
cal condition late Monday at Arnold
Palmer Hospital for Children &
Women, a nursing supervisor said.
Her 3-month-old brother, Anthony,
was in serious condition. A third
child, whose name was not avail-
able,was not hurt,police said.
The children's mother, Sandra,
was treated at Orlando Regional
Medical Center and released.
The accident occured about 6:30
p.m. at State Road 434 and Belle
Avenue, police said. A 16-year-old
driver was eastbound when a car
pulled into his path from Belle Ave-
nue. Swerving to miss the car, the
teen drove onto the sidewalk. The
name of the driver was not released
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Services will be Friday
for Cassandra Wilding, 6
Funeral services willbeat3 p.m. the accident is still under investi-
Friday for Cassandra Wilding,the gation, and that no charges hav
6-year-old Winter Springs girl who been filed.
was struck and killed by an auto- The family donated
mobile Monday. Cassandra's organs, which were
Cassandra, her mother and removed in surgery Tuesday and
brothers were struck as they given toTranslife,an organ donor
walked from thir home on Helen concern.
Street along S.R.434 toward Win- The body was then taken to
ter Springs Elementary School, Woodlawn Cemetaryin Gotha,near
where Cassandra was to be hon- Winter Garden. Viewing will be
ored as student of the month. from noon to 3 p.m. Friday fol-
Cassandra was thrown into a lowed by services at 3.
drainage ditch and knocked un- The familycould notbe reached
conscious.Her mother,Sandy,and for information about the girl. It
brothers Andrew,8,and Anthony, was believed the school Parent-
3 months, were treated at an Or- Teacher Association may plan to
lando hospital and released Mon- establish afund to help the family
day night. withfuneral and medical expenses.
Police said the accident oc- The principal of Winter Springs
curred when an auto driven by a Elementary was said robe contem-
16-year-old Winter Springs boy plating a memorial service.
swerved onto the sidewalk to avoid Cassandra is survived by her
hitting a car that had pulled out in mothel,brothers and a sister,Sa-
front of him. rah,age 4.Her father is deceased.
Police did not identify the teen- A school employee said she
ager who struck the family or the liked to roller skate and ride her
driver of the other car,a 47-year- bicycle.
old DeLand woman. She was a member of Starlight
Winter Springs Police Capt. Baptist Church.
Glenn Tollison said Wednesday
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