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Central Winds Park opening
By Elaine Bennett Wagner's Curve on State Road 434 south
City officials had hoped the state De-
partment of Transportation would push
WINTER SPRINGS — Scoreboards are ahead its plans to widen and realign the
going up, but it probably will be summer road so motorists could safely make the
before children can circle the bases at the curve driving 45 mph. Motorists now
59-acre Central Winds Park in Winter must slow to 15 mph.
Springs. State planners,though, said they would
Commissioners had hoped to open the be unable to complete the project ahead
- park in February, but they have since of schedule because the agency had not
learned the gates will remain closed to yet obtained right of way for that portion
the public until June or July. of the road's expansion.
Planners blame the delay on problems DOT plans to spend about$4.77 million
with the park's entrance at the 90-degree to widen the two-lane S.R. 434 between
thrown a curve by roadwork
State Road 419 and Tuskawilla Road to lane
four lanes, starting in the spring of 1996. At the same time the road is being re-'
The project includes the realignment of designed, crews will be installing safe
the curve,which is located midway in the equipment, such as lights, bells and
stretch of highway. crossing arms at the CSX railroad tracks,
After learning DOT would be unable to which the park entrance road crosses.
complete the work early, city officials Both projects should be finished by
. agreed to spend about $120,000 to move June or July when the first phase of the,
the curve slightly southward, away from park's construction is completed.
the park's entrance, and to install turn Phase I includes fields for baseball,
lanes as recommended by DOT. softball and soccer, a playground, multi-
That realignment is expected to begin purpose field,bicycling and hiking paths,
later this month and should be completed picnic areas, restrooms, a concession
in about 60 days, according to Winter
Springs Planning Coordinator Don LeB- Please see PARK, K-4
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Attention is given to detail as workers work on a concession stand at Central Winds Park.
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road will delay - 1
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stand, scorekeeper's building, a ,`�. -
maintenance building and park- 1 - }, " t II ' '`' '.
Ong spaces. ,,„'
The entire park, which is ex- i ” I
pected to cost more than $4.8 mil- p r
lion, will include 380 parking }�♦ ' • " ` • �' :.. '==�'
spaces and an overflow parking 1 i
area fields for soccer, softball,Lit- 1 t t• 'I,� . > ..
tle League, Babe Ruth and T-ball; r , , 4, �.:
tennis, racquetball and volleyball " . `, ',. -
courts; basketball areas; a recrea- r ' . .,1'
tion center; observation deck; pa- ,"
vilions; amphitheater and per- 'Y '
forming arts stage; picnic areas; -N( *4, : . -'"r"
playground equipment; and shuf-
fleboard area. r+!,a
Also included in the design are
a boardwalk, fishing pavilion, hik- '1 - ..
ing path with exercise equipment
and a conservation area for four rt `
gopher tortoises living on the ;.
property. The city also hopes to °'9-4 #'
build a caretaker's home on the i`` J;-. '�.
park property. �.'.. s • EL ;NE BENNETT'SENTINEE4
The city has discussed putting Officials say it will probably be summer before the gates at the end
in ti all-purpose pool and thera- y
peutic pool. of this path leading to Central Winds Park will be open to the public.
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The new Central Winds Park remains closed while problems with the road are fixed.
Curve problems get straightened out
By Elaine Bennett The city of Winter Springs had When work is completed, motor-
OF THE SENTINEL STAFF hoped to complete the$120,000 re- ists should be able to handle the
alignment last month. curve safely at 35 mph. The proj-
Work on the road was stopped ect calls for reducing the curve to
WINTER SPRINGS—Problems after the city learned that Florida 11 degrees and moving it to the
at Wagner's Curve have been Power Corp. had installed utility south and farther from the park
straightened out, opening the poles in the same location as the entrance.
path for the realignment of the proposed new section of S.R. 434. During the realignment, crews
sharp turn on State Road 434. The utility has since moved those will add turn lanes into the park.
While the road is being re- poles. Work on the entrance to the park,
aligned, eastbound motorists will The city also learned that a tele- which is expected to be open by
use a temporary bypass road be- phone box, which handles 30,000 October. will start after the new
ing built south of the new section connections for customers of section of road is completed.
of State Road 434. Westbound traf- Southern Bell and is located in DOT plans to spend $4.77 mil-
fic will continue to use the exist- the path of the proposed new sec- lion to widen the two-lane S.R.434
Mg road during the realignment, tion of S.R. 434, could not be between State Road 419 and
Once work is completed in moved. Tuskawilla Road to four lanes,
about three weeks, the temporary The state Department of Trans- starting in the spring of 1996.
road will be removed and the ex- portation recently approved new At that time. DOT will tear up
isting road will be redesigned for designs for the realignment. the
the entrance to the 59-acre Central The 90-degree curve has re- the city and again�real realign the
Winds Park, which is being built quired motorists to slow to 15 mph curve so motorists can safely drive
at the curve's northern edge. to get around the sharp corner. the curve at 45 mph.