HomeMy WebLinkAboutCivic Group-1967/1968/1989/1991/1995 j ® Lead ; Recreation
Opens Tuesday
Vice President ME In Vi!Iaqe
N ae� BY Civic Recreation Orlando's Summer
ecreation .Program for child-
ren of all age groups opened
on Tuesday morning of this
association 1 week with the organization
II of a baton twirling class un-
By Doris Dean der the direction of Mrs. J.
The North Orlando Civic I D. Grinstead.
Association unanimously elect These classes will be con-
ed Mrs. Virginia Delvillaggio tinued each Tuesday morning
at the shuffleboard courts of
as vice president at the reg-
the Village Recreation Cen-
ular May meeting of the ter.
group held in the Civic Build- The opening session of the ,
ing. Glamour and Grooming;
Mrs. Delvillaggio, in addi- Course to be taught by Mrs. ,
tion to presiding in the ab- Pat .DeVillaggio will be held
ence of the president, will al- next Tuesday at 9:30 a. m.
o serve as membership chair- in the Community Building.
man. Weekly skating parties at
Mrs. Mallie Salter was nam- Melodee Skating Rink are
ed to assist Mrs. Jackie Til- scheduled for Thursday morn-
son on the telephone commit- ings with the youngsters
tee. meeting at the Recreation
In other business plans were M Center at 9 a. m. in order to
made for the association to Di be at the Rink by 9:30 a. m.
provide all community organ- stl Mrs. Art Rhodes, who is
izations with tickets to be Ch organizing transportation to
sold to raise funds for pur- of and from the Rink, said to-
chase of fireworks for the an- day that more volunteers are
ii nual Fourth of July Celebra- to needed to help in this phase
• tion. The association will R( of the program. Those who
sponsor the drinks concession ti- could provide transportation
and fish pond for the event, either way are asked to con-
It was reported that $6 d( tact her at her home.
profit was realized last month
from the Newsette, commun- H
ity publication which is spon-
sored by the association with Ul
_ Mrs. Beverly Krecek as edi- —
Announcement was made
of a trading stamps collec- Pi•
tion. Ct
Lowell Frasier was welcom- w<
ed as a new member bringing ri,
1 the active membership roster fe
'1 up to a total of 29 persons. H,
C. L. Hill
To Head
By Mary Ann Campbell
Civic Association„members
agreed to begin an inten-
sive membership dine. A
chairman, C. L. Hill was
appointed towhead the cam-
paign: Assisting Hill Will
be public relations chair-
man,"Raymond Ware.
The campaign will start
immediately with a news-
letter sent to each home,
outlining:What is hoped to
be '.accomplished for the
community. The newsletter
will be followed up with a
personal visit to all homes.
Discussion' of -a ppm-
munity Halloween patty
was tabled , members
agreeing any social event
should be postponed until
there are more members
and more funds. However,
members agreed to plan
spme event during the
Christmas season. -
Plans were made for the
association to sponsor a
door-to-door bake sale as
the first fund raising pro-
ject. The sale will be Sept.
16; beginning at 9 a.m. All
baked goods will be wel-
come.anyone who cares to
an/Shute may contact
ArgnSe a"arQw ,
Mr, and firs. George
Duquette, Mr: and Mrs.
Charles Kelley; Julian
Keller and Gordon O'Hara
joined the association,Mak-
ing a total tYiembership-of
2g. G70 9 t0
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Making Plans
New treasurer of North Orlando Mrs. Dick Longcore, over cup of coffee.
Civic Association George Drummosd (Staff Photo by Mary Ann Campbell)
discusses future plans with secretary
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Mayor Leanne Grove displays license plate. (John Horner photo)
Civic association
introduces plates
/By JOHN HORNER prehcnsive plan. These involved
CO respondrn1 parcels which had just been ap-
WINTER SPRINGS—The city proved for annexation into the ci-
I got its own license plate when ty after being presented by city
Mayor Leanne Grove received planner Jacqueline Koch on second
hers from Civic Association reading.
1 chairperson Rae Arter Monday After a public hearing, action
Civic group encouraging membership
By Oahe Bennett ation license plate. met with the Winter Springs Cen-
ornEaeaerisrrev;, The association is best known tral Winds Park Committee about
� for buying the city's Christmas raising money for playground
WINTER decorations and organizing the equipment for the 59-acre super-
,4 teem- annual Christmas parade. park north of State Road 434 on
Winter drive is to the The association this year hopes the southern shore of Lake Jesup.
