HomeMy WebLinkAboutWinter Springs V.F.W.-1979/1994/1995 Thursday, June 14, 1979
Winter Springs VFW installs officers
WINTER SPRINGS-The years; and Nancy Booth, trustee for three years; surer; Nina Crouse, presi-
installation of offices patriotic instructor. and Ernie Hoeffier,trustee dent-elect District 18;
(1979-1980) of the Winter Installing officers includ- for two years. Joanne Bates, Chaplain-
Springs VFW Post No. ed District President InstaWng officers for the elect District 18; and Joan
5405 was held at the Cathy Howard, Installing Post included John Burns, Kloppenborg, Junior Vice-
Longwood VFW Pont, Secretary Terry Carson, - Jr., Vice Commander, president-elect District 18.
June 2, at 7 p.m. and Installing Conduct- Dept. of Florida; and Also present were John
Elected as new Auxil- teases Grace Zemejda and Officer of the Day Frank Burns, Junior Vice-Cont
iary officers were: Ester Evelyn Hart. O'Connel. mander, State of Florida;
Jacobs. president; Gladys Post officers (1979-80) Dignitaries present to Hanley Hart, District 18
Ramsey, senior vice presi- included Elbert Ramsey, observe the ceremonies - Commander; Herb Bates,
dent; Elaine Meares, commander; Bill Mayo, included Evelyn Hart. Junior Vice-commander-
junior vice president; senior vice commander; Dept. of Fla. State ' elect District 18; and Joe
Jerry-Ann Hoffman, tree- Elmer "Skip" Greene, Chaplain; Florence Wood. Kloppenborg, Surgeon-e-
surer;Mary Rowell,nacre- junior vice commander; ward, past Dept. of lect. District 18.
tary; Frieda Dysert, chap- Robert Dysert. chaplain; Maryland president; Cathy Some 140 post and
lain; Grace Mayo, trustee Charles Keith, quarter- Howard. District 18 presi- auxiliary members were on
for three years; Elaine master; Irving Sefierd, dent; Catherine Bessent,• hand to observe the event
Schraff,trustee; Catherine judge advocate; Paul State Soloist; Virginia and partake of the buffet
Bessent, trustee for two Ryan, adjuctant; Al Bell, Martin, District 18 Trea. dinner that followed.
Winter Springs has most closed cases, arrests. .
WINTER SPRINGS-Police Commissioner John `conditioners.
:Bennett reported that a call had been received from >-Not running from zone to'nee on''ba.kup assistance
Richard Presnell, Florida Department of Law -Amiens the officer advises he'needs help. ' '�
Enforcement,who stated that for the first quarter of the -Running radar in speed areas at peak traffic times.
While running radar, open car windows, doors, and cut
year the Winter Springs Police Department had the most
off engine and air conditioning.
cases closed, the most arrests, and best recovered
In some areas where problems occur, parking an
property rates in comparison with other Florida cities of anti
the same size. g the area
In other police news: -Officers who go out of the city to eat,meals can pick up
In an effort to reduce the sharp increase in gas food for others.
consumption due to more citizens complaints,and house - -Officers going to court, state attorney's office, or an
and business checks over the last few months, the police special assignments, must first get authorization from a
department has instituted shift supervisor or the Chief chief.
gas economy procedures. According to Police Chief Sohn Govoruhk, preliminary
New procedures include: P Y
-Adhering to speed reports find these procedures are working. More time is
g peed ng limits except in emergencies: needed to judge just how much of a saving will lie
-Whileon calls turning off the engine, radio and air realized, he said.
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VFW offers safety classes
Winter Springs V.F.W.Post 5405 and its Ladies Auxiliary,in
conjunction with the Winter Springs.Police Department,will hold
a safety-drug awareness program on Sept.3 at 10 a.m. in the post
home,420 N.Edgemon Ave.in Winter Springs.Students of Winter
Springs Elementary and Keeth Elementary are invited to bring their
bikes to be tested and registered. The police will provide video
fingerprinting,Lite-A-Bike Safety and drug awareness programs.
The participantswill be furnished hot dogs and hamburgers.For
more information call 327-3151.
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Gold Star
Mothers to
The Winter Springs VFW Post
5405 and it's Ladies Auxiliary
will be the host for the Gold Star
Mothers luncheon to be held at
420 N. Edgemon Ave. on Satur-
day, Sept. 17 at 2 p.m.This is an
annual program held by,District
18 (Orange and Seminole coun-
ties) to honor those parents who
lost a son in combat.
Also,the Winter Springs VFW
and the Ladies Auxiliaries will be
holding a CPR demonstration in
conjunction with Winter Springs
Fire Department on Monday,Sept.
19 at 7 p.m.at die post home.This
will be open to the public and
certification will not be given at
this demdhstration but will re-
turned at a later date. Instructor
can teach 13 at a time.
For further details,please con-
tact Jane Hall at 695-1824
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VFW post members will visit hospital
By K. Robert May Winter Springs by their teachers were Justin
OF THE soma STAFF Frazier, Jonathan Mielke, Sa-
be staged at 2 p.m. April 2 at the menthe Lutz, Helen Markward
Winter Springs VFW Post 5905 Winter Springs Senior Center,900 and Whitney Griffin, kindergar-
Winter nter auxiliary N. Edgemon Ave. For a $5 admis- ten; Marylee Ploof, Marilyn Roy,
m°hary are collecting sion, seniors can have lunch and Samantha Hooper,Brittany Hoff-
personal items for a trip to the see a collection of clothes from man and Joshia Sammons, first
Tampa Veterans Administration Resort Fashions of Florida They grade; Brenda Williams, Horace
Hospital Sunday. also can browse through color-co- Walfall, Brian Gilbert and Greg
Personal toiletries, cards, ordinated racks and try on outfits. Griffis,second grade;
games; puzzles and other items For reservations and details,can Jennifer Arias, Victoria Bas-
may be dropped off today and Fri- Susie Coffman at(407)327-4031. tian, Ashley Westfall, Tatiana
day at the post canteen,420 N.Ed- • STUDENTS ARE SUPER Gamarra, Amanda Goodwin,
gemon Ave. Additional informa-
tion BRAULIO SOSA, a fourth- third grade; Matthew Guyliel-
about the collection may be grader,is the"super student"for mello, Kyle Scribner, Justin
obtained by calling the post at Feb niary at Winter Springs Ele- Tyree and Chad Knight, fourth
While in Tampa,, post members mentary School. He and his par- grade; and Carlos Ramos, Jackie
ents will be guests of the South Griffis and Zackery Phillips, fifth
also will visit the Shriners members
dren's Hospital and leave a dons- Seminole Sertoma Club at a grade.
breakfast meeting March 23. Have some Winter Springs
lion of$2,000 that was raised dui- Super students selected by news? Let IC Robert May know.
ing a golf tournament Feb. 26 at grade were Lac Thai,first grade; Items should be mailed to 1210
the Orlando Naval Training Cen- ten; Katie Koffarnus, first grade; Swan St.,Winter Springs 32708,or
ter. David Fife, second grade; Ben faxed to (407)830-2459. Or you
• FASHION AND FOOD Lancer, third grade, and Sa- may call (407)695-8829 weekday
NEW DESIGNS and colon will menthe Haynie,fifth grade. mornings. Items are due 10 days
be featurpdat a fashion show to Named students of the month before publication.
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