HomeMy WebLinkAboutObituaries-1996/1997 Area Deaths • Ellen Gardner Rogers, 48 Ellen Gardner Rogers of Winter Springs died on April 14.Mrs. Rogers Was a homemaker Born in Charlottesville,Virginia,she moved to Central Florida in 1989.She was a volunteer for abused children and a guardian ad litem for Seminole County. She is survived by her hus- band,Ralph V Rogers of Winter Springs;son,John P.Williamson,Jr., of Columbia,Maryland;daughters,E.Ashley Williamson and Sarah S. Rogers of Winter Springs;and brother Raymond Homer Gardner Jr.of Waynesboro,Mrginia.Funeral arrangements were by Baldwin Fairchild Funeral Home. Dorothy C. Kline, 85 Dorothy C. Kline of Sleeping Rock Ct., Winter Springs,died on April 10, 19%. She was a homemaker. Borne in Genoa,Illinois,she moved to Central Florida in 1994.She was aProtestant.She is survived I by her son,James W.Kline of Ogema,Wisconsin;daughters Patricia Leffelman of Kingston,Illinois,and Carol L Pfister of Wmter Springs; sister Marjorie C.Pfeiffer of Peoria,Illinois;five grandchildren and one great grandchild.Funeral arrangements were by Baldwin-Fairchild Fu- neral Home. CSTA.receives national grant The Cross Seminole Trails Alliance(CSTA)received a national honor with a grant from The Conservation Fund's American Greenways Program in Arlington,W the$1,000 grant will help the Cross Seminole Trail project which connects the Little-Big Econ State Forest to the Spring Hammock Pre- serve along the south shore of Lake Jesup. "This greenway satll provide an important link in the Florida National Scenic Trail.Construction and rapid development are making this acquisition very important to our area,"said CSTA chairman Jeff Payne. CASTA will also be showcased as a national model for its innovative efforts to develop a greedway in Seminole county. The Cross Seminole Trails Alliance's award is one of53 the Conservation Fund grave this year.Funded by the DuPont corporation,the grants go up to $2500 to nonprofitorgan nations to help develop new action oriented greenway projects. "The Cross Seminole Trail and the Seminole County Greenway is recog- nized by the state as one of florida 20 ecological greenwayt Acquisition finding 9' o r has belie made available by the DEP office of Greenways and Trails. CSTA thanks the board of County Commissioners in Seminole county and the people of the region for their foresight as demonstrated in the Natural Lands Pro- gram.The areas protected through this program will benefit the quality of life of ourselves and our chitltren,"said Payne. rC SUNFLORIDA REALTY, INC. for all your real estate needs 365-8888 R - . 6 t Orlando 5/3.5 w/large bdrms, Winter Pad(42wlgameroom, Area Deaths family room w/fpl, bonus suite family room w/fpl,pool&tennis A morel$277,900 courts.$225,000 Austin Cody Crooke, 23 months —�- �r �v' : ,re;,d AostinCodyCrodce,23months,ofPaoameRaad,µ5n- $ ' ..� In Springs,diedMondayApril22in South SemmoleHapi- tai,Longwood. Ban in Altamonte Springs,he is gavivedby his mather *....v and father,Dan and Satan Crooke,and a sister,Ashley.Also -. M <' a surviving ammataml grandfather,Ron Giu&nof Eustis,and Christmas Country estate on Oviedo 3/2 w/fenced yard, paternal grandparents, John and Evelyn Crooke of Winter 2.5 aces.4/2,fpl,porch.Horses screen porch,fpl,formal dining Springs,and great g andmother Grace Oiradin of Meriden, okay.$109,900 room.$100,000 Conn. and Great Grandparents Hab and Ann Brown of Defand Amogrments were by fames Carey Hand Garcia Chapel r Funeral Home,Longwood. I. Chuluota 2 bdrm w/fenced yard, Winter Springs 3/2 on large lot. scm porch, FL room d more. Great room w/fpl,screen ponce. Great starter!$53,000 $85,000 1399 W. Broadway, Oviedo, FL 32765 Q6 0 c0 A HAROLD R.McBIRNf T,88.Northern Way, Winter Springs. died Saturday, June 8. Mr. McBimey was a chief engi- neer for the Weather Bureau. Born In Boise, Idaho, he moved to CeatralFlor- ide In 1983. He was Presbyterian. He was a member of Central Florida DX As- sociation, Lae Mawr Radio Society, International Ma t Maweai and Orlando Pe t Rana son. Thomas said. Md.; daughter. Marcia Saul, MOM J s; Children.lMr r Perk F j Home. d 96 6 6 // d a t oi� _ Oii4ii 'nn i tti+ 0e. ♦ ..114+1, ,•�.1. n : ..r1 :1J • =411w ' ;". : 1 .. 