HomeMy WebLinkAboutHorse and Buggy-1997 Going buggy '• L . ..
carriages ;
to strut stuff s
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By Margaret M. Sloane
•The sport of carriage driving is rel 1
atively unknown to most of Central E . '1
Florida. iii` l '
Lawyer Grace Anne Glavin wants M
to change all that with Saturday's "''C;'.2^:
running of the Fox Cry Carriage
Classic. _... � _.- _
People from as far away as south ceNrsnwuurNeaW+mo aerrir�a
Georgia will come to the farm in Pride and joy. Grace Anne Glavin has been showing Notelet(' Don
Chuluota to re-create the golden era Dancer in carriage-driving competitions for the past few months.
of horse-drawn carriages and stylish-
ly clad drivers.The event is free and horse-drawn vehicle was heavy and and four-wheeled vehicles pulled by
open to the public beginning at 9 slow and used primarily for farming horses,ponies,mules and donkeys.
a.m. and transportation. As roads im- 'This will be an excellent introduc-
Nostalgic for the charm and ale- proved, the carriages became more lion to the sport for spectators and an
gance of carriage driving, horse and flamboyant and streamlined, with opportunity for local people who like
c e owners will ether horse keep adornments such as wrought-iron to drive their horses in competition
alive tradition end compete to brackets and headlamps. The wealthy but have not been able to attend the
see who best represents each period and those of social standing owned really big shows;'she said.
theme. elegant carriages driven by grooms. There also will be unusual events
Today, Prince Philip's enthusiasm such as a mule demonstrating the
According to The Encyclopedia of for carriage driving in England has graceful art of dressage (difficult
the Hone, the Egyptians and the sparked international interest for the steps and gaits)and miniature horses
Syrians rode the first chariots in sport. pulling tiny carts.
2500 B.C. The Chuluota event, a first in Cen-
In Horse and carriage owners will
America during the 1700s, the tral Florida,promises a variety of two- Please see HORSE, D-5