HomeMy WebLinkAboutTop Stories-1994 Readers' choice: Top 10 stories
Because of an editor's error, the readers' choices developer of malls across the country. Rouse wants
for the top 10 stories of 1994 were omitted from Sun- to bring a 1.2 million-square-foot shopping center
/ day's Seminole Extra. to the outskirts of Oviedo on a 90-acre parcel of for-
Readers thought Tropical Storm Gordon and the mer farmland. The proposal has touched off a
debate over casino gambling were equally 'moor- tense debate between Winter Springs and Oviedo.
tant stories for Seminole County in 1994. Those The cities are still discussing the issue, although
two stories received the same number of votes Winter Springs recently sued Oviedo over its plan
from those who responded. Readers' choices also to condemn an easement so a mall access road can
included other tie votes: be built.
1 and 2(tie): 6:The GreeneWay
Tropical Storm Gordon After many years of planning and months of de-
In mid-November, Tropical Storm Gordon lays,the final leg of the Central Florida GreeneWay
dumped huge amounts of rain on Seminole Coun- — from State Road 434 to U.S. Highway 17-92 in
ty, blocking roads and flooding houses. In the fol. Sanford, opened on May 7. The toll road gives
lowing weeks, the St. Johns River and Lake Mon. thousands of motorists a much quicker trip to
roe rose to the top of the sea wall, threatening points south.
downtown Sanford. The rainfall also caused two 7,8 and 9(tie): •
large sinkholes to open within miles of each other. Mandatory garbage service
Casino gambling The County Commission voted in the early hours
With its three pari-mutuelsites,Seminole county of May 11 to require homeowners in unincorporat-
became the focal point in Central Florida in the ca- ed areas to have garbage pickup. It was by far the
sino gambling debate.The county Commission and most contentious issue the commission dealt with
numerous other groups announced their opposi- this year.About 350 residents—most of whom op-
tion to gaming. Harrah's, the largest gaming corn- posed mandatory service — attended the public
parry in the world, unveiled a deal with the owner hearing that lasted more than seven hours. The
of the Orlando Seminole Jai-alai Fronton to open a program, which takes effect Sunday, affects about
casino there.But Proposition 8 was soundly defeat- 50,000 property owners.
ed by voters in November. Casselberry mayor arrested
3 and 4(tie): One-term Casselberry Mayor Joe Hillebrandt was •
Sheelah Ryan dies charged Sept. 12 with grand theft and using a com-
Sheelah Ryan,the Winter Springs woman who in Puter to steal $23,000 from the Sanford Auto Deal-
1988 became the winner of the largest single lot- ers Exchange. Hillebrandt, who had done consult-
tery prize in America, died on Sept. 24 of cancer at ing work for the business, denied the charges.He •
age 69. withdrew his bid for re-election shortly after he
The election was suspended from office by Gov.Lawton Chiles.
The primary and general elections brought a The Irish national soccer team
number of surprises. In September, diamond im- World Cup soccer games being played in Orlando
porter John Ostalkiewicz unseated state Sen. Gary in June and July brought Ireland's national team
Seigel,R-Longwood.County Commissioner Carlton to practice at Seminole County's crown jewel of
Henley lost the runoff to former Longwood mayor sports tourism: the Sports Training Complex at
Adrienne Perry. County Commissioner Larry Fur- Lake Sylvan Park.
long was ousted in the general election by former 10.USA Volleyball
political newcomer Win Adams. Directors of USA Volleyball announced in May
In Casselberry,a crowded field of mayoral candi- that Oviedo was one of three finalists, along with
dates and confusion at the polls almost led to a San Diego and Colorado Springs, Colo., to become
court challenge of the results. Bruce Pronovost the organization's national headquarters. The na-
won Seat 5 by three votes over Frank Schutte. But banal teams train in San Diego and have executive
51 residents did not get to vote in the city races be- offices in Colorado Springs. A decision is not ex-
cause they weren't given city ballots. After a re- pected until May.
count, Schutte and Mike Ruiz, who came in third, The city has pledged$1 million of its reserves to
decided not to protest the election. build a $3 million training site on State Road 419.
5:The Mall at Oviedo Crossing Another $1 million-would come from Seminole
In January,A Duda& Sons Inc.acknowledged it County. The city will try to get the rest from the
was negotiating with The Rouse Co., a well-known Legislature.
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Year in review:
The top stories of 1994
SheelahRyanof Winter Springs
dies at the age of69 from cancer.In
1988 Ryan won the largest lottery
jackpot ever to go to a single win- In February, Duda and Sons
ner. Inc.reach an agreement with The
Rouse Company to plan a 1.2 mil-
In February, Oviedo High lion square foot mall at Oviedo
Schoolmathteacher Greg Register Crossing.Burdines,Dillards,and
is named the SeminoleCounty 1995 C3ayfers department gores all corn-
Teacher of the Year.As a reward, mitto the project.The deal causes
in October he is given a new Sat- controversy between the cities of
urn 512 by Saturn of Orlando to Oviedo and Winter Springs over a
drive for a year. second mall access road.Eventu-
ally, Oviedo plans to annex the
In February, Oviedo High land for the mall.
School wrestler Brian Black wins
his secondstatetitle inthe Florida In November,the Oviedo High
Class AAAA 220.1b. division. School girls volleyball team wins
Throughout his senioryear he was regional and sectional titles be-
undefeated with a 32-0 record. fore losing to Northwestern in the
Former Oviedo Mayor David
Knickerbocker is accused of using
a city real estate deal for his per- state semifinals.
sonal gain.Astatehearingofficer
finds him guilty and recommends In November, Tropical Storm
that hebe fined$4,000 andbe pub- Gordon dumps several inches of
licly censured and reprimanded. rain on the Oviedo area,flooding
major roads including Mitchell
In June,Oviedo is named to the Hammock.
finalthree list for the U.S.Volley-
ball Association's new headquar- In December,Wal-Mart cancels
ters. The city pledges 1 million
dollars,about one third ofthe cost,
to bring the headquarter to Oviedo.
plans for a store in Oviedo,citing
Inluly,anew Target store opens poor earnings.The city had been
in Oviedo as part of the Oviedo B n a tentative agreement
Crossing. for about four months.
In December, 13 students and Mime,SCCunveils plans for a
several other individuals are campus in Oviedo.
charged with criminal activity and
arrested as a result of a six-month
undercover operation at Lake
Howell High School.
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