HomeMy WebLinkAboutResidential Efforts and Services-1991/1995 Winter Springs grows
tired of too-tall lawns
By Elaine Sennett Occasionally when a property
' owner can't be located immediate-
grrIfssitpq.Fit , Iy, city employees or.a private
;, L lawn maintenance goMpany are
WIIiT1 45PR IGS—Mikerript asked to mow the grass to'ehmi-
;awns are groaltitg lit nunber,but nate the eyesore:The owner,once
quicker punishment should help found then is aasskkeadd to reimburse
cut them down to size. the city or dumpaTiy for mowing
At least that is the hope of Win- costs.
ter Springs City Commissioner Residents found in violation of
Cindy Kaehler, who complained the city ordinance can face a fine
about several lawns in her neigh- of up to$250 for each day the vio-
borhood in Foxmoore where reel- lation continues. If a homeowner
dents allow the grass to:,grow doesn't pay the fine or reimburse
knee-or even waist-high:'" the city for mowing costs,the city
Koehler recently suggested the asks a judge to place a lien on the
city revise its code and require property.
property{owners to cut their grass.- Commissioner'John Langellotti
or reimburse the city or a lawn agreed that the city should be.
care company for mowing it for more strict. 'When,replace a lien
them more quickly than the city's on property,it mien hp 20 years
ordinance now requires. before we see thet,Mteley, Or, we
Currently, residents who don't might never get the Money,"Lan-
out their grew are issued a warn- gellotti said.
itg to do so. If they don't comply, City Attgrney:Frank Kruppen-
residents are Meant dadIbw to backer will review'state law to'de-
mow their lawn' • hefole terudne if a more restrictive otdi-
the cit delcpde a.*F Woe is available. He will report
winch gotta onge keyerrtevo his findings to the commission in
rponths. ;' July.
9/ 06 z7
Around towyl
Winter, Springs will
hear tax complaints,
Commission workshop is set for 7 P.m.
Monday to discuss claims by resid nts
in sonie neighborhoods that they are
tieing taxed twice to maintain
streetlights on private roads.
Commissioners also will discuss the
status of the city's comprehensive plan Phone directories anu
that was returned to the city from the
state Department of Community cans to be recycled
Affairs for revisions.
The meeting will be at the municipal WINTER SPRINGS—Empty steel
building,1126 E.State Road 434. food cans and outdated telephone
directories can be placed in recycling
bins for curbside pickup in Winter
Industrial Waste Services will
continue the directory recycling
program through Jan.31.
Pickup of tin caps will continue until
further notice.Dispose of lids from
those cans with other household
garbage to prevent injury to those who
separate the recyclable trash,
4/ / , y
Winter Springs to test
market for bus service COMMUNITY NOTES
❑A survey in the next and mailed to all residents in mid- Winter Springs asks
Jute. The survey is being mailed
city newsletter will ask early enough to give commission- who changed" ZOning
residents if they want the as time to study whether money WINTER SPRINGS—City
service. If so, leaders will should be included in the 1993-94 commissioners want the staff to
budget to help fund the bus set- determine who authorized high-
decide whether to add if vice. density zoning in the Ranenlands
to next year's ud et. community,where home sitesare
Y F, Kaehler said the survey also will
give Lynx ridership:and destine- mostly an acre m mo .
Irquesti n t homeowners ww while
By Elaine Bennett lion information is for it needs to ride the esting a tilts week ufiop.
mate costs for residents to ride protesting ehomes developer's acre on to
OF THE SENTINEL STAFF the bus. build up to five hom an acre on 80
Some riders, she said, might aces within 1141/2-acre site in
WINTER SPRINGS—A survey only want to ride to City Hall or their neighborhoods.
in the upcoming summer edition another part of the city. Others Ranchland%residents packed the
of The Winter Springs Bulletin might want to travel to the Uni- communion chamber;,protesting
will ask residents if they want the versity of Central Florida, Semi-
that development plena.They argue
city to provide bus service. nole Community College, local li- that the property ty valu will
The surveys will help city com- braries, Orlando and Central Flo.- demerit the chary� end
missioners decide if a Lynx shut- Ida tourist attractions or malls. destroy igh oitiaets. of their rustic,
tie or regional bus service is war- "At this point, we don't know rn"wne we look&ti
"W-see an bokdriour door,we
ranted and if the city should even if a bus service is warrant- dory-see .slid-
budget money to help subsidize ed,' Kaehler said I Pat Mosley, sae horse
the transportation system. If bus service is needed, she farm next to WM proposed.
Winter Springs Commissioner said, "the residents should realize development"And,when ads
Cindy Kaehler recommended the that it is not a free ride.It will cost dmkk nittt$ flthgM1�Y' thfe
survey be included in the city the city to subsidize a bus service de"eldpment�g— �kIC
newsletter that will be published if the expenditure is warranted." no lorasr w°
wildlife is the SOS most
of us built there hegllid.
'cot ' eamd corny,but
that'gwbv t'a're there,"
c(�Plainer Greg Kama said
the`C(ty's prehensive plan
wstp t
ty. . said th6ylstleverrido s
tzoning s+bil*nail:,.
for , more than voltan acre
on the property east of Maher
Road,south of Panama Road and
west of a power easement.
Residents and members of the
cityisPlanning and Zoning
Commission have questioned the
/] �/ legitimacy of the comprehensive
3 e / D f I plan,saving they were never
notified s wep�asy increase is the Itssiehlands
1 the duringd pp pkr 'c bearing!an the plan.