Wince is Association,. to become more involved in the The public is invited to attend
lion. r rGarapi city by assisting in a veterans me- civic association meetings. The.
morial service to show the city has next meeting is 7:30 p.m.April 18
ring Association Prey' suppo participating in at the civic center a '4 t te.
,ring retivetyrma + Storm.Members Stumbles Park oft' q
profit or bbsh a newsletter n Join
organized xa'cited for ho , to make them for$5 Vic,,while also
membership,from.Several busi- aware t public meetings and a$30 membership fee to the Win-
nesses. More businesses will be events and to advertise businesses ter Springs Civic Association,P.O.
asked to join. Those that do will joining the association. Box 195332, Winter Springs, Fla.
receive a plaque and an associ- Recently, association members 32719-5332.
Winter Springs group prepares for fall
By Smay Bailey Lipton 900 N.Edgemon Ave:
Winter Springs
sar T e.COf reeeoaoerr • KIDS SAFETY DAY
ing the group may call Grace THE HUNTER SPBINGSS Pa-
The Winter Springs Civic Asso- Coax at(407)365-4220 for more in- lice Deptartment and Veterans
elation, an organization founded formation about the gathering. of Foreign Wars Post 5405 will
to•promote community involve- hold a children's safety day from
The Garden Club also an-
mint, will have its fall' meeting- pounces the August winner of its 10 am. to noon Saturday at the
7:30 p.m. Sept 15. On the agenda Yard of the Month designation. VFW post. Elementary school stu-
are networking, discussion of fall dents are invited to participate m
Eugene and Betty Erbes of 1227
events and final planning for the a bicycle obstacle course, have
holiday parade. The meeting will Cheetah epti were recognized for their bikes tested and registered
their exceptional lawn of St. Au-
be;at the Winter Springs Civic gustine grass trimmed with a van- •with the police department, and
Center, 400.N. Edgemon Ave. enjoy free hot dogs and hembun
Light refreshments will be served. sty of flowering plants. gars. Video fingerprinting.and
Q uestions?.Call Art Hoffman at • SENIOR POTLUCK drug awareness programs will also
(907)36548766. be available.The post is at 920 N.
SENIORS ARE Invited for pot- Edgemon Ave. For more inform.
▪ GARDENERS GATHER luck lunch, bridge and bingo at lion call(407)327-3151.
the Winter Springs Senior Center ,
THE TUSCAWILLA Pioneer at 1:30 p.m. Sept. 11. The event is Have an item for the Winter
Garden Club will kick off a new intended for people 55 and older. Springs column? Send it to Sandy
season with its annual Autumn There is no charge, but those at- Bailey Lipten, 124 N. Lost Lake
Membership Coffee and Plant Ex- tending should bring a dish to Lake, Cassetberty, 32707. You can
change at 10 am. Sept. 13 at a share. Beverages will be provided. also fax to (407) 695-6453, or call
member's residence. Tuscawilla To make a reservation, call (407) (407) 699-8963. Items should be re-
residents with an interest in join- 3274031 or drop by the -enter at ceived 10 days before publication.
Around town
Auto thefts/burglarles •
Qualifying begins today • Casa Park Circle, 1300 block,
for Winter Springs race 11:40 p.m.Aug.26. Someone entered a
car parked at a house and took a cellu-
lar phone valued at 6250,a beeper Val-
WINTER SPRINGS— ued at $69 and a convener valued at
Residents who want to help run $79.
the city have two weeks to step ■ Moree Loop, between 11:30 p.m.
forward. Aug. 28 and 7 a.m. Aug. 29. Someone
Qualifying begins today for the stole a car from an apartment complex.
three Winter Springs commission II Sarah Nicole Road, 10:15 p.m.
Aug. 27. Someone took the tag from a
seats and runs through Sept. 15. car parked at a house.
Seats held by John Torcaso, • Summerland Drive, 700 block,
John Langellotti and David 12:01 am. Aug. 26. Someone stole the
Mcleod are up for election. tag from a car parked at a house.
