HomeMy WebLinkAboutSwimmer Mark Spitz-1991/1992 After 50 years he takes the plunge
Mark Spitz waited 20 years to - .,
make his swimming comeback.Jim 't -- , I
Conger has waited 50 years to make
his. Jim just recently won three
events in the Orlando Masters Invi- ,
tational, setting three team records
in the 70-74 year old age group. ,,. .,,
To meet the 71 year old Jim .h * .t."4-,-,".'..41:71`.•
Conger now you might not realize x a . ` ,
he was a powerhouse in the water 50 .•.,••**, `1::' y ry
years ago.The formerOhioan started
competing at age 10, in 1929. r '°1' t:- "•',:- .,
Throughout his youth,his specialty ` ^'y a '" 1•
was a 220 yard freestyle. When he ." g
graduated from high school in 1937, °�� , 1
he held all the titles in the state of 9.r.' t a'
Ohio for junior YMCA,high school, x
and AAU in the 220 yard freestyle. . - `` ���
Jim continued on his winning streak .•t, t'
in his years at the Naval Academy, ' �* .. ..- - .:
from 193841,setting Naval Mad- Swimmer Jim Conger, age 71.
emy records in the 220 yard frees- thousand swimmers compete na-
tyle twice,440 yard(now 400 yard) tionwide in local, regional and na-
freestyle and was the anchor on the tional competitions.
record breaking 440 yard freestyle Returning to the water after
relay.After graduation he hung up 50 years, Jim found not only have
his suit, never expecting to race the races evolved,but the suits have
again.Now,50 years later,Jim has changed as well. After putting on
recently returned to competition as his new competition suit Jim com-
a Masters Swimmer. mented. "If I would have worn this
Masters Swimm' g is an or- fifty years ago, I would have been
ganized nationwide sw
It pro- arrested."
gram for adult swim ers. Swim- For more information on
merscompetein theirown age group Masters Swimming call 363-1954
by five year intervals; the youngest orthe Orlando International Aquatic
is 19-24, the oldest is 95+. Thirty Center at 345-0417.
/ 95' / - 9,