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Don Boyett
I am also heartened, naturally,
An opportunity that included in the planning
will be landscaping. If it's im-
portant, for obvious reasons, to
for Winter Springs have a neatly landscaped yard at
home,is it not equally important
Nice touch: Winter Springs for the city to care about its own
citizens are being invited to front-door appearance?
put in their 2 cents as to If you live in Winter Springs
how the city's main drag — State and give a hang about your
Road 434 — should look. That's a city's future, plan to be there at
nice touch.If some sort of consen- least part of the day.The session
sus can come from a daylong plan- runs from 9 a.m.to 7 p.m.
ring seminar, the resulting plan y y y
ought to be easier to make into a
It's also nice to see the plan-
ning day on a Saturday — May
20 at the senior center on Edge-
mon.At least it's not when most
people are at work, or an eve-
ning when they might be tired
or set to watch some special pro-
Getting a handle on this street
is long overdue. It's always been
a drab, nondescript street, hard-
ly fitting for a city of that size
and one having such great resi-
dential neighborhoods.
With the new high school go-
ing up on the west end and the
highway soon to be widened on
the east,more commercial devel-
opment is bound to follow.
What's really nice is that City ^�0 1/
Hall is taking the nontypical q
Seminole approach by thinking
about how development can look
before it starts.
Help plan city's future,
Winter Springs residents Harassing calls
• Cory Lane. 9:50 p.m. May 9. A
Winter Springs had its The planning comes at a woman reported that she received a
beginnings as a bed- logical time. The county's threatening phone cell at her home.
room community. Its newest high school is going up Auto tlNltaleyrgl duS
purpose was intentional — an on the west edge of the busi- • gale Avenue,1200 MO&bet een
affordable residential area for ness district, near a huge park B p.m. May 5 and 405 an. May B.
families of servicemen at the completed just last year. The
old Sanford Naval Air Station. highway, which is four lanes Someone broke into • motor home
Through the years that role on the west end, will soon be Parked at a salt-storage business and
four lanes on the east end, too. took a television valued at$180.a radar
tlsaterdtonly slightly,tly, shifting ng Rapid commercial develop- lantern valued at Sea o and a camping
people working pri- ment will no doubt follow.
manly in Orange County, and noon May nd 11:45 block,. May e�
including large communities Several years ago,Altamonte Someone broke Into a car parked at a
orupscale homes. Only in re- Springs took a bold step by de- house and took $3235 worth of items
cent years has there been a fining its downtown and set- from n.
concern for the town's lack of ting strict development codes
commercial development and for it. The city even went so far
thp juicier tax base that brings. as to run the entire area
As a result, the town's main through a development-of-re-
stfeet — State Road 434 — de- gional-impact process, which
veloped into a long row of strip means future traffic and other
shopping centers. There is needs already are known and
nothing tying the commercial are being addressed.
area together — no sense of Like Winter Springs and
"downtown." Even City Hall, most other cities, Altamonte
on that very street, sits away once suffered from a lack of
from the business center, planning. Its main drag —
somewhat in the middle of a State Road 436 — was slashed
nowhere. with frequent curb openings
All that is about to change, and lined with low-rise stores
however. A plan is about to be that had too little parking.
molded for the commercial de- Already, the effects of the
velopment of this "main drag."
city's bold planning are start-
Commendably, the city is ask-
ing residents to step up and ing to show. Down the road,
give their opinion of what they Casselberry is in the initial
would like it to be. The day- stages of a similar step.
long planning seminar is Sat- Most Seminole cities are
urday and-is an opportunity showing the strains from a
that ought not be passed up. decade of feverish growth q f a 5 iy
Fred Goodrow, the city's without the benefit of smart
planning consultant, says the planning.
seminar will cover everything Winter Springs' city officials
from what sort of landscaping are to be commended, both for
will be required of businesses their foresight and for making
to what sort of businesses this a citizen opportunity. The
ought to be allowed. He hopes opportunity will be at the city's
ideas from property owners, senior center, 400 N. Edgemon
residents,business owners and Ave., from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
community leaders will result Such convenience and time
in a consensus on what the leave little in the way of ex-
business district should look cuses for those who care about
like down the road. their city.
;45 /O - 6 -93
s backs off
-Ranchlands roads
The city will replace, see if they wanted the paved
the bridge on Moss Road, roads.
'I think we should concentrate on:
then survey residents drainage e and forget viing,
about keeping dirt roads. Eather this year, most Ranch-
lands homeowners told the city in
By Will Wellons a poll that they oppose paying ex--
orris SENTINEL STAFF / tra money to pave the communi-
ty's roads. However, the city did
not ask residents how they felt
WINTER SPRINGS — The city about the city paying the bill.
has backed off its plan to pave In its spending plan for the year
some key roads in the rustic that began Sunday, the city put
Ranchlands corn- aside $1.2 million
munity in the next IL to pave portions of
year. -Moss, Hayes and
Many oftheresi- Panama roads.
dents of the south- The residents The city also
west Winter planted to replace
Springs rommuni- should have been the bridge on
ty pride them- Moss Road.
selves on their dirt asked before part of Utility director
streets and spa- this unique Comma- KiP Lockcuff sug-
cious yards. gested the work to
"Why the sud- nity was covered in cut road mainte-
den rush?" asked asphalt- nance and solve
Carl Stephens, a flooding problems.
representatives of —Cart Stephens The money for-
the Ranchlands. — the road work:
"The residents would come from-
should have been asked before fees paid by developers to offset
part of this unique community the effects of development on city
was covered in asphalt." roads.
After Stephens'comments,tom- Commissioners did approve re-
missioners decided last week to placing the Moss Road bridge..
put off much of the road work un- They asked the city manager.to
til the city surveys residents to, study the other work more closely.
93 io or