HomeMy WebLinkAboutLocal Newsletter-1991/1996 Winter Springs plans ne ssietter
Non-partisan publication would be first of its kind
By Elaine Bennett
Meetings of the Winter Springs Civic Association
WINl'EA SPAINOS-A non-partisan community are open to the public. The next meeting is 7:$0
newsletter—the first of its kind in the city—is ex- p.m. Aug. 15 at the Winter Springs Civic Center oat
pected to be ready for delivery to 2,000 Winter Edgemon Avenue. Individuals may join the associ-
Springs residents by mid-July. ation for$5 a year. Businesses pay a$30 member-
Pubbshed by the non-profit Winter Springs Civic ship fee to the Winter.Springs Civic Association, .
Association,the newsletter is expected to be 12 to 16 P.O. Box 195330,Winter Springs,Fla.32719-5332.
pages with articles about coming events in the city.
It will also feature pictures and stories written by
City Manager Dick Rozansky and other department
supervisors about how city government functions. coming up at city meetings and how the city actuallY
John Ferring,president of the association and edi- works."
tor of the newsletter,said one page will be devoted to
event4 and articles of interest to elderly residents. The association, which is continuing a member-
Another page will feature events sponsored by the known for organizing the annual Christmas best tparade
association. and buying decorations. This year it plans to hold a
Ferring said the newsletter is similar to this one wn- memorial service and present a monument for mill-
ers' association newsletters, except that this one will
not include political viewpoints. tar veterans from the city.
The newsletter will be available to residents in ev- Association members also are working with the
ery part of the city,but until more money is available Winter Springs Central Winds Park Committee to
to pay for postage,the newsletters won't be mailed to raise money for playground equipment for the 59-
everyone. Ferring said past and present association acre superpark north of State Road 434 on the south-
members would be among the first recipients: ern shore of Lake Jesup. City Commissioner Cindy
"This is something we have wanted to do for quite Kaehler,who supervises the park committee for the
a long time," Ferring said. "Hopefully, through the city, said that a fund-raising sock hop for adults will
newsletter, we can notify residents about what is be held later this year.
9 / C
Winter Springs
newsletter mailed
By Elaine Bennett
WINTER SPRINGS — Copies of the second edi-
tion of The Winter Springs Bulletin'wer°e mailed last
week to more than 8400 homes,but not all*dents
will receive them. „ .
John Ferring, editor of the newsletter, said some
residents living in apartment complexes did not re-
ceive copies of the fall bulletin,
but they would be included on the
January mailing list.
.Felting, president of the Winter
Springs Civic Association, which e
publishes the quarterly newsletter,
said the city didn't have a co n-
plete mailing list when the 9,000
copies of the newsletter were
printed earlier this month.
After the copies were printed,
Ferring and city staff found a list
showing slightly more than 10,000 Farting
residences or about 2,000 more than city officials first
believed existed. The number of copies printed was
based on the city's estimate of residences.
For residents who did not receive a newsletter,
some extra copies are available at City Hall on State
Road 959. -
The newsletter was started this summer to provide
residents with information about news and current
events in the city.
In the most recent edition, residents are asked to
submit opinions on how yard trash should be collect-
ed in the city beginning Jan. L It also asks local
teen-agers to submit suggestions on what types of
recreational programs they would like to see devel-
According to Ferring, it cost more than $4,500 to
publish the fall newsletter, which included about
$3,100 in printing costs and$2,600 worth of advertis-
ing. The city has allocated $2,000 a quarter toward
printing costs,but it is reimbursed as more business-
es advertise in the bulletin.
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Winter Springs News ends
publication after 3 months
BY Mann Bunn
Matinee months of publication,The Mater Springs News publisher and editor George
Colombo announced he would ad the community newspaper effective immediately,doe to
politically-motivated anent
In a letter sat to the paper's advertisers and distributors,Colombo explained the rime
moan for the papa fielding was due to an attackmaim$"Vmious---.9-- -J,"par-
bialy,"a telephone campaign aimed at the papa's dvmtbas and disnibolm."
"This sort dampaia bag Made the Medthe paper would be one thing"Colombo
said. "Bat to drag in other businesses who eiywantd to support a community newspaper
was not something I was depend to see happen."
According toColombo,the harassment began following an opinion piece he wrote about
birkaing between commissioners John Faring and JohnLangefatl. Ata subsequent meet-
ing,Colombo said that,Witea approached after tic inethng flit an imuvkiiç Faring"lambed
otose personal atiedcthan had no right to snuclic him,"he said
Winter Springs Cannilaiceer John PuSg aid,'Mc Colombo is using thin allegations
as an excuse Tenhe pace not being a oadW Bneadly"
Colombo mince to mate that a letter from Seminole County Democratic Executive
Committee Whman Anthony Same"made it deer that thepapa'sadvatiaaeaddistribu-
tors were going to be targeted well into the foreseeable furore,"he said
Who Suarez wrote,"As to your newspaper pnsence ineMeblieh-
mme,we are making our mambas aware&your Was and ay store that carries it will be
targeted bear ."
Faring maimains that he has never taken action spinet the papa "All mydbcvaiawas
done at City Ha"he said.
Colombo denied allegations made by Suarez that the publication was"owned and oper-
ated by the Mayor[John Bush],aRepublum" Furthermore,Colombo rented Suarez's daim
theethe newspaper"poses as news at is in th an orpn of Mr.Bush's political argaoiatia."
The Winter Springs News published by Cmm m Sense Publication,was of ee,weekly
paper sewing the War Springs community.
While The Voice does ewer th5nta Springs newt Colo bomainWnsthat the
needs a hometown papa&their own. "Winter Springs needs a community papa. Ihdorm-
nmaly,though,ant individuals as.i 'with'individuals are obitsod with Wag alt that doesn't hsppaC be aid.
Ferring swan efforts for a hometown papa. "there is absolutely the need for a good
community newspaper,"he said.
Colombo agreed."It's the community that ado,particularly with in deeton coming
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