5 Area Deaths Karen Marie Liberate, 51 . Kmm Marie Libaato of Twelve Oaks Dr.,Winter Spthlga 040 Sat- urdq July6.She was 51 yearn old Mn.Lihamowas an eve aasistam.Bent in Quincy.lltimie,dm mud lo Cad alFSidaia1987. 96 0 7/f She was a member of Northland Community Chin*blbOa wrvivedbyhahmbaod,Frfl:dat a. Tina*Key l!dtS ...;: (Orlando);hapumy,Via and orandElsieMU _ Y brother,Norman Bdlansd(Orlando);and sin.Saodq (Pottage,Wiaomdn).Anal arrangements net/Faoibi at Area deaths Alice E. McKinney Atka.McKinney of Bear Creek Como Winter springs,died August 28, 1996.She was 89years old. Md.McKinney was a homemaker.Born in Phila- delphia,Pennsylvania,she moved to Central Florida in 1983.She was a mem- ber of St Stephan Catholic Chords Mrs McKinney is survived by herdaugh- ter, Margaret Brown of Winter Springs, two grandchildren and two gralprdcb8dren.Racal amngemerm are byFamily Funeral Cate ofOviedo. Area deaths William A. Wilkinson Sr. William A.Wilkinson Sr.of White Dove Dr.,Winter spring,diedTues- day,September 10.Mr.Wilkinson was a atired liaztcnani colonel of from the US Air Force.He was in the service fir 30 years.Born in Liberty,Katadry,he moved to Central Florida in 1986.A member of the protestant faith,he was active in the WimcSprings VFW,a member ofthe Retired Officer'sAsoaa- don,a memberofMAUS,and a member of the Air Force Association. He was a veteran of World War II(Pacific Theatre)and the Vietnam War. Mr. Wilkinson is arrived by his wife,Jessamine Farley Wilkinson of Winter Springs;son William A.Jr of Altamonte Spring;daughters Elizabeth of Alpharetta,Georgia,aod Catherine of Altamonte Sprisgt and sister Catherine Wilkinson of CotümM.,OE."and one grandchild. Funeral artmgemeon vein by Family Funeral Care of Oviedo. Q6o9 /9 Obituaries JOHN A BAKER, 68, Ponce De Leon Drive,Winter Sprigs ded Tuesday, Apd 1. M. Baker cues a reed schoolteacher, DeW us�i De m MiddleSdwd, SyacuseN.Y. Ban in Leominster, Mass., he moved to Central FICSa in 1967. He was Urilppe��da��n66. founder die unaa. Joan E.; an yve G.,Syracuse, De,JOen E.; sore, David G., her, RK.. Dent S., Winter Springs; brother. R.K, Chelsea, Maine;one grandson.Ganes Carry Hand Garden Chapel Funeral Home,Longwood. JOHN A. BAKER, 66, Ponce De Leon Drive,Winter Springs, died Tues- day, April 1. Mr. Baker was a retired schoolteacher, counselor and adminis- trator for Jamesville v o t in Mid School, Syracuse, Leo- minster, Mass., he moved to Central Florida in found r 7. He was s Is ncra v an useum, ARE an rmy veteran. survivors: wife. Joan E.; sons, David G., Syracuse, 'Daryl S., Winter Springs; brother, R. Kenney, Chelsea, Maine; one grand- son.Gaines Carey Hand Garden Garden Chap- el Funetal Home,Longwood. 97oyoi ` Hat' Hattaway started work with land in youth By Jerry Jackson founded Hattaway Realty Inc.in 1969, just before the Central OF THE SENTINEL STAFF Florida real estate boom began with the arrival of Walt Disney James R. "Hat" Hattaway, a World in 1971. veteran real estate developer He bought about 200 acres of and longtime civic leader in land in what would become the Seminole County, died Friday town of Winter Springs and de- after a brief battle with cancer. veloped the North Orlando He was 76. Ranches subdivision. Born in Mil- vo.usi f + Another major project ligan, a small v Hattaway launched in the 1980s town in the °"!' was the Big Tree Crossing in- Panhandle, oa a dustrial park in Longwood, H at t away *`e ki C which is still being developed. came to 4 "He was active and involved sparsely set- and making decisions on invest- tled Seminole r ments right to the end, even in County as a �� the last few days," said Mike youngster Hattaway, former Seminole with his par- County Commission chairman. ents, L.G and HattawaY The senior Hattaway was diag- Annie Hattaway,in 1928. nosed with lung cancer in The Hattaways were pioneer March and died at Florida Hos- foliage farmers in Central for- pital Altamonte. ida. In addition to his business in- "I suspect my dad developed a terests, Hattaway followed in love for the