Commissioners serve a three-
year term and receive a monthly
reimbursement of$350 for
expenses.Candidates must be '/
residents of the city for at least one 9 Q Gt a
year and live in the district they /
Sharing center gets boost from
7: WINTER SPRINGS civic group
• Bane Avenue,1200 block,between By IC Robert May Winter Springs
12 P.m. May 27 and 3:38 p.m. May 28.
Someone broke into a business.Nothing
WES taken. Serving with her for two-year
• Chestnut Ridge, 200 block, be- The South Seminole Christian terms are Evelyn Carcara, vice
Mean 3 and 4:30 p.m. May 25. Some- Sharing Center received a boost president;Jack Bergman,treasur-
one stole a watch valued at$650 and a last week from the Winter Springs er, and Thelma Reddick, secre-
hoir of sunglasses valued at E50 from a Civic Association. tary. Elected to serve on the advi-
house. Robert Plazurro, association sory board are Bruce and Anna
• State Road 434, May 30ek, be- president, presented a check for Filsinger, Bill Shaw, Anna Mae
owes 12:30 two doormats 1 9.171 v lu 30. Some- P P
foe stole two doormats veluetl M E100 ter'tdrecto . The the cen- Evanek and emr Elizabeth Plante.
iromasrore. tar's director. The funds were The 275-member nonprofit or-
Auto thefts/burglaries raised May 13 at the association's ganization is open to persons age
chicken barbecue, with a cash 55 and older and pjpvides a vane-
• Dimmer Circle,500 block,between contribution from Service Amer- ty of activities, including bingo,
9:30 p.m.May 27 and 8:15 a.m.May 28. ica. card games, line dancing, social
Someone stole a garage door remote About 170 persons attended the luncheons and classes in painting
opener valued at$50 from an unlocked animal cookout,with Keith Gandy and crafts.
car parked at a house.
• Dunmor Grab GOO dock between serving as chef. Boy Scout Troop Membership is $2 for Winter
2 and 10 a.m. May 27. Someone stole 196 helped association members set Springs residents and $3 for non-
$125 from a wallet left in an unlocked up tables and serve food: residents. For more information,
car parked at a house. ■ NEW PRESIDENT visit the center at 400 N.Edgemon
Ave. or call Susie Coffman at
Criminal mischief/vandaliam THE WINTER Winter Springs (407)3271031.
• Dyson Drive,900 block,between 7 Senior Center has a new press-
p.m. May 26 and 4 a.m.May 27.Some- dent. She is Gladys Zahand, a ■ WITH HONORS
one discharged a fire extinguisher into member since 1987. Zahand took STUDENTS AT Winter Springs
two vehicles and a mailbox at a house, office last May after an election of Elementary School recently
causing an estimated$150 in damages. officers in April. earned honors in handwriting,
• Tanglewood Road.700 block,8:15
- reading and mathematics.
spri May e s and smashed landscape tour Justin Nordine, a second-grad-
lights heads catl four len0mated er, and Kara Sorrells, a fourth-
$200 in a house, causing an earmetetl
$20D in damages. Winter Springs to trap grader, received winners' riling
Battery stray balls at park cafes in a national handwriting
contest sponsored by Zoner-
• Forest Circle, 1000 block, 11:20 Bloser and Parker Pen.
p.m. May 28.A man hit another man in WINTER SPRINGS—Your Earning the award for most im-
the face during an argument. chances of being smacked by a foul proved reader in Seminole County
• Marcus Court, 1100 block, 3:35 ball at Central Wmds Park just off School District, first grade, was
a.m. May 30. A man was-charged with State Road 434 could soon be Danny Tynes. The award is soon-
hitting a woman during an argument. reduced. sored by Houghton Mifflin and
• U.S. Highway 17-92, 1100 block, the Seminole County Reading
10:30 p.m. May 25. A man punched an- City commissioners approved
other man in the face at a store durin g spending more than$16,930 to put a Council.
an argument. chain-link cove'over the fur The school's first-, second- and
-- third-place math "super stars"
Robbery also were announced. In order,
• Winter Springs Boulevard, 1 a.m. bleacher areas at the city's primary they are Jason Kwong, Amber
May 29.A man pulled a woman from her park. Marie Ramsey and Brandon Bon-
bike and took a radio headset valued at The-park has four fields arranged ham, first grade; Kendra Hayde,
$20. tike}wagon wheeL Recreation Katie Bordeaux and Paul Ander-
Director Don Wilson said fans son, second grade; Allen Sirizi,
/, r / watching one game can be hit by a Brittani Bonham and Lori Jene
J y ball coming in the other dirction. Brazier, third grade; Matthew
Several park patrons complained Guglielmello, Micki Nouriel and
to commissioners about getting Erie Randolph, fourth grade; and
�� Nicholas Emerson, Katie Lieffers
and Casey Drummond, fifth