land because of the family tradition of being ac- that," said Mike Hattaway of tive in local government. Winter Springs. "The family was He served on the Casselberry raised on the shores of Lake City Commission in the 1940s Orients where they grew ferns and was one of the early mem- and foliage.The land was always bers of the code enforcement very much a driving force in his boards of Winter Springs and life." Seminole County in the early Hattaway served in the Army 1980s. Air Corps during World War II A nephew, Bob Hattaway, is and trained to pilot a glider be- chairman of the Greater Orlando hind enemy lines just before the Aviation Authority program was ended. In addition to his son, I When his tour of duty ended Hattaway is survived by his before the war was over, wife, Terri; brother Tally of Hattaway re-enlisted for a four- Longwood; sisters Corene An- year hitch in the Navy. drews of Orlando and Vivian Da- After the war, Hattaway re- vid of Chuluota; and one grand- turned to Seminole County and son. tried his hand at a number of Memorial services will be held jobs before he found his niche at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the Bald- in real estate sales and develop- win-Fairchild Funeral Home, ment. 994 E. Altamonte Drive, in Alta- Hattaway and his son, Mike, monte Springs. � � 0 76) / Winter Springs readies for radio tower, despite PrimeCo request withdrawal BY LINDA HUMPHREY The Winter Springs City commission voted Monday to execute an Interlocal Utility Construction Agreement with Seminole County for the installation of water mains,reclaimed water mains,landscaping,and irrigation during the construction ofTuskawilla Road Phases III and IV. City Manager Ron McLemore told the commission that PrimeCo,Inc.,has withdrawn its request to place a communications tower within the city.However,this may again be brought before the commission at a later date.The staff will begin to prepare a draft of a Teleconunu- nications Ordinance in view of CALNO's request at its October 2 meeting that each city manager and county manager assign a planner to participate in a committee to meet with industry representatives in an effort to minimize tower locations in the city and county. A tower in Winter Springs would bring a higher quality service to residents owning cellular phones and pagers. Rental space on the tower could bring in$1,000 revenue monthly into the city. The commission voted 3-1 to pass a resolution supporting the City of Cassclberry's regulation of the consumption of alcoholic beverages in after hour night clubs.Commissioner John Ferring voted no.Objections were heard from residents in the audience as the commis- sion voted to support this resolution.Mayor Bush brought this to the commission following receipt of a letter to him from the mayor of Casselberry seeking support."The health,safety, and welfare of this city could be affected by people driving into Winter Springs between 2 and 7:00 am.,"Bush said. Christine L. Savage Christine L.Savage,25,of Howell Creek Drive,Winter Springs,died Fri- day,Nov. 1.Born in New York City,she had lived in Central Florida for 15 years. Miss Savage was a member of St. Stephen Catholic Church. She is survived by her father,Charles L.Savage,her mother,Linda Sav- age,and her sister,Marta Savage,of Winter Springs;her grandmother,Martha T.Jenkins,and her brother,Charles Savage,of Denver. Arrangements were by Banfield Funeral Home of Winter Springs. Charles G. Rafferty Charles G. Rafferty, 58, of Buttonwood Avenue, Winter Springs, died S / // O Monday October 14 at his residence. tP Mr.Rafferty was retired from the U.S.Navy. A native of Kansas,he had resided in Central Florida for 24 years.He was a Viet Nam War veteran. His survivors are:MaryAnn Bedell Raffety,wife;son Kevin of Orlando, Kenny of Casselberry, Kris of Lake Mary, Kreig of DeBary, and Kerry of Titusvi lie. Also surviving are his mother,Haley Hiatt of Tulsa,his brother Jerry Joe Raffety of Oklahoma City,his sisters,Bobby Jean McKay of Tulsa,and Mary Hiatt of Tulsa.He had seven grandchildren. Arrangements are by Banfield Funeral Home of Winter